HomeMy WebLinkAboutP&Z Minutes 1986-04-17 RegularMINUTES OF A REGULAR MEETING OF THE FRIENDSWOOD PLANNING AND ZONING COMMISSION April 17, 1986 The Friendswood Planning and Zoning Commission held a regular meeting on Thursday, April 17, 1986, at 7:00 p.m. in the City Hall Council Chambers. The following Commissioners were present. Chairman - Holt Councilman - Prihoda Ballard City Manager - Jim Morgan Todd Attorney - John Olson Beeth Director of Public Work - Melvin Cress Meinecke Baker With a quorum present and with Beggs absent, the following items were considered. COMMISSIONER BALLARD ABSTAINED FROM THE DISCUSSION OF STERLINGWOOD: STERLINGWOOD -FINAL PLAT PRESENTATION Ted Bogren presented a final plat of Sterlingwood Subdivision located between Merriwood and F.M. 518, to be subdivided into 67 lots out of a 25,7538 acre tract. Commissioner Holt asked Mr. Bogren if the final deed restrictions were ready to be submitted. Attorney Tom Lay representing the property owner told the group he has prepared the draft and they were being reviewed by the property owner. Page 4 (3.(d) ) of the subdivision ordinance addresses covenants to be presented with the preliminary plat and Page 5 (C.(2) ) addresses the requirements for final plat approval. Mr. Bogren requested to table Sterlingwood in order for him to locate a copy of the deed restrictions and return as a later agenda item tonight. FRIENDSWOOD CENTER - F.M. 518 AND CLEARVIFW' Mr. Zapalac presented a drawing for a strip center to be located on Clearview and F.M. 518 for review by the Planning and Zoning Commission on landscaping and parking requirements. The drawing presented located the trees on the property and he feels very few Page 2 April 17, 1986 trees will be removed. Mr. Zapalac also told the Commission he moved the entrance on Clearview about 35' from the corner of F.M. 518 as had been discussed with the Commission at their April 3, 1986 meeting. The Commission requested sidewalks be placed down both sides of the project and that a letter be filed with the City stating sidewalks will be placed along Clearview and F.M. 518. MOTION: (BALLARD) To give pre app approval of the Friendswood Center to be located on Clearview and F.M. 518. SECOND: (TODD) VOTE: FOR UNANIMOUS MOTION CARRIED GREENBRIAR AND BUCKINGHAM _ 12 LOTS Mr. Melcer presented a drawing for a proposed subdivision being 6.713 acres subdivided into 12 lots. Mr. Melcer's home is exist- ing and is shown on the drawing. Mr. Melcer was advised by the City Engineer that at the present time the sewer line capacity in that area (Greenbrier) is over capacity and would require the installation of a lift station to give access to the new service line in Briarmeadow. City Manager Jim Morgan addressed the Commission saying the project was reviewed by the City Engineer and was on City Council's agenda for action April 14, 1986 and they were unable to take action and will be addressed at the April 28, 1986 Council Meeting. Mr. Morgan sent the following letter to the Mayor and City Council: April 10, 1986 Request for Sanitary Sewer Service I recently approached by Mr. Harry Melcer, who lives on Greenbriar concerning the possibility of acquiring sanitary sewer service to a proposed 6.713 acre subdivision consisting of 12 lots. At the time Regency Estates was subdivided the sewer line was extended across Greenbriar, at which point Mr. Melcer then extended the line to his property. The collector line now has only limited capacity and does not have adequate capacity to handle the proposed subdivision. You will recall that this was the reason for denial of the request of Dr. Jones, et al. Page 3 April 17, 1986 It appears that the only logical service will be for Mr. Melcer to install a lift station to force the sewage to the new line recently installed on Briarmeadow. This has been suggested to Mr. Melcer, but he is appealing that decision. The Commission told Mr. Melcer they are unable to take any action until the City Council resolves the sewer service for use to the proposed subdivision. LAUREL FIELD - PROPOSED SUBDIVISION Laurel Field is a proposed subdivision being 26.6 acres subdivided into 57 lots located on F.M. 2351 and Sunset. Laurel Field was first presented to the Planning and Zoning Commission April 3, 1986. At that time it was decided a memo would be sent to the City Council, Fire Department and the Police Department for input. The Commission has received input from the Fire and Police and is to be on the Council agenda April 28, 1986. The Commission advised Mr. Bogren they would forward him all input as received on the proposedsubdivision of Laurel Field, COMMISSIONER BALLARD ABSTAINED FROM THE DISCUSSION OF THE FOLLOWING STERLINGWOOD: STERLINGWOOD - FINAL PLAT PRESENTATION The Commission reviewed the final plat of Sterlingwood. The deed restrictions are not ready for filing at this time. The Commission made the following motion. MOTION: (CRESS) To table the discussion until the following items are completed. 1. Note: Sidewalks on plat 2. Owner Signature on milar 3. Deed Rstrictions - Ready for filing SECOND: (BEETH) VOTE: FOR: Holt, Todd, Beeth, Cress and Baker ABSTAINED: Ballard MOTION CARRIED COMMISSIONERS TODD AND BALLARD ABSTAINED FROM THE FOLLOWING DISCUSSION OF CARMEL VILLAGE AND MISSION ESTATES: Page 4 April 17, 1986 CARMEL VILLAGE AND MISSION ESTATES/SAN JOA UIN Ted Bogren presented 6 replats of the following: Mission Estates Subdivision Section Four - Partial replat of Mission Estates Subdivision Phase One, Two, Three, and Four 14 LOTS Carmel Village Subdivision Section One 76 Lots Carmel Village Subdivision Section 2 - Partial replat of San Joaquin Estates Section Four 24 Lots Mission Estates Subdivision Section Three - Partial replat of Mission Estates Subdivision Phase One, Two, Three, and Four 90 Lots Mission Estates Subdivision Section One - Partial replat of Mission Estates Subdivision Phase One, Two, Three, and Four 57 Lots Mission Estates Subdivision Estates Section Two - Partial replat of Mission Estates Subdivision Phase One, Two, Three, and Four 78 Lots Commissioner Holt addressed the group saying the Citv has an ordinance allowing metes and bounds subdividing (E-85-2) of the above subdivisions. City Attorney Olson said that was an untrue statement in his opinion but they did not need to discuss that at this point. Attorney Olson went on to say the developers had platted the above subdivisions and for several reasons there was a desire to replat. Attorney Olson stated (SFR) Single Family Residential in this particular district requires a Specific Use Permit under the new zoning ordinance which City Council adopted. After negotiations with Dr. Jones and Mr. O'Farrell, the property owners, an ordinance was established. The ordinance reflects the actual lot sizes and the owners are replatting at the request of the City. John Olson went on to say the replat basically changes nothing as far as streets and boundaries. The idea is to insure that the replat of the lots complies with the Specific Use. Ordinance E-85-2. In his opinion this is the only thing pertinant to the consideration of the approval of the above listed replats. Mr.Olson wants to say publicly and before the Commission he feels that this is the proper way to cumulate all the things that have come together in one final deal and they are doing it at the City's request. Page 5 April 17, 1986 MOTION: (CRESS) SECOND: (BEETH) To give preliminary approval on the 6 replats submitted contingent on a letter from the City Manager that the plats presented are an accurate representation of the metes and bounds plats that the City has been controlling for the development and complies with ordinance E-85-2. VOTE: FOR: Holt, Baker, Beeth and Cress ABSTAINED: Ballard and Todd MOTION CARRIED MR. AND MRS. NAYLOR - DID NOT ADDRESS THE CO',••'1MISSION The following comments were presented to the Commission by City Attorney John Olson. Mr. and Mrs. Naylor own one lot (16) in Heritage Estates a platted subdivision, they also own 4.5 acres behind Heritage Estates. The Naylor's would like to build a home on the 4.5 acre tract using lot 16 of Heritage Estates as their ingress - egress to the proposed home. City Attorney John Olson advised the Naylor's they can apply for a building permit, that this was not a Planning and Zoning Commission decision. If denied a building permit they can appeal to the Zoning Board of Adjustments or Court, but it is not a subdivision item. Mr. Olson told City Manager Jim Morgan to flag the application for a building permit and make sure it will not violate the deed restrictions of Heritage Estates because that could be the issue. The Homeowners of Heritage Estates Subdivision have already determined -in their own mind it is in violation of the deed restrictions and if the permit is issued, Mr. Morgan needs to notify the homeowners so they can take action. PUBLIC HEARING A public hearing has been called for May 5, 1986 on the proposed changes to the Zoning Ordinance, Councilman Prihoda addressed the group saying that there are three (3) changes to be considered at the May 5, 1986 public hearing. He told the Commission two (2) of the items have already been reviewed by the Planning and Zoning Commission. The 3rd proposed change is Councilman Jordan's recommendation regarding grand Openings for new businesses. A hair salon located on F.M. 528 changed ownerships within 6 months after opening and the new owner could not under the present ordinance have a grand opening. Page 6 April 17, 1986 The proposed change is to read that under new ownership more than one grand opening can be held within the first year. ORDINANCE NOT. T86-8 PIPELINE EASEMENT Commissioner Holt addressed ordinance T86-8 amending the Friendswood City Code by striking therefrom the third paragraph of Section 19-11 thereof and substituting therefor a new third paragraph of Section 19-11; Providing minimu,a building setbacks of ten (10) feet from any pipeline easement; and providing a penalty of an amount not to exceed two hundred dollars ($200) for each day of violation of any provision thereof. Commissioner Holt has concern about the revision and is going to forward prior information of a previous study taken in the 70's for review by City Council. MEMOS The Planning and zoning Commission sent a memo'to the City Manager April 4, 1986, requesting information on the City's plan for maintaining and updating the computerized mapping system. The Commission received a copy of a memo sent to the City Manager with the following information: To: City Manager April 9, 1986 From: Duane M. Hengst - Engineering Assistant In response to the P&Z Commission's inquiry into the City's mapping schedule Z submit the following: I am planning on updating the system at 6 month intervals and having new maps printed every 12 months. In order to keep current on street changes I plan to use subdivision plats which are approved and recorded during each update period. Areas being rezoned will be obtained through Ruth Henry. As an alternative the P&Z Commission could send my office formal notice of any approved zoning changes. There are no immediate plans to put the water and sewer lines on the mapping system, although it is possible. I would estimate the cost for doing so to be a minimum of_.$5,000. To include a specific designation for Red Flag Subdivisions is a relatively simple -mat -ter -and could be implemented rather easily. If you hav, any questions, please advise. Page 7 April 17, 1986 The Commission feels the water and sewer maps have been previously done and the information needs to be forwarded to the City Manager and City Council and obtain funding to place the information in the computerized maping system, The meeting was adjourned. Ruth P, Henry - Secretary