HomeMy WebLinkAboutP&Z Minutes 1989-07-20 Regularr l I l I MINUTES OF A RmJLAR MEEI'ING FR IENDSWOOD PLANNING AND ZONING CCMMISSION JULY 20, 1989 7:00 P.M. The Friendswood Planning and Zoning Carmission held a special meeting on Thursday, July 20, 1989, at 7:00 P.M. in the City Hall Council Chambers. The following members were present constituting a quonnn. Baker -Chairman McHugh Hansen Wymer Wasson Councilmember Wicklander Councilmernber Stuart Councilmember Frankovich -Liaison Engineer Hengst Henry Secretary With a quorum present, Cress and Holzschuh absent, the follCMing items were considered. Carrnissioner Wasson requested the agenda be rearranged by reviewing the UNIPLEX Business Park which is listed after Falcon Ridge II and III and then review the Major Thoroughfare Map before Falcon Ridge II and III because of the concerns regarding ingress-egress of the proposed sulxlivision. No one had an objection. Carrnissioner Wymer requested to address the group before starting with the agenda. Cornnissioner Wymer told the Ccmnission we can not continue as a Comnission as we have been. Comnissioner Wymer said she called the Houston Bar Association and the Texas Bar Association and has been in contact with Dr. Larry an expert on Municipal Law. She feels all legal opinions must be in writing and if we do not start receiving legal opinions before the Corrmission in writing then sanething major will need to be done. In the State of Texas we are libel for suit as a Comnissioner as well as an individual. If we do not have an opinion in writing it is not an opinion and therefore we are not bound but we are libel. I feel very uncanfortable with my legal background and being a Ccmnissioner without written legal opinions. I would like it as a matter of record if the City Attorney can not put the.opinion in writing then it is not an opinion and would not stand up in court, Comnissioner Wasson requested the item of written legal opinion be placed on the next Planning and Zoning Carmission agenda for discussion. Comnission Hansen suggested we infonnally ask Chainnan Baker to make the request known to the City Manager and see what response we received and based on that response we place the item on the next Planning and Zoning Ccmnission agenda, Chairman Baker said we do not report to the City Manager. The request would need to be fran the Mayor. SITE PLAN UNIPLEX BUSINESS PARK -1414 South Friendswood Drive -1.8 Acres Consideration and Possible Reconmendation, Ccmnissioner Baker said he spoke with the City Attorney in regard to and office park developnent canplying to the sulxlivision ordinance. r lJ Page 2 July 20, 1989 The City Attorney told Chainnan Baker the intent is if you can ever subdivide: The subdivision ordinance reads: two or more parts, lots or sites for the purpose, whether imnediate or future, sale, rental or lease, or division of <Mnership. Crnunissioner Wyrrer addressed the group saying she feels this 1.8 acre tract is not a subdivision unless the tract is divided into two or more parts. Ccmnissioner Hansen addressed the group saying if we go by the ordinance and not any .opinion regardless of where the opinion is caning fran right now the ordinance in logical interpretation says it must be divided into two or more parts. MOTION: (WYMER) To approve the site plan of the UNIPLEX BUSINESS PARK (1.8 Acres)located at 1414 South Friendswocx:1 Drive (LCYI'42). The Carmission is not requesting a drainage plan. A memo to be forwarded to City Council recarmending approval. SOCOND: (HANSEN) vorE: FOR UNANIMOUS OPPOSED: NONE MOTION CARRIED Carrnissioner Wasson addressed the group saying in order to expedite this agenda before us tonight I would like to make the following motion: ID!'ION:(WASSON) To place the discussion of future drainage requirements on the agenda of August 4, 1989. SEXX>ND : (WYMER) VorE: FOR UNANIMOUS OPPOSED: NONE MOl'ION CARRIED JANICE LCME -RmUFSTED CONS IDERATION AND POSSIBLE RECCMMENDATION 'IO AMEND THE ZONING ORDINANCE 'IO INCLUDE CARETAKERS QUARI'ERS UNDER SEX::TION 7-P, PERMITTED USE TABLE FOR THE OFFICE PARK DEVELOPMENT. Chairman Baker told the group under the present zoning ordinance caretakers quarters are permitted in both types of Industrial Districts. Carntissioner McHugh wanted to know if this could also be included in the proposed new Zone Classification of Business Park. Camu.ssion Wasson ask if they should place this item for discussion on the next Planning and Zoning Ccmuission agenda or just move forward to a hearing? MOl'ION: (WYMER) To call a public hearing to receive input both oral an d written to amend the zoning ordinance to include Caretakers Quarters in the Office Park and Business Park developnent under section 7-P, Permitted Use Table. SECOND: (HANSEN) vorE: FOR UNANIMOUS OPPOSED: NONE IDI'ION CARRIED r 1 Page 3 July 20, 1989 MAJOR THOROUGHFARE MAP REVIEW City Engineer Duane Hengst presented the adopted major thoroughfare map for review showing all the proposed and existing roads highlighted in color by size and right-of-way. Ccmnissioner Wasson ask the City Engineer for any recarrnendations he might have regarding this map that was adopted 9-9-85. Do you feel it is still valid or perhaps conditions have changed to warrant revision. Duane told the group there are parts of the map he feels needs to be revaluated and revised but in general it is fine. IDI'ICN: (WASSON) To place on the agenda of August 4, 1989, discussion of Major Thoroughfare Map and Major Street Map for possible reconmended changes to City Council. Motion received no second. Chairman Baker suggested the Ccmnission could first obtain written legal opinion fran the City Attorney regarding adjusbnent of the Major thoroughfare Map without recarrnending amendment of the map to City Council. IDI'ION:(McHugh) To update by obvious corrections and obtain recarrnendations fran City Engi neer. Place on the Carrnission agenda for review and recarmendation to City Council. SECOND: (HANSEN) VOI'E: FOR: Hansen,McHugh,Baker and Wasson OPPOSED: IDNE M:Jl'ION CARRIED WYMER: OUT OF THE ROCM FALCON RIDGE SECTION II AND III Ted Bogren Engineer representing the developer presented the Preliminary Plat of Falcon Ridge II and III. Falcon Ridge II and III is located behind Falcon Ridge I off F.M. 528, and consists of 77.04 acres subdivided into 186 lots. Ccmnissioner Wasson requested the City Engineer present the written camients he passed out to the Ccmnission. The City Engineer addressed the Ccmnission saying he has 17 ccmnents, most of which are small plat changes that the Engineer represe nting the developnent has already been notified of prior to tonight meeting. M'.)TION: (HANSEN) Preliminary approval contingent on corrections per our City Engineer's letter of review with the exception of .Mockingbird Lane having a 60' right-of-way with 401 pavement. All<:Ming 20' side set back on Falcon Ridge and final plat to catch fire hydrants. SECOND: (McHugh) DISCUSSION: OPPOSED: WASSCN -Corrmissioner Wasson is opposed to approving the plat because item no.l, of the Engineers review letter and the right-of-way is not consistent with the Major Thoroughfare Plan. r I l Page 4 July 20, 1989 Catmissioner Wasson went on to say the Major Thoroughfare Map needs to be updated and in the future all sul:xlivision need to conform to the map. MOTION:(BAKER) To amend previous motion to read contingent on written legal opinion fran the City Attorney saying the Planning and Zoning Ccmnission can deviate fran the adopted Major Thoroughfare Plan. SECOND: (McHugh) DISCUSSION FOI.J.avED: VCYI'E: FOR UNANTI-l)US FOR OPPOSED: l'-ONE AMENDMENT CARRIED VCYI'E: MOTION WITH AMENDMENT FOR: UNANIMOUS FOR OPPOSED: IDNE MOTION CARRIED Ted Bogren requested to present a pre-app of Falcon Ridge N which was not on the agenda. Catmissioner Wasson told the group the item is not on the agenda and does not think the Camlission should discuss items not on the printed agenda because this does not allow time for staff review and carrnents. She went on to say if any one disagrees that perhaps they can obtain a written legal opinion from the City Att orney. MINUI'ES: July 10, 1989 -Approved as read June 15, 1989 -Approved as read June 1, 1989 -Approved as read Catmissioner Wasson requested the follCMing items for the August 3, 1989, meeting of the Planning and Zonin g Carrnission.: 1.By-laws for the Carrniss�on2.Subject of legal opinions3.Drainage policy 4.Major Thoroughfare Plan5.Comprehensive Plan -September news letter -McHugh6 • Open discussion i terns PRE-APP FALCON Rir:x;E N Ted Bogren Engineer representing Gerlyn Developnent presented a pre-app of Falcon Ridge Section IV. The proposed project is located off of F.M. 528, adjacent to Fox Meadows Section I and Falcon Ridge SectionI.Falcon Ridge IV is a 26.4 acre tract sul:xlivided into 65 lots. To beincluded in Falcon Ridge N, would be a replat of Lot 1, Block I ofFalcon Ridge I. The Ccmnission has no problem with the concept of theproposed sul:xlivision if it meets the City Ccx:1es. j Page 5 July 20, 1989 Canmissioner Wasson wrote up a list of questions regarding deviating fran the adopted Major Street Plan for Chairman to discuss with the City Attorney for his written legal opinion The meeting was adjourned.