HomeMy WebLinkAboutP&Z Minutes 1983-02-17 Regularri I I. MINUTES OF A REGULAR MEETING OF THE FRIENDSWOOD PLANNING AND ZON:ING ·coMMISSION February 17, 1983 A Regular Meeting of the Friendswood Pl anning and Zoning Commission was held at the City Ha11· on Thursday, February 17, 1983, at 8:00 p.m. wit h the following members prese nt. Cress -Cha irman Miller Brown Hoppe Beggs With a quorum present, and with Billy Glines absent, the following business was transacted. SERA PA RK Ted Bogren presented a pre app plat of the townhomes to be built off Winding Way and F.M. 528. The plat indicated the pla cement of each of the buildings with the entrance 1500' fr om Winding Way on F.M. 528. The Commission discussed th e possibility of moving the entrance further down F.M. 528 and decided to have the plat reviewed by the Police Department from a tra ffic and safety perspective. WA LDEN POND The final plat of Walden Pond to be built on F.M. 518 and Dunbar Drive was pres ented to the Commission. Walden Pond is 13 acres consist ing of 115 Units. MOTION: (Miller) to give final approval of Walden Pond. Second: (Cress) VOTE: FOR: Cress, Miller and Beggs AGAINST: Brown and Hoppe MOTION CARRIED I lI 11 Page 2 February 17, 1983 MINUTES FOR APPROVAL Minutes of January 20, 1983 -approved as read. SUNFIELD SUBDIVISION A memo from the Pub.Lie. Works Director: · The plat for the Sunfield Subdivision was approved and·recorded on December 8, 1978. The devel oper now wants to be gin construction. Sunfield Subdivision was approved with 1 1/2" asphalt concrete 7" flexib le base and 5% lime st abi lized subgrade. -The Pu blic Works Director is recommending the developer ofSunfield be required to const ruct a 6" co ncrete slab street.The Planning and Zoning Commission concurs with the PublicDirectors memo and would like it to be reflected in theminutes by a motion with a copy to him. MOTI ON: (Beggs) to concur with the Public Works Director's memo of February 16, 1983 in reference to Sunfield Subdivision SEC OND: (Hop pe) VOTE: Unanimous FOR The meeting was adjourned. MOTION CARRIED -/ttd I Je�uL, Ruth P. Henry -Secretary