HomeMy WebLinkAboutP&Z Minutes 1983-09-22 Special! l Ll MINUTES OF A SPECIAL MEETING OF THE FRIENDSWOOD PL ANNING AND ZONING COMMISSION September 22, 1983 A Special Meeting of the Friendswood Planning and Zoning Commission was held at the City Hall o� Thursday, Septe mber 22, 1983, at 7:30 p.m. with the following me mbers present. Cress -Chairman Hoppe Jones Beggs Brown Miller With a quorum present and with Vice absent, the following business was transacted. F.M. 518 (1/2 ACRE) OLD CRAZY HORSE A request to rezone a 1/2 acre tract from R-1 to C-1 for,t�e purpose of selling the property. The Commission feels since alL the­ad jacent property is zoned R-1 its best use would be to remain R-l. DR. DAWSON -MIRACLE MILE A pre-app of 55 acres was presented to the Planning and Zoning Commission. The request is for a density of 12 units per acre. The Commission advised Dr. Dawson this can not be done under our present Zoning Ordin�nce. The Commission is in the process of recommending to City Council some changes to the Zoning Ordinance which would allow for a Planned Unit Deplopment (PUD) which would allow for a deveJ.opment such as this. The Planning and Zoning Commission called a public hearing for Mrs. Whitmire for 4.6 acres on F.M. 2351 for October 17, 1983 . .. I J I l I i; l Page 2 September 22, 1983 The Planning and Zoning Commission set a schedule of dates.for the pur pose of changing the Zoning Ordinance. OCTOBER 6, 1983 COPY READY FOR REVIEW BY(THE PLANNING COMMISSIO N OCTOBER 7, 1983 COPY TO COUNCIL AND CITY ATTORNEY OCTOBER 13, 1983 WORK SHOP WITH CITY COUNCIL OCTOBER 20, 1983 REVISIONS FROM CO�NCIL OCTOBER 27, 1983 ORDINANCE TO BE TYPED AND SENT TO THE CITY ATTORNEY NOVEMBER 10, 1983 ORDINANCE. TO PL.ANNING COMMISSION FROM ATTORNEY NOVEMBER 19, 1983 PUBLIC HEARING TO BE CALLED DECEMBER 1, 1983 PUBLIC HEARING DECEMBER 1, 1983 VOTE ON RECOM MENDATION DECEMBER 5, 1983 1ST READING OF ORDINANCE DECEMBER 19, 1983 2ND READ ING OF ORDINANCE JANUARY 9, 1984 3RD AND FINAL READING OF ORDINANCE MINUTES FOR APPROVAL August 11, 1983 -approved as read August 25, 1983 approved as corrected September 1, 1983 -approved as read September 15, 1983 -approved as corrected Th e meeting was adjour ned. dtij!� Ruth P. Henry -Secretar