HomeMy WebLinkAboutP&Z Minutes 1989-08-17 RegularMINUTES OF A RffiULAR MEETING FRIENDSWOOD PLANNING AND ZONING CCMMISSION AUGUST 17, 1989 7:00 P.M. The Friendswcx:x:! Planning and Zoning Carmission held a regular meeting on Thursday, August 17, 1989, at 7:00 P.M. in the City Hall Council Chambers. The follCMing members were present constituting a quorum. Baker -Chairman McHugh Wasson Wymer Hansen Hengst -City Engineer Henry -Secretary Frankovich -Council Liaison With a quorum present, Cress and Holzschuh absent, the folla,..,ing items were considered. PUBLIC HEARING Chairman Baker called the Planning and Zoning Ccmnission Public Hearing to order. The purpose of the public hearing is to receive public input both oral and written on the follCMing: Consideration and Possible recannendation to City Council to amend the Zoning Ordi nance to include Caretaker's Quarters under section 7P, Permitted use table for the Office Park and Business Park category in the Zoning Ordinance #84-15. No one spoke in opposition. The public hearing was closed. Cannissioners Cress and Holzschuh arrived after the close of the public hearing. Chairman Baker called the Regu lar Meeting of the Planning and Zoning Ccmnission to order. CCM1UNICATIONS F.Im THE PUBLIC: David O'Farrell requested to address the Ccmnission regarding Irish Green Office Park within the Parkway Subdivision located on F.M. 528, (Reserves C,D,E, and F). David addressed the Carmission saying the State Highway Department is requesting additional easement to widen F.M. 528. At the time of dev elopnent of Irish Green the HighwayDepartment requested 15' feet. The Highway Department is nowrequesting 5' to 7' additional feet. The result of this, David said, isthat one of the two long lines of parking fronting F.M. 528 would needto be removed. The state has requested David to find a cure for thesituation. He presented a drawing shCMing ingress-egress betweenreserves B and C, F and G, (30' in width) and continuation across therear of the reserves. Across the rear 20' will be used for parking and25' for ingress-egress. David told the Camiission they will bereplatting since they will need to purchase additional property behindthe reserves for ingress-egress. r [ l l Page 2 August 17, 1989 The Irish Green Office Park will have deeded rights to the parking. The adjacent property owners will be gi ven right of ingress-egress to the private street. The Ccrrmission has no problem with the concept. C'ONSIDERATION AND POSSIBLE REX:CMMENDATION 'IO CITY COUNCIL TO AMEND THE ZONING ORDINANCE #84-15, UNDER SEX:.'TION 7P, PERMI'ITED USE TABLE FOR OFFICE AND BUSINESS PARK CATEGORY 'IO INCLUDE CARETAKER QUARI'ERS. IDI'ION: (HANSEN) To recamiend to City Council to amend the zoning ordinance #84-15, under section 7P, pennitted use table for office park and business park category to include caretaker quarters. S.EXX>ND: (WYMER) VOI'E: FOR: Hansen, Wymer, Wasson, Holzschuh, Baker, and McHugh OPPOSED: IDNE MCYI'ION CARRIED Memo to City Council for Council agenda of August 21, 1989, on the above motion. CONSIDERATION AND POSSIBLE REX:CMMENDATION REX:;ARDING LEGAL OPINIONS ROCEIVED. Coomissioner Wasson wanted to knaw if the Carmission received a letter fran the City Attorney. She was advised the Carmission has not receive a letter. CONSIDERATION AND POSSIBLE ACTION REGARDING FALCON RIDGE II AND I!J BASED ON COUNCIL'S DECISION 'IO N1END THE MAJOR THOROUGHFARE PLAN. City Engineer Hengst addressed the Ccrrmission regarding the portion of the Major Thoroughfare Plan that would affect Falcon Ridge II and III. Duane presented the follawing for review and recarmendation: Sec tion III reducing the currently proposed major thoroughfare fran 120' to 100' right-of-way and behind Se ction II reducing from 80' to 60' of right-of-way with 40' pavement section. Chainnan Baker will present the Ccrrmission's recarrnendation to Council Monday, August 21, 1989, regarding the above itan. Coomissioner Wasson thinks the Ccrrmission should write a letter to the residents of Falcon Ridge I, who have expressed concern both oral and written regarding ingress-egress of the proposed developnents of Falcon Ridge II, III and IV. M)TION: (McHugh) To have Ccnmissioner Wasson write a letter to the haneowners association addressing their concerns. The letter to be reviewed by the Carmission at the next regular meeting of the Planning and Zoning Ccmnission. S.EXX>ND: (HANSEN) VOI'E: FOR: McHugh, Hansen, Wymer, Wasson, Holzschuh and Baker OPPOSED: IDNE MCYI'ION CARRIED r lJ Page 3 August 17, 1989 Carmissioner Cress arrived. C'ONSIDERATION AND POSSIBLE REX:X1•1MENDATION RffiARDING MAJOR THOROUGHFARE PLAN. Chainnan Baker addressed the Camiission saying he will provide Council with a copy of the proposed changes to the entire Major Thoroughfare Map at the Council Meeting of August 21, 1989, for Council review. The Carmission will also discuss the proposed changes to the entire map at their next regular meeting. CONSIDERATION AND POSSIBLE REXXJ.1MENDATION FOR THE ESTABLISHMENT OF A DRAINAGE POLICY. Councilman Frankovich requested to address the Carmission regarding the above item. He wanted to know if the Carmission had reviewed or had any camients regarding the proposed revision to the Flood Damage Prevention Ordinance presented a the previous meeting. He went on to say what he is trying to approach are the developnents within the City that are not subdivisions and what impact are they having on the existing drainage. The intent of the draft is to require the developer at the time of subnittal of plans to do a little studying to determine the impact of the project. Carmissioner Wasson suggested they read aloud the drainage proposal, pausing after each section for any carments. Chainnan Baker addressed the Carmission saying he thinks what the Mayor is requesting is to turn all drainage over to Clear Creek Drainage District and they would then advise the Carmission. Carmissioner Wasson said she would like to provide the Camiission with copies of new state legislation for review that would enable the City to create a drainage utility. Chairman Baker told the group they would review all the information received about drainage and place it on the next Planning and Zoning Carmission agenda. ffiNSIDERATION AND POSSIBLE REX:CMMENDATION TO CI1'Y C'OUNCIL RffiARDING ADOPTION OF THE UPDATED ZONING MAP. City Engineer Duane Hengst presented the ui;x]ated zoning map previously forwarded to the Carmission for review and possible recorrmendation to City Council. t,UI'ION: (HANSEN) To reccmnend to City Council adoption of the ui;x]ated zoning map. SEXX>ND: (WYMER) VOrE: FOR: lJNAN]M)US OPPOSED: IDNE t-Ul'ION CARRIED [Page 4 August 17, 1989 REQUEST FOR A ZCNE CLASSIFICATION CHANGE -210 SUNNYVIEW -FID-1 MFR-L 'ID SFR. The Catmission called a public hearing on a request for a zone classification change fran MFR-L to SFR for September 21, 1989. The meeting was adjourned. Ruth P. Henry -Secre Planning and Zoning