HomeMy WebLinkAboutP&Z Minutes 1983-03-31 Special11 l MINUTES OF A SPECIAL MEETING OF THE FRIENDSWOOD PLANNING AND ZONING COMMISSION March 31, 1983 A Spec ial Meeting of the Friendswood Planning and Zoning Commission was held at the City Hall on Thursday, March 31, 1983, at 8:0 0 p.m. with the following members present. Cress -Chairman Hoppe Beggs Brown Miller Vice With a quorum present, and with Billy Glines absent, the fo ll owing business was transacted. JOINT PUBLIC HEARING � Recency Estates Part of R-3 to R-1 (Now 9.7620)(Request 9,024) Part of C�l·to R-3 (Now 13.7312) (Request 7.79 3) The joint public hearirg was called to ord�r. ·Go�ncil and the Planning Commission discussed the pr•posed rezoning request and with no opposition the public hearing was closed Glen Cress,Chairman pr esented 5 letters written to the Council and City Manager,Jim Mo rgan for discussion and appro val to be fo rwa rded. Councii ( 3) City Manager ( 2) Lett er (1) Friendswood Industrial District MOTION: (Beggs) to forward to the City Manager with copies to Council. The City Manager to provide a map showing the boundaries of all properties within the district. SECOND: (Hoppe) VOTE: Unanimous FOR MOTION CARRIED [ 1 I !. Pa ge 2 March 31, 1983 Letter (2) Zoning Ma p MOTION: (Beggs) to forward to the City Manager with copies to the Mayor and Council on an updated Zoning Map. SECOND: (Miller) VOTE: Unanim ous FOR MOTION CARRIED PO LICY: The Chai rman and Vice Chairman are elec ted once a year for one year terms. Election is held in January. The leng th of time a pers on may serve as chairman or Vice Chairman is limited to two consecutive terms in the same position. In summary, a different Chairman and Vice Chairman will be elected next January. MOTION: (Mil ler) SECOND: (Brown) VOTE: Unanim ou s To adopt the above policy FOR MOTION CARRIED Letter (3) Planning and Zoning Policy on Elec tion of Chairman and Vice Chairman. MOTION: (Brown) to forward to M�yor and Council a letter clarifying the policy guide lines that have been adopted by the Planning and Zoning Commission. SECOND: (Miller) VOTE: Unan imous FOR MOTION CARRIED Leter (4) Policy Re garding Appointments to the Pl anning and Zoning Commission. MOTION: Brown) to fo rward to Mayor and Council the proposed procedures for filling a vacancy on the Planning and Zoning Commission as requested by Council. SECOND: (Beggs) VOTE: Unanim ous FOR MOTION CARRIED ( Page 3 Ma rch 31, 1983 Letter (5) Budget Update to Master Plan MOTION: (Ho ppe) to forward to the City Manager with copies to the Mayor and Council, a request for a dollar amoun t in next . years budget. The purpose of the amount will be for the preparation of a master plan for the future growth of the City. Included in this letter is a request for the City Manager to meet with the Pl an ning and Zoning Commission as soon as possible to discuss this fu ther . Following this meeting the Com missio n will submit a budgetary amount. SECOND: (Beggs) VO TE: Unanimous FOR MOTION CARRIED Copies of all correspondence will be forwarded to the City Secretary. The meeting was adjourned. ,Ju P.Henry -