HomeMy WebLinkAboutP&Z Minutes 1983-01-06 Regular11 MINUTES OF A REGULAR MEET ING OF THE FRIENDSWOOD PLANNING AND ZONING COMMISSION January 6, 1983 A Regular Meeting of the Friend s wood Planning and Zoning Com mission was held at the City Hall on Thursday, January 6, 1983, at 7:30 p.m. with the following members present. Cress -Chai rman Hoppe Miller Beg gs Brown With a quorum present, and.with Sheeran and Glines absent, the following busines s was transa cted. UTILITY EAS EMENT -KENT BAL LARD Mr. Parker owner of lot 15, block 2, section 4 of Cowards Creek Subdivision is requesting the use of a 16 foot covered utility easement for positioning his house on his lot. The lot has a 30 foot drainage easement and a 16 foot utility easement. It is his understanding the utility easement is not currently in use, and further, that there is another recorded utility easemen t on the other side of the drainage easemen t. City Manager sent a copy of his recom mend ation letter to the Com mission (M&C 82-47). He feels it is not a good idea for the City to unc onditional ly release utility easements because of the potential future need of such easem ents. He believes the in te rests of the City would best be served if the pr operty owner would write a letter to the City and al l other utility co m panies re qu esting the use of the easement with the understanding that if any of the utility com pa nie s require th e us age of the eas ement, any cons truction, planting, etc., belonging to the ow ner of the lot would have to be replaced at the lot ow ner's expense with no liability on the part of the Ci ty or the utility com panies. Upon acceptance of his re quest by the City and the utility companies , the instrument should be recorded in the county deed re cords in order that any n I l L page 2 pu rchaser might be aware of said agre ement. The Commission tol d Mr. Ballard they need ed to se e who wou ld maintain the ditch and examine the possibility of use of the easement in the future and for him to ret urn to their next meeting. JOINT PUBLIC HEARING The purpose of the joint public hearing was to consider rezoning a parcel of land on West F.M. 2351 acress from Red Top from R-1 to R-3. M.rs. Whitmire, ow ner, was present but was represented by Mr. Haden, a real estate broker, who explained the rezoning request was for the sale of land to developers. He stated the developers wou ld accept the R-3 de nsi ty but would pre fer a higher de nsity than R�3 permits. David O'Brian, Buddy Ke lly, and Mr s. Cleaves, all of whom live near the property, were op posed to any multifamily housing. Th e public hearing was adjourned. WALDEN POND The Commission reviewed the plat stating they still needed approval from the Clear Creek Drainage District, and it must be reviewed by an engineer on behalf of the City. The Commission also told them they would like the parking spaces clearly marked with the dimensions shown and unit numbers. REZONING REQUEST The Commission received a request to rezone a lot located at 201 Magnolia from R-1 to R-2. The Commission requested the dimensions of the lot for complia nce with the density of R-2. The meeting was adjour ned . Ruth P. Henr y -Secretar