HomeMy WebLinkAboutP&Z Minutes 1986-06-19 RegularMINUTES OF A REGULAR MEETING OF THE FRIENDSWOOD PLANNING AND ZONING COMMISSION June 19, 1986 The Friendswood Planning and Zoning Commission held a regular meeting on Thursday, June 19, 1986, at 7:00 P.M. in the City Hall Council Chambers. The following Commissioners were present. Holt - Chairman Councilman Prihoda Beeth Beggs Baker Todd Cress Ballard With a quorum present and with none absent, the following business was transacted. CHIGOE CREEK PARK - PRELIMINARY Mr. Melcer presented a preliminary plat of Chigoe Creek Park being 7.3081 acres subdivided into 12 lots located on Green - briar and Buckingham. The plat shows a-20' road (not open) behind lots" 12,10,8,6,4 and 2. The following motion was made by the Planning and Zoning Commission. MOTION: (BEGGS) To recommend to City Council the abandonment of a dedication of right-of-way. SECOND: (CRESS) VOTE: UNANIMOUS FOR MOTION CARRIED MOTION: (CRESS) To give preliminary approval of Chigoe Creek Park contingent on the following: 1. Approval by CCDD 2. Compliance with the Engineers check list. SECOND: (TODD) VOTE: FOR UNANIMOUS MOTION CARRIED Page 2 June 19, 1986 PROPOSED AMENDMENT NO. 1 TO ORDINANCE NO. 84-15 THE ZONING ORDINANCE. The following motion was made. MOTION: (BAKER) To recommend to City Council approval of proposed amendment no. -I,. _The purpose of this amendment is to remove any distinction between portable and temporary signs with regard to grand openings and the permitted six weeks of use which is currently authorized. SECOND: (BEGGS) VOTE: FOR: Baker, Beeth, Beggs and Ballard AGAINST: Holt, Cress and Todd MOTION CARRIED REPLAT OF A PORTION OF LOT 6, BLOCK 4 FRIENDSWOOD SUBDIVISION A . replat of a portion of lot 6, block 4, Friendswood Subdivision located on F.M. 518 and Clearview was presented to the Planning and zoning Commission. The Commission received the following letter from Malcolm Collins City Engineer: Memo: HF-043 RE: Replat Portion Lot 6 We have reviewed the replat of a Portion of Lot 6, Block 4, Friendswood Subdivision and find the following items need revision: 1. The plat shows a right-of-way width just northeast of this area on Clearview of 55'+ or - Then the right-of-way jogs to a 55.1' width in front of the property being platted. This is inconsistent with our norman good planning procedures, and even though it shows a 10' utility easement along the front, I do not believe this is acceptable. Therefore, the plat should show a 10' dedication for street right-of-way along Clearview. This would change the side dimensions of the two tracts to 225.33', and likewise the acreage of each one. 2. The ordinance calls for a 20' radius at the property line intersection at Clearview and F.M. 518. I would be agreeable to suspending this with the 10' dedication and the fact that the street paving already exists, if the P&Z is so inclined. Page 3 June 19, 1986 After review of the site plan of lot 6 block 4 of the Friendswood Subdivision the Commission feels the streets of F.M. 518 and Clear - view have already been built and the improvements are in,so the following motion was made' MOTION: (BEETH) To gave final approval and recommendation to City Council on the site plan presented and not accep-ting the recommendation of the City Engineer, Malcolm Collins. A letter to be -written to the Mayor and City Council with copies to the City Manager and City Engineer concerning the improvements on F.M. 518 and Clearview alreaedy being in. SECOND:(BALLARD) VOTE: UNANIMOUS FOR MOTION CARRIED FINAL PLAT - LOT 6 BLOCK 4 FRIENDSWOOD SUBDIVISION MOTION: ( BALLARD) To grant final plat approval of Lot 6 Block 4 Friendswood Subdivision located on F.M. 518 and Clearview contingent on tract B showing a 30' building line and the signature of the City Engineer. SECOND: (BEETH) VOTE: UNANIMOUS FOR MOTION CARRIED COMMISSIONER TODD ABSTAINED FROM THE FOLLOWING DISCUSSION ON LEISURE WAY LEISURE WAY - MFR-L DEVELOPMENT Mr. Horn presented drawings of his proposed MFR-L development to be located on Leisure and Windingway. The proposed develop- ment shows the ingress -egress as a private street/drive to be maintained by the owner of the project. The owner proposes to build the street to City specifications. The Commission requested the following be complied with before plat approval. Page 4 June 19, 1986 1. Note on plat: No further subdividing of the property 2. Set backs shown at 20' - Ordinance requires 25' 3. Name of Subdivision to be changed - Shown as Leisure Way 4. Show existing pipelines and easements 5. Comply with Engineering check list - copy provided to the developer 6. Private Drive/Street - not to restrict the Fire, Police and Sanitation service vehicles. - The Developer has requested a Private Drive/Street 7. Owner of Development to be responsible for maintenance of Drive/Street 8. Construction drawings to be reviewed by the. Director of Public Works. 9. A letter to be filed with the City Manager on utilities and the intentions on the Drive/Street. To provide the City with specifications and testers meeting the City requirements on the Drive/Street. The Planning and Zoning Commission called the next regular meeting for July 2, 1986. July 3, 1986, conflicts with a City sponsored function. COMMISSIONER BALLARD ABSTAINED FROM THE FOLLOWING DISCUSSION OF FRIENDSWOOD RETIREMENT CENTER FRIENDSWOOD RETIREMENT CENTER Mr. Bogren presented drawings of the Friendswood Retirement Center to the Commission for review before the joint public hearing to be held July 7, 1986. The developers are to file construction drawings with the City for approval of the proposed development. A milar of the proposed development is to be filed with the City for recording in the County. The Commission recommended the custodial services be described. The constructions 'drawings are to be reviewed by the Director of Public Works. COUNCILMAN PRIHODA - PIPELINE ORDINANCE Councilman Prihoda referenced a letter the Commission received from Bill Jones giving examples of 11 cities who have no set back distance requirement for pipelines. Councilman Prihoda talked with City Attorney John Olson, who suggested Councilman Prihoda call Terry Cordoe of the Department of Transportation in Austin concerning the way they operate, Mr. Cordoe told Councilman Prihoda they allow .a na'tur_al _gas line to be 121.' from a structure : For new pipelines they require 50' from a private dwelling with one exception being if they can put the line 12" deeper in the ground the 50' is waviered. Mr. Cordoe told Councilman Prihoda 50' will not help one way or the other, that 10' would be sufficient. Page 5 June 19, 1986 Councilman Prihoda told the Commission he now feels more comfortable with the 10' set back after talking with Mr. Cordoe. He would like the Commissions opinion and recommendation. Commissioner Beggs left the meeting. MOTION: (BALLARD) The Planning and zoning Commission is recommending to City Council approval of proposed ordinance T86-7 providing the following: Given that the City can maintain adequate control over the issuance of excavation and building. in and around pipeline easements. The permit procedure will support accurate locations of pipe- lines and pipeline easements against known references (city maps). The above mentioned items would be the conditions under which the Commission would allow the relaxation of building a structure closer than 40' from SECOND: (BAKER) and parallel to the center line of a pipeline. VOTE: FOR: Ballard, Beeth, Baker, Todd and Cress OPPOSED Holt - Commissioner Holt feels the City should not incur upon themselves the additional responsibility for the situation that exists where the pipeline easements have been located and platted throughout the City with no danger of adding more pipelines. MOTION CARRIED A memo to be sent to the City Council with copies to the City Manager and the Director of Public Works. The meeting was adjourned. Ruth P.Henry - Secretary