HomeMy WebLinkAboutP&Z Minutes 1986-06-05 RegularMINUTES OF A REGULAR MEETING OF THE FRIENDSWOOD PLANNING AND ZONING COMMISSION June 5, 1986 The Friendswood Planning and Zoning Commission held a regular meeting on Thursday, June 5, 1986, at 7:00 p.m. in the City Hall Council Chambers. The following Commissioners were present. Baker - Vice Chairman Beggs Ballard Todd Beeth Cress With a quorum present and Chairman Holt absent, the following items were considered. CHIGOE CREEK PARK - PRELIMINARY Mr. Melcer presented a preliminary plat of Chigoe Creek Park being 7.3081 acres subdivided into 12 lots located on Green - briar and Buckingham. The Commission received input from the Fire Marshal and Police Department as follows: TO: PLANNING AND ZONING COMMISSION FROM: FIRE MARSHAL I have reviewed the preliminary plat of Chigoe Creek Park and find the following problems in question. I respectfully request that the following items be changed. 1. Chigoe Creek Park sounds to close to Chigger Creek and would cause confusion in determining subdivision addresses. 2. Park Drive is really an extension of Buckingham Drive and should be noted as Buckingham Drive. If the Plann- ing and Zoning Commission determines that Buckingham is inappropriate then I respectfully request that some other name other Phan Park Drive be used. We already have too many streets in Friendswood that have "PARK" in them. Page 2 June 5, 1986 3. A fire hydrant should be placed at the intersection of Greenbriar Drive and the new street at the corner of Lot 2 and on the property line between Lot 6 and Lot 8 at the street edge. TO: Planning and Zoning Commission FROM: Lt. Russell Williams P.D. The following comments were brought to my attention after reviewing the Chigoe Creek Park plat, 1. "PARK DRIVE" is a continuation of an existing street name "BUCKINGHAM DRIVE." 2. Will this be an open ditch or curb and gutter which will effect the cul-de-sac radious. 3. Where will the utility easement be for electricity, phone and cable, 4. Will the 36" RCP enter the creek at 90 degrees or at an angle pointing down stream. The Commission advised Mr. Melcer the following items need to be on the plat before approval: 1. Location on the plat of the lift station Mr. Melcer is providing in the proposed subdivision in order to give access to the new service line in Briarmeadow. 2, Change of street name from Park Drive to Buckingham 3. Change setbacks on lots 1 and 2 to 25' from the property line (they are shown at 10') 4. To show utility easements on the plat. The Commission questioned a platted 20' road (not open) shown on the plat located behind lots 12,10,8,6,4 and 2. The Commission is to ask for clarification from the City Attorney on the correct procedure for showing the 20' road on the plat. FRIENDSWOOD RETIREMENT LIVING, LTD. j Mr. Mc Kee representing, Friendswood Retirement Living, Ltd, filed his application for a Specific Use - PUD, May 27, 1986, and the request is before the Commission to call a public hearing for the 12.7 acres from MFR-L and CSC to Specific Use-PUD. Mr. Mc Kee told the Commission he does not have his application for a land use change ready. Page 3 June 5, 1986 He was advised that this needed to be done before a public hearing could be called by the Planning and Zoning Commission. Mr. Mc Kee told the Commission he would file his application for land use change' on June 6,, 1986 -The Commission reviewed the plat of his proposed developmentā€ž going over the items required on page 45 of the Zoning Ordinance for Specific Use. MR. GREEN - APPLICATION FOR REZONING Mr. Green presented two applications for rezoning as follows: JONES NO. 1 - North of Melody Lane and West of F.M. 2351 Present Zoning Classification: SFR Request for Change: Specific Use (Oil & Gas Well) (5 acres) EXXON HATTEN NO. 1 - North of Melody and West of F.M. 2351 Present Zoning Classification: SFR Request for Change: Specific Use (Oil and Gas Wellj (5 acres) Public Hearing called for July 7, 1986. REPLAT OF A PORTION OF LOT 6 BLOCK 4 - FRIENDSWOOD SUBDIVISION Ted Bogren presented a pre-app of 1.9966 acre tract for a proposed subdividing into the following: Tract A 0.9747 Acre Tract B. 1.0219 Acre The property is located on the dorner of Clearview and F.M. 518. Mr. Bogren is to return to the next regular meeting of the Planning and Zoning Commission for final approval. The meeting was adjourned. Ruth P. Henry - Secretary