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HomeMy WebLinkAboutP&Z Minutes 1984-06-07 Joint Public Hearing w/ City CouncilI I I I l MINUTE S OF A JOINT PUBLIC HE ARING FRIENDSWOOD PLANNING AND ZONING COMMISSION June 7, 1984 A joint public hearing of the Friendswood City Council and the Planning and Zoning Commission was held at the City Hall on Thursday, June 7, 1984, at 7:00 p.m. with the following members present. Jones -Vice Chairman Hoppe Cress Beggs Holt With a quorum present and with Brown and Miller absent, the following business was transacted. The public hearing was called to order at 7:00 p.m. Dr. Jones, Vice Chairman of the Planning and Zoning Commission addressed the audience explaining the purpose of the meeting and the proposed changes to the Zoning Ordinance. Several citizens addressed the group stating they felt the ordinance verbage needed to be simplified. The subject of the ordinance pertaining to non-conforming use was also questioned. The public hearing was adjourned at 7:45. Ruth P. Henry -Secretftry I' l: 1 · I I I Page 2 June 7, 1984 After a lengthy· discussion between the Cornmiss.i,on, Malcolm Collins and the Fire Marshal, Vance Riley, it was decided the 3 11 line would be changed to a 6 11 loop line. They were also advised 2 more parking spaces were needed. MOTION: (Hoppe) To 1 give preliminary approv�l on Walden Pond Section 4 contingent· on the following. SE�OND :. (Beggs) VOTE: Unanimous 1., Review by another engineer, Malcolm Collins the City Engineer being the engineer on this project. 2.Changing of the 3 1 1 line to 6" loopline. FOR MOTION CARRIED SU�SET AND F.M. 528 -SUBDIVIDING 1 A plat subdividing .5175 and · .3444 acres out of 7.7763 acres for the development of a strip center and a Stop N Go Store on the corner of Sunset and F.M. 528. ,I MOTION: (Holt) To give approval of .5175 and .3444 out of 7.7763 acres contingent on review by the City · Engineer and the signing of a milar ·for recording with the County. SECOND: (Cress) VOTE: Unanimous FOR FIELD CREEK FOREST MOTION CARRIED The Planning and Zoning Commission received a. memo from the Fire Marshal indicating the following items. . . 1.It is the desire of the.Fire M�rshal's Officethat all new subdivisions have one generaltheme and avoid duplicate sounding streetnames. The Fire Marshal found several streetsin this subdivision to have simi�ar soundingnames to already existing street na mes. ·.1 11 lJ "(." I Page 3 June 7, 1984 2.The Fire M�rshal also indicated the plat did notshow where the fire hydrants are to be located. The meeting was adjourned. Ruth P. Henry J ..,_ _________-·-- I