HomeMy WebLinkAboutP&Z Minutes 1989-09-07 Regularl MINlJI'ES OF A RffiULAR MEE'I'ING FRIENDSWOOD PLANNING AND ZONING CCM-1ISSION SEPI'flv1BER 7, 1989 7:00 P.M. The Friendswood Planning and Zoning Camrission held a regular meeting on Thursday, September 7, 1989, at 7:00 P.M. in the City Hall Council Chambers. The follcwing members were present constituting a quorum. Baker -Chairman McHugh Wasson Holzschuh Hansen Hengst-Carmunity Develoµnent Director Henry -Secretary With a quorum present, Cress and Wyrrer absent, the follcwing items were considered. Chairman Baker called the Regular Planning and Zoning Cannission Meeting to order. The Ccmnission called a public hearing for October 2, 1989, at 6:30 P.M, to receive public input both oral and written on the followingrequest for a zone classification change. A.MFR-M TO Ne·-Reserves B,G and H located on F.M. 528 B.SFR TO CSC -Corner of F .M. 2351 and Blackhawk ,TOHN PERKINS -901 PENNY WAYNE -BRAZORIA COUNI'Y -REX)UEST SEWER SERVICE FRCM FRIENDSV\-000 -CCNSIDERATION AND POSSIBLE ACTION SECI'ION 18-5 FRIENDSWOOD CITY CODE -APPLICATION FDR CONNECI'ION OF PRIVATESYSTEMS. The City Engineer addressed the Camiission saying Mr. Perkins has a septic system and would like connect to the City of Friendswood Sewer. He went on to say what Mr. Perkins will do is run a small force roain from a grinder pump to the nearest manhole. He will need to obtain perm its to run the force main in the Brazoria County rig ht-of-way. The City Engineer told the CO!Tll1ission he has no problem with the idea. He also told the Carrnission the insta llation and maintenance will be done at Mr. Perkin's expense. Section 18-5 Friendswood Code-APPLICATION FDR CONMECTION OF PRIVATE SYSTEMS. (3)Before being sumitted to the City Council for final approval, allsuch applications must ha ve prior approval by the City Engineer,Planning Carmission and Drainage Board if applicable. r l J Page 2 September 7, 1989 MOl'ION:(HOLZSCHlTJ-f) To approve the request for sewer service fran Friendswocd for 901 Penny Wayne-Section 18-5 Friendswood Code. The property a.-mer to bear the expense of installation and maintenance. Merro to be forwarded to City Council. SEX:DND: (WASSON) VOI'E: FOR UNANIM8US OPPOSED: NONE MOI'ION CARRIED FALCON RIIX;E II AND III Ted Bogren presented the Preliminary Plat of Falcon Ridge II and III for the Ccmnission to consider ratification and confirmation of the preliminary plat. MOl'ION: (HANSEN) To ratify and confirm preliminary plat approval of Falcon Ridge II and III. SID)ND: (HOLZSCHUH) DISCUSSION: Ccmnissioner Wasson ask the City Engineer if all items fran his check list had been Canpleted. The City Engineer told the Ccrrmission the items had been ccrnpleted. Carrnissioner Wasson went on the say the 50' road right-of-way is not shCMn as improved and if we accept the plat with the unimproved right-of-way the City will have to bear the expense of at least that portion of the road since we have no impact fees in place at this time. Ccmnissioner Wasson said what we v.Duld be accepting is unimproved right-of-way. VOI'E: FOR: Hansen, McHugh, Holzschuh and Baker OPPOSED: WASSON MOI'ION CARRIED (X)NSIDERATION AND Pa3SIBLE ACTION REGARDING ESTABLISHING BY-IAWS FOR THE PLANNING AND ZONING COMMISSION. Camiissioner Wasson presented the C<lltllission with additional information to review regarding rules and procedures which could be called section 2. Section 2 addresses official notice, agenda, staff report, minutes and resolutions. The Cannission requested the item be placed on the next Camiission agenda allowing the Ccmnission time to review the additional information. The Ccmnission also requested the Major Thoroughfare Plan be placed on the next Camiission agenda. r l Page 3 Septerrber 7, 1989 CONSIDERATION AND POSSIBLE REX:.X:MMil,"DATION FOR THE ESTABLISHMENT OF A DRAINAGE POLICY The Ccmnission decided to contact the Clear Creek Drainage District about the i::ossibility of holding a joint meeting in October. MINUTFS FOR APPROVAL August 3, 1989 -Approved as read, August 17, 1989 -Approved as read. The meeting was adjourned. /!,;i,tl I /££1l�cz:_ Ruth P. Henry -Secretary Planning and Zoning Coordinator