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P&Z Minutes 1986-09-18 Regular
MINUTES QF'A REGULAR MEETING GF THE FRIENDSWOOD PLANNING AND ZONING C0I4MISSION September 18, 1986 The Friendswood Planning and Zoning Commission held a regular meeting on Thursday, September 18,"1986, at 7:00 p.m. in the City Hall Council Chambers. The following Commissioners were present. Holt - Chairman Fire Marshal - Riley Beggs Councilman = Prihoda Baker Cress Beeth With a quorum present and with Ballard and Todd absent, the following business was transacted. MEMO FROM FIRE MARSHAL TO: Planning and Zoning DATE: September 4, 1986 SUBJECT: Fire Lanes Thank you for inviting me to attend the. Planning and Zoning meeting of 21 August. I feel that a lot of information was exchanged and a greater understanding of each other's responsibilities was reached. It is my understanding that based upon our conversation a substitution for the required fire lane is desired. This substitution would be the requirement of sprinklers installed according to the National Fire Protection Association Code in lieu of a required fire lane in front of most buildings. It is my firm belief the complete elimination of fire lanes will never be achieved, however, I do feel that a fully sprinklered building poses a lower fire risk and, therefore, should be treated as such in most cases. At your direction at a future date I will make a presentat- ion and proposal regarding sprinkler substitution clause. Thank you for your time and consideration. I am looking forward to working with you in the future. Page 2 September 18, 1986 FIRE MARSHAL - RILEY - FILM PRESENTATION - ON THE NATURE OF FIRE The film was made by the Natural Fire Protection system. The presentation was brought about as part of a follow up on the use of sprinkler systems vs the cost of concrete for fire lanes. This would allow for better fire protection as well as more landscaping. NAPOLI- ROACH SUBDIVISION - FINAL PLAT Mr. Napoli presented a final plat of the Napoli -Roach Subdivision located on Mills Drive. The proposed subdivision is 2.6400 acres subdivided into 3 lots. MOTION: (CRESS) To grant final approval of the Napoli -Roach Subdivisioh consisting of 2.6400 acres subdivided into 3 lots and located on Mills Drive. SECOND: (BAKER) VOTE: FOR: Eress, Baker, Beggs, Beeth and Holt OPPOSED: NONE MOTION CARRIED DANIEL G. ILLERICH - LETTER - SUBJECT - GENERAL HOMES PROPOSED FRIENDWOOD TIMBERS SUBDIVISION DEVELOPMENT Mr. Daniel G. Illerich presented a letter to the Planning and Zoning Commission requesting it be entered into the minutes. He has also provided copies for the Clear Creek Drainage District and the City Council. Commissioner Holt suggested a letter be sent to the CCDD stating the Commission believes that the concerns in Mr. Illerich's letter merit reviewing. The Commission would appreciate the CCDD input after reviewing the information. Page 3 September 18, 1986 September 18, 1986 f Chairman and Members Planning and Zoning Commission M City of Friendswood Texas Subjects General Homes proposed Friendswood Timbers subdi- vision developement My name is Daniel G. Illerich, residing at 121 Cherry Tree Lane and I am the owner of the property at that address. It has come to my attention that General Homes Manage- ment plans a subdivision developement named Friendswood Timbers on property bounded approximately by FM 2351, Melody Lane and Clear Creek in the City of Friendswood. During consultations with members of the Clear Creek Drainage District Board of Directors concerning another problem I discovered that General Homes Management plans a storm water drainage system that will dump storm water runoff for about one- third -to one-half of the first unit of this developement through a natural Swale that crosses my property and the pro- perty located at 119, 123, and 127 Cherry Tree Lane to an out - fall into Clear Creek. The engineering drawings for the devel- opement terminate at our subdivision (Enchanted Woods) property line and there is no further indication that the storm water runoff crosses over private property where there is no ease- ment for this to occur. There exists an easement along Clear Creek owned by the Clear Creek Drainage District which is already creating a problem of ponding water and mosquito breeding at the far edge of my property. It was this problem we were discussing at the Clear Creek Drainage District office when I discovered the General Homes planned drainage system. I believe that this problem -will be compounded if General Homes Management is allowed to proceed with their current drainage plan. The members of the Clear Creek Drainage -District Board of Directors that I have discussed this matter with assure me that General Homes Managemement will be required to meter the flow of storm water runoff -so that no more will flow at the completion of the subdivision developement than now flows through the swale in draining the area in its natural state. I can understand and accept this assurance when it comes to actual storm water runoff but find it hard to believe that Page 1 of 3 Page 4 September 18, 1986 we will not have a continual flow through this swale where we now have no flow except as the immediate result of storm water runoff. When there is water runoff from lawn watering, car washing and other flow generated by the occupants of the proposed Friendswood Timbers subdivision through our swale then we will most likely have a continual flow of water crossing our property to outfall into Clear Creek. More than a concern about continual flow of water -which will be damaging enough -is the concern about the contaminate carried by the water flow e.g. detergents, pesticides, oil residue, gasoline residue, street debris, fertilizers, etc. that will be collected up and dumped across our property. Any concentration of such contaminate will not only pose an immediate threat to our health, it will also cause substantial damage to our property with an associated drastic decrease in our property values. I recognize that Friendswood Timbers subdivision develope- ment will be an asset to the City of Friendswood tax base be- cause of the quality of the homes planned by General Homes Management. However, I feel strongly that to obtain this benefit at the expense of current residents and property owners is patently unfair. As a solution to the problem and because of the property values involved in the existing subdivision (Enchanted Woods) and the proposed subdivision (Friendswood Timbers) I offer the following options. That General. Homes Management b© required toi (1) Construct a contaminate catch at the property line. (2) Construct an underground closed conduit down the Swale to an outfall at Clear Creek. If this option is selected there should be an additional requirement that the work accomplished would hold our property damage to a minimum and that the disturbed area be returned to its natural state on completion of the construction work and further, that no'work bQ initiated without the written approval of the property owners who own the Swale. {3) Re-route tho storm water runoff to an outfall on Clear Creek by use of lift stations and a differ- ent direction. Option (3)s in my opinion# would be the best selection. Page 2 Of 3 Page 5 September 18, 1986 I realize that selection of one of these options will create substantial additional construction cost for Gen- eral Homes Management but given the magnitude of the planned Friendswood Timbers subdivision and its value to General Homes profitability I believe that implementation of one of the above options would be a fair and equitable solution to this potentially hazardous and damaging problem which is about to occur. Respectfull ubmitted, Daniel G. Illerich 121 Cherry Tree Lane Telephones Offices 643-7968 Homes 996-1939 cos President and Directors Clear Creek Drainage District Friendswood, Texas Mayor and Council Members Friendswood City Council Friendswood, Texas Received letter Subjects General Homes proposed Friendswood Timbers subdivision developement, dated September 18, 1986, consisting of three pages, on behalf of the City of Friendswood Planning and Zoning Commission. Names Titles Page 6 September 18, 1986 GREENLEAF ACRES II - FINAL PLAT Mr. Morrison presented a final plat of Greenleaf Acres II being 2.7910 acres subdivided into 3 lots and located on Greenbriar, MOTION: (CRESS) To grant final approval of Greenleaf Acres II Subdivision consisting of 2.7910 acres subdivided into 3 lots and located on Greenbriar. SECOND: (BAKER) VOTE: FOR: Cress, Baker, Beggs, Beeth and Holt OPPOSED: None MOTION CARRIED MINUTES FOR APPROVAL: August 21, 1986 - Approved as read September 4, 1986 - Approved as corrected. PLANNING AND ZONING - APPOINTMENT TO THE RECONCILIATION COMMITTEE MOTION: (BEGGS) To appoint Bill Todd as the Planning and Zoning Commission representative to the Reconciliation Committee. Bill Todd will replace Glen Cress. SECOND: (BAKER) VOTE: UNANIMOUS FOR MOTION CARRIED CHARTER REVIEW COMMISSION The Planning and Zoning Commission received a memo from the Charter Review Commission requesting input from the Planning and Zoning Commission regarding the Charter. The Charter Review Commission is requesting the Commission to respond in writing their additions, deletions or changes to the Charter by October 6, 1986. The meeting was adjourned. Ruth P. Henry - Secretary