HomeMy WebLinkAboutP&Z Minutes 1982-01-21 Regularr- I� MINUTES OF A REGULAR MEETING OF THE FRIENDSWOOD PLANNING AND ZONING COMMISSION Ja nu ary 21, 1982 The Friendswood Pl anning and Zoning Commission met in a Regular meeting on Thrusday, January 21, 1982, at 7:30 p.m. in the Council Chambers of City Ha ll. The following Commissioners were present. Leon Brown -Chairman Glen Cress Billy Glines Ken Hoppe Charles Beggs Richa rd Atcheson Councilwoman -Mary Brown With a quorum present, and with Torn Sheeran abse nt, the -following business was transacted: READING AND APPROVAL OF MINUTES -Minutes of a joint Pub lic Hearing on January 4� 1982, and Minutes of a Regul ar Meeting on January 7, 1982, were approved as read. Public Hearing was called mo or der. Mrs. Bludworth request for rez oning of 2.445 acres from R-1 to Specific Use. Mrs. Bludworth presented a two page paper stating the purpose of the request. It wiLl be cal led the ARC House. The Association of Retarded Citizens have been given th e use of a residence, rent free, located at 1214 F.M. 528. The proposal includes plans for an after school and 24 hou r care for retarded and handicapped persons. With no opposition the public hearing was closed. r-1 [ Ll Page 2 MOTION: (Atcheson) to recommend to Council the rezoning of 2.445 acres (1214 F.M. 528) from R-1 to Specific Use for the purpose of an after school care program for the retarded and handicapped persons. 24 hour ca re will also be gin as soon as licensing is received and nogotiations are completed for staff and programming. Second: (Glines) Vote: Unanimous FOR Mr. Hackney's request for rezoning of 150' by 100' of property out bf 10.000 acres from R-1 to R-6 for the placement of one mo bile home. Mr. Hackney submitted a drawing with the location of the mobile home. MOTION: (Beggs) to recommend to Council the rezoning of all that certain .344 acre tract of land to be rezoned to R-6, being a portion of lot 17 of the E. Hoidale Coffman, a subdivision of 200 acres of land out the B.B.B. and C.R/R Survey, abstract 46, Galveston County,Texas, said E. Hoidale Subdivision th ereofrecorded in Volume 238 on page 13 in theoffice of the County Clerk of said GalvestonCounty, Texas, and siad tract of J.Jand to berezoned to R-6 more particulary aescribe dby metes and bounds as follows: BEGINNING 400 feet N 45° E along the cente rline of said 40 street R.O.W. from the Northwest corner of the said Lot 17, being 400 feet N 45° E of the inters ection of the centerlineof a 60 foot street R.O .W. with the centerline of a 40 foot Street R.O.W. in the E .. Hoidale Subdivision: THENCE N 45° E along the centerline of said 40 foot street R.O.W. a distance of 100 feet to a point of corner; 0 0 THENCE S 44 37' 10" E. (map calls for S 4 5 E), a total of 150 feet to a point for corner, being the southeast corner of area to be rezoned ·eo R-6 ; THENCE 45° W, a total distance bf 10 0 feet to a point forcorner, being the Southwest corner of area to be rezoned to R-6; THENCE N 44° 37' 10" W, (map calls for ·N 45° W), a distanceof 150 feet to the P.O.B.; CONTAINING .344 acres of land, more or less. (.045 acres in R.O.W.) r-1 [ I u Page 3 the memainder is to remain R-1. Second: (Hop pe) Vote: Unanimous FOR Mrs. Louise Bacon rezoning of lots 68,69 and 70 located 703 Oak Drive from R-1 to R-4. Several people spoke in opposition ag ain as they had at the Pub lic Hearing on January 4, 1982. After a disc ussion the Commission decided to defer further discussion and decision until February 18, 1982. Mr. Hooks and Mr. Vogas submitted to the Commission information on Methods for Contr olling Peak Discharge from Urbanizing Areas and City Drainage Requireme nts. The Clear Creek Dr ainage Commission feels the need to contribute toward maintaining the current run-off rate so that the designs and work being performed on the Creek s will be effective. They also feel the need to have flood prote ction regulations whic h restrict run-off rate increases incorpor·ated in both the Subdivision Ordinance 210 and in the Flood Damage Prevention Ordinance 304. They would like to see the City of Friendsw ood do this and set an example in hopes the surr ounding cities will do the same. Mr. Michael Silveria -Sun Park-Mr. Silveria spoke to the Oommission on the possible rezoning of 12 lots (1 acre to 2 acre lots) to be rezoned to R-4 from R-1. Mr. Si lveria's only reaso n for the rezoning being the lots are not selling under R-1. The Commission at this time feels the lots should remain R-1. The meeting was adjourned. Ida/� Ruth P. Henry -Secretary j Page 4 . January 21, 1982 TO: FROM: DATE: SUBJECT: MEM ORANDUP. Mayor and Counc il Planning and Zoning Commi ssion Jan. 25, 1982 Rezoning -Mrs. Bludworth from R-1 to Soecific Use Mr. Hackney R-1 to R-6 In a regul ar meeting on Thursday, January 21, 1982 the Planning and Zoning Commission made the following recommended zoning changes. Mrs. Bludworth request for rezoning of 2.445 acres from R-1 to Specific Us e. The property is located at1214 F.M. 528 and will be used for 24 hour and afterschool care of retarded ci tizens. Mr. Hackney request for rez oning of 150' x 100' of property out of 10.000 acres from R-1 to R-6 for the placement of one mobile home, the rest to remain R-1. A drawing and the metes and bounds are attached to this memoran du m. I ' ' Page 5 N -11 X� +' J uary 21, 1982 Be31NNINj C 30 7'D I PRIVATL= RoAD -t,;+ K___! 1./0 0 (T-------+-� i.6-o' b0 I -+ ' \*. ', '\ . ' " ' 102, 2.' �" �o ,./ -,::--0 't. \ � I p I-..1.00 1 ----i I I V A I� A 0 \ A ..-e A oI; J-,,1 1'7 ,:;} Be Y?e 2e-tJed R-t., 7c1.3, J. ft xxt l '---GAT e ,cf_� 0 o a . a. +-,--------------"'"4 r' I LoT 17- E ! Ho10i1Lt CoFF11\l'iN 5u 801 VIS 10 N Li:61"\L o,sc.�,p,,or-/ r-n7,ic.!-:...:.d Sc.ALE /I I ,i ::- 1 . 0 0 -: r l I ll Page 6 . Januiry 21, 1982 * ,,. , AREA OF LOT 17 TO BE REZONED R-6 All that certain .344 Acre Tract of land to be rezoned.to R-6, being a portion o f L ot 17 of the E. Hoidale Coffman, a subdivision of 200 Acres of land o ut of the B.B.B. and C. R/R Survey, Abstract 46, Galveston Co unty, Texas, said E. Hoidale Subdivision thereof recorded in V o lume 238 o n page 13 in the office of the County Clerk of said Galveston Co unty, Texas, and said tract of land to be rezoned to R-6 more par ticularJy described by metes and b ounds as follows: BEGINNING 400 feet N 45 ° E along the centerline of said 40 foot street R.O.W. from the Northwest c o rner of said Lot 17, being 400 feet N 45o E of the intersection of the centerline of a 60 foo t street R.O.W. with the centerline of a 40 f oot street R.O.W. in the E. Hoidale Subdivision: THENCE N 45 ° E along the centerline o f said 40 foot street R.O.W, a distance of 100 feet to a point fo r corner; THENCE S 44° 37' 10" E, (map calls f or S 45o E), a total of 150 feet to a point f o r corner, being the Southeast corner of area to be re­z oned to R-6; THENCE 45 0 W, a total distance of 100 feet t o a point for corner, being the So uthwest corner of area t o be rezoned to R-6; THENCE N 44o 37 1 10" W., (map calls for N 45 0 W), a distance of 150 feet t o the P . 0. B • ; CONTAINING .344 Acres of land, more or less. (.045 acres in R.O.W.) I"