September 3, 1987
The Friendswood Planning and Zoning Commission held a regular
meeting on Thursday, September 3, 1987, at 7:00 p.m. in the
City Hall Council Chambers. The following Commissioners were
Baker - Chairman
Duane Hengst - CD
with a quorum present and Commissioner Todd absent, the following
is were discussed.
Bill Murphy, addressed the Planning and zoning Commission as
representative of Ed Harris, owner of a 3 acre tract of land
at the end of Quaker Bend Drive. Mr. Murphy presented the
following information to the Commission:
In 1978, Mr. Harris sold a 6 acre tract of land at the end
of Quaker Bend Drive. It was necessary for Mr. Harris to
forclose on the property and due to a legal manuever on the
part of the buyer's attorney, Mr. Harris was left with a 3
acre tract instead of six. Mr. Harris now has a buyer and
would like the Commission's assurance the -buyer can obtain a
building permit. Mr. Harris intends to submit a plat of the
3 acres showing the area that comprises the original six acres.
He proposed that the road to the site remain as a private
The Commission suggested Community Development ā¯‘irector Duane
Hengst check with the Attorney for his legal opinion on subdivid-
ing before a building permit is issued. Mr. Hengst is to provide
Mr. Murphy with the information needed to proceed with development.
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September 3, 1987
Planning Commission Chairman Benny , addressed the City Council,
Clear Creek Drainage District and the audience saying the Commission
is the arm of the City Council that works with the Drainage District.
One of the purposes of this joint meeting is to continue communications.
Frank Frankovich President of the Clear Creek Drainage District
addressed the group saying that as he discussed with Chairman
Baker in August one of the situations the Clear Creek Drainage
District is concerned about is wheather the Planning and Zoning
Commission is fully informed of the jurisdiction of the District
as far as subdivision plat review. Chairman Baker in turn invited
the District to attend the August Commission meeting for information
and discussion. Mr. Frankovich went on to say they have jurisdict-
ion over all the Creeks and some of the major tributaries that drain
into the creeks. When a subdivision is presented within areas that
drain up to a hundred (100) acres, the Drainage District reviews very
carefully for run off control before approval. They have a resolution
for run off control (Resolution 78-1).
Mr. Frankovich presented a draft of an Interlocal Agreement between
the City of Friendswood, Texas and the Clear Creek Drainage District
of Galveston County for review by Council for consideration and
possible adoption. This agreement would govern subdivisions and
developments in that portion of the City of Friendswood which lie
within the Clear Creek Drainage Districts jurisdiction.
Mayor Lowe addressed the meeting, offering his opinion based on years
of experience and acquired understanding of the flooding problem.
He informed the group that he was one of the five people who organized
the Drainage District in the City of Friendswood in 1963 and has
been actively involved since that time. In 1966, he met with the
Corp of Engineers. As a result of this meeting, it was felt that
without digging out Clear Creek, Friendswood could expect flooding
in the years to come. Mayor Lowe expressed his feeling that part of
the responsibility as Mayor is to look after the health and welfare
of the citizens. He feels the problem of flooding upstream is
different from the downstream flooding in Friendswood. Mayor Lowe
said we should not have management control, we should put the water
into the Creek as soon as possible and let the people down below
tell us when it is a problem, then we will work on the problem from
their feed -back. Lets not penalize our citizens and tax base by
making subdivisions into holding ponds. He presented a letter from
Espey, Huston and Associates, Inc. dated June 27, 1987, a summary of
Principal Points from a drainage seminar. The letter covered
information about Hydrographs and the use of detention for run off
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September 3, 1987
Commissioner Cress suggested the meeting be summerized in regard to
how tonights discussion will affect any change, if at all, in the
Commission's procedure. He asked if the Commission is going to
continue the same procedure the Commission has had in place for
last five (5) years, with regard to how they work with the Clear
Creek Drainage on subdivision plat review?
The Consensus of the Planning and Zoning Commission is to continue
in the same manner.
The meeting was adjourned.
Ruth P. Henry - Secretary