HomeMy WebLinkAboutP&Z Minutes 1983-10-20 Regularr ( u MINUTES OF A REGULAR MEETING OF THE FRIENDSWOOD PLANNING AND ZONING COMMISSION October 20, 1983 A Regular Meeting of the Friendswood Planning and Zoning Commission was held at the City Hall on Thursday, October 20, 1983, at 7:30 p.m. with the following members present. Cress -Chairman Hoppe Beggs Brown Jones Miller With a quorum present and with Vjcc absent, the following business was transacted. CASTLEWOOD & MILLS Mr. Rene Flores has 10 acres on l'.:stlewood and Mills he would like to su !:)divide for tow nQ!�1cs. 'l'he Commission advised Mr. Flores the property is presently zoned lc-1. They also told him Mills is an unimproved street and must be 1,rought up to City specifica.t.ions. FM 528 AND WINDSONG Mr. Scogen, representing the Chu1.:h of Christ, is considering the purchase of 2. 156 acres for the l->1trposc of building a church. They would like to request the rv·.oning of the property from R-1 to Specific Use. ThP. ·:ommission .1dvised them to file an application for rezoning. MHB 21. 97 ACRES -PRESEN'l'LY IN FH LENDSWOOD' S E'rJ MHB presented a plat of 21.97 ac1·,�s located on F.M. 2351 and Blackhawk. The purpose is to bui l.d 360 apartments. This property is presently in Friends\v,)od I s E"rJ. The Commission has concern over the extra traff i, · this would place on the already heavily traveled Blackhawl ,md would like to see ingress -egress onto F;M. 2351. f I ( I u Page 2 October 20, 1983 MHB MOTION: (JONES) To table until the next Planning and Zoning Commission meeting on November 3, 1983. This would allow time for a legal opinion from the City of Friendswood Attor ney. SECOND: (BROWN) VOTE: FOR Brown, Hoppe, Miller AGAINST Cress BEGGS:. (out of the room) and Jones MOTION CARRIED SEVEN ELEVEN -REVISED PLANS Seven Eleven presented its revised plans showing underground utilities, sign to remain in its existing location, 10' green space adjacent to Sun Meadow Blvd., 8' fence back of the store, a culvert along F.M. 528 the entire length of the property, one ingress-egress off of Sun Meadow Blvd. and to change the color of the roof shingles to a dark brown. MOTION: (Hoppe) To table until he has discussed with Mr. Gibson using a colonial style building instead of the present disign. SECOND: . (Beggs) VOTE: FOR Brown, Jones, Hoppe and Beggs AGAINST: Cress and Miller MOTION CARR!ED SAN JOAQUIN -REPLAT I AND II A replat of the frontage of the lots along the cul-de-sac of San Joaquin Drive were made larger, but the lots will remain the same size. MOTION: (CRESS) To give approval of the re�lat contingent on the City Eng ineer's approval. SECOND: (HOPPE) VOTE: FOR Cress, ABS'l'AINED Jones Hoppe, Beggs, Brown and Miller MOTION CARRIED ( ! LI Page 3 October 20, 1983 SAN JOAQUIN SECTION 4 AND 5 � FINAL -TOWNHOMES The plat was not received in time to meet the 72 hour posting required. The Commission reviewed the plat and requested copies be forwarded to the City Eng ineer, Pol ice Department, Fire, Clear Creek Drainage District and the Public Works Director. They requested the plat have a note indicating sidewalks would be used. DAVID O' FARRELL -· WHISPERING PINES AND DEEPWOOD A drawing of 4 lots on 3.4 acres was presented to the Com mission. Two lots will face Whispering Pines and two lots will .face Deepwood. Mr. O'Farrell will return to the October 27, 1983 ·meeting for pre-app approval. F.M. 518 -LUMBER YARD Jennifer Ford ad dressed the Commission on the reg ulations for the possibility of a lumber yard on F.M. 518. The property is presently zoned C-1. MR. WOOD -DIXIE FARM Mr. Wood's property is in our newely annexed area and he is considering selling a portion for the placement of a business. The Commission advised him he will need to sub-div ide to sell. PROPOSED CHANGES TO THE ZONING ORDINANCE The following items need to be changed and added. 1.change single family pool fence to 4' instead of 6'. 2.Landscaping plans be reviewed by the Planning andZ9ning Commission. 3.Address metal buildings. The meeting was .adjourned. /dti/�