HomeMy WebLinkAboutP&Z Minutes 1982-02-04 Regular[ ' '- MINUTES OF A REGULAR MEETING OF THE FRI EN DSWOOD PLANNING AND ZONING COMMISSION February 4, 1982 The Friendswo od Planning and Zoning Commission met in a Regular meeting on Thursday, February 4, 1982, at 7:30 p.m. in the Counc il Chambers of City Hall. The fo llowing Commissioners were pr esent. Leon Brown -Chairma n Glen Cress Billy Glines Ken Hoppe Charles Beggs Richard Atcheson Tom Sheeran Co unc ilman -Mary Brown With a quorum pr esent, and with no ne absent, the following business was transa cted: READING AND APPROVAL OF MINUTES -Minutes of a Regular Meeting of Januray 21, 1982 approved as read. Charles Hooks and Jim Vogas from the Clear Creek Drainage Distri ct met with the Commission to discuss recommended changes �o Flood Damage Pr evention Ordinance No . 304 regarding runoff rate and CCDD Res ol ution No. 78. Mr. Floyd Yost from Brazoria Co unty Drainage #4 spoke to the Commission on wha t they were doing in Brazoria Co unty in reference to flooding problems. He sta ted several subdivisions in Pearland have retention po�ds and are reviewing �11 plits before approval by their Planning and Zoning Commission. Mr. Yost sta ted they have no written policy at this time on retention ponds. I L Page 2 The majority of the Commission feel tha t if the other cities do not adopt similar policies the revision of the Subdivision Or dinance 210. incorporating Ordinance 304 on Flood Damage Prevention would be of little or no benefit to Friendswood. If adopted, the Commission would like to see direct contact with the other cities telling them what Friendswood is doing, and asking their cooperation in doing simi lar regula ting. They also discussed a time limit on incorporating the regulations in our Ordinances and at tha t time if the other cities have not adopted regulati ons, removing them from our Subdivision Ordinance. MOTION: (Cress) To recommend to Council that Ordinance Second: (Sheeran) 21 0 Subdivision and(;Ord ina nce 304-·fJoo.d Damage Prevention be revised to provide controls in new developments so that the water runoff rate after development not exceed the runoff rate before de velopment. MO TION: (Glines) To amend mot ion to be recommended to Council that Ordinance 210 Subdivision Second: (Sheeran) and Ordinance 304 Flood Damage Prevention be revised to provide controls in new developments so that the water runoff rate after development not exceed the runoff rate before development; the time on the revision be only 36 months and if at the end of this time the other cities have not adopted similar policies, we revert ba ck to the original subdivision Ordinance 210. MOTION: (Hoppe) To amend the amendment to the motion to be,'.recommen ded to ,council with only 18 months instead of 36 months. Second: (Beggs) Vote: FOR: Brown, Hoppe and Beggs AGAINST: Cress, Glines, At cheson, and Sheeran VOTE: FOR: ON AMENDMEN T: Glines, Atcheson, Sheeran, Hoppe, Brown and Beggs AGAINST: Cress VOTE: FOR: Original Motion: UNANIMOUS AGAINST: NONE [-! ! l l Page 3 ·. \ I � ) i ' -� I •: ., ,t' Commission received two letters from City Manager, James C. Morgan re "setbac k Requirements on State Highways." He would like Planning and Zoning, prior to approval of any new subdivisio n or new business locations on any of the state highways or fa rm-to-market roads, to ascertain from the State Department of Highways and Transportation any further requirement for rights-of-way at the proposed location . Mr. Morgan sa id the staff will be happy to assi st the Commission in the soliciting of this information. He stated in his letter if this procedure is put into effect, future right-of-way costs which must be borne by the City could be eliminated or at least significantly reduc ed. Mr. Morgan's second letter in reference to Flood Prevention stated that the City has adopted a Flood Damage Prevention Ordinance to comply with the requirements established by the fe deral government in order to qualify residents for flood insurance. He attach ed for Commissions review a portion of the code which addresses flood damage prevention. "It would be appreciated if, in your review of any developer's subdivision plans you would direct the developer to the City's building official to obtain a devel opment permit." The City has never formally required a development permit as set forth in the ordinance. Mr. Hoppe pre sented to Commission some sam ple community su rvey form s he felt might be of interest to our Commission. He stated other cities had done such a survey and felt it very he lpfu l and informative. Commission would like them run off and studied for discussion. -Secreta l I @ily o/ Miendswood 109 WlllOWlCK-PHONE -482-3323 FRIENDSWOOD, TEXAS 77546 February 4, 1982 Friendswood Planning and Zoning Commission 109 Willowick Fri endswood, Texas 77546 Subject: Setback Requirements on State Highways It would be appreciated if;·prior to the approval of any new subdivision or new business locations on any of the state highways or farm-to-market roads, the Planning and Zoning Commission would ascertain from the State Department of Highways and Transportation any future requirements for rights-of-way at the proposed location. The City staff will be happy to assist you in the soliciting of this information if you desire. If the State Depar tment of Highways and Transportation is able to provide the information requested, then the Planning and Zoning Commission could work with developers of the sites in question to provide future necessary setback requirements to coincide with the future right-of-way location. If this procedure is put into effect, future right-of-way costs which must be borne by the City could be eliminated or at least signifi cantly red uced. If you have any questions concerning this proposal, please let me know. JCM/ksn Very truly yours, �//)7�--,---J a.mes C. Morgan City Manager