HomeMy WebLinkAboutP&Z Minutes 1989-07-06 Regularr MINUI'ES OF A RmJLAR MEETING FRIENDSWX)D PLANNING AND ZONING CCM,1ISSION JULY 6, 1989 7:00 P.M. The Friendswood Planning and Zoning canuission held a reg ular meeting on Thursday, July 6, 1989, at 7:00 P.M. in the City Hall Council Chambers. The follc:Ming members were present constituting a quorum. Baker -Chairnan Hansen Holzschuh McHugh Cress Wasson Hengst -City Engineer Henry -Secretary Councilmember Frankovich-Liaison Councilmember Stuart With a quonnn present and Wyrrer absent, the follc:Ming items were considered. UNIPLEX BUSINESS PARK -1414 South Friendswood Drive -Site Plan Consideration and Possible Reccmnendation Tan Burke presented a site plan for 1.8 acres located on South Friendswood Drive for the purpose of a UNIPLEX BUSINESS PARK. The Developers have requested a zone classification change of the tract fran CSC to OP. The Planning and Zoning Ccmnission will hold a public hearing Monday, July 10, 1989, to receive public input both oral and written. The Zoning Ordinance specifies that a Office Park District requires approval of a developnent site plan by City Council after reccrrrnendation fran the Planning and Zoning Ccmnission. Chairman Baker called on the City Engineer for his carments fran his review of the Site Plan as the City Engine er. Duane Hengst addressed the group telling the Ccmnission he has no problems with the site plan. The only ccrrrnent he has is on the parking. The zoning ordinance requires un:ler the Office Park District, one parking space for each 200 square feet of building area. The site plan shc:Ms 76 parking spaces and at the above rate 116 would be required or land area available to·provide the 116 parking spaces. He went on to say the site plan shc:Ms Imlch rrore landscape area than the ordinance requirerrents. He also said if you refer to the permitted use table parking group requirerrents for each type of building use shc:Mn on the site plan the arrount of required parking is in canpliance. It was pointed out one of the structures has a living area with 1600 square on the top floor which is not pennitted in an OP district. Tan Burke told the Ccmnission the purpose of the quarters would be sh ort term for visiting governmental people. Janice 'u::Me wanted to knCM the procedure for allc:Ming caretaker quarters in the OP district of the zoning ordinance. Cmrnissioner Baker told her it would require an amendment to the zoning ordinance by City Council. r Page 2 July 6, 1989 Robert Mansell fran the Sun Park Sul:xiivision requested to address the Planning and Zoning Ccmnission regarding the drainage of the proposed project which backs up to Sun Park Sul:xiivision. Councilmember Frankovich told the group the Drainage District is not required to review the project because the proposed tract is not being sul:xiivided. City Engineer Hengst said there is a drainage plan attached to the site plan of the proposed project. Carmissioner Cress feels the drainage falls under the drainage requirements in the sul:xiivision ordinance. M:Yl'ION: (HOLZSCHUH) To recarrnend to City Council approval of the proposed site plan subject to the follc:Ming: 1. Remove the wording "Living Area" fr011 the site plan. 2. Sul:rnit the necessary drainage calculations to the City Engineer for his review and approval. 3. Council approval of the zone classification change request fr011 CSC to OP, S.EXX>ND: (WASSON) Discussion: Ccmnissioner Cress feels approval by the Ccnrnission should not be given until after approval by the City Engineer. VOI'E: FOR: Baker, McHugh, Hansen , Holzschuh and Wasson OProSED: Cress M:Jl'ION CARRIED PRE APP -FALCON IAKES Mitch Mitchell presented a Pre-App drawing of Falcon Lakes located between F.M. 518 and Chigger Creek. The proposed Falcons Lakes consist of approximately 80 acres. Mr. Mitchell told the Ccmnission 76 acres would be sul:xiivided into 107 lots and the remaining 3.7 acres rezoned for the developnent of a professional office park. A rear portion of proposed Falcon Lakes abuts the proposed Falcon Ridge� and Three. Chairman Baker·told Mr. Mit chell the adopted Major Thoroughfare Map has a proposed road in the area. The proposed developnent of Falcon Ridge 'l\..D and Three plat shc:Ms ingress-egress fr011 F.M. 528, perhaps Falcon Lakes could connect to one of the streets in the rear portion of Falcon Ridge allc:Ming better access for both sul:xiivisions. Mr. Mitchell wanted to knCM if the Ccmnission was obligated to stay with the proposed road. Chairman Baker said the City Attorney told him the Carmission could move the proposed road with sound reason. Chairman Baker told the group the City Fire Marshal wrote a memo to the Carmission describing sul:xiivisions with only one ingress-egress as a "Sul:xiivision on a Stick". We are seeing this type of developnent with Falcon Lakes and Falcon Ridge 'l\..D and Three. Chairman Baker asked the Fire Marshal Vance Riley if he had any carrnents. Vance addressed the group saying what it looks like is happening is that we are trying to make the City Master Plan fit the sul:xiivision and he feels the sul:xiivision should be designed around the Master Plan. He went on to say he can see all sides of the issue but he would like to see the City stay with the Master Plan as much as possible. r 11 Page 3 July 6, 1989 Duane Hengst City Engineer addressed the group saying Falcon Ridge has a 60 foot right-of-way and 40 foot paved Boulevard for Section I and the prq::osal is to continue through Falcon Ridge II and III. The pre-app plat of Falcon Lakes sho.vs 60 foot right-of-way and with 28 foot paved, to maintain consistency on this type of road the ingress-egress fran F.M. 518 for Falcon Lakes should be 60 foot right -of-way and 40 foot paved.The Developer said he \',\'.)Uld return for preliminary with 60 footright-of-way, 40 foot paved and a stub to connect with Falcon Ridge IIand III. FALCON RIIx;E II AND III Falcon Ridge II and III is proposed to be located behind Falcon Ridge I with Falcon Ridge Boulevard as the ingress-egress fran F.M. 528. Aportion of this proposed subdivision abuts Falcon Lakes, presented for a Pre-App this evening. Falcon Ridge II and III is proposed to be 77.04 acres subdivided into 182 lots. Chairnan Baker ask if any of the residents fran Falcon Ridge I in the audience had any input. Mr. Skidrrore addressed the group saying all they are asking for is another outlet and it sounds like there is a possibility of that happening. The developer requested to be placed on the Planning and Zoning Carm.ission agenda of July 20, 1989, for Preliminary consideration and possible action. RESERVE H -POLLY RANCH 17 ACRES -REXltJFST FOR ZONE CLASSIFICATION QiANGE -SITE PLAN FOR RE.VIEW OF PROPOSED DE.VELOPMENT David O' Farrell presented a proposed developrent of 17 acres subdivided into 5 lots. The proposed develoµnent is Reserve H located on Airline Drive. David told the Ccmnission the tract is zone SP Utilities at the present and the request \',\'.)Uld be to SFR. The Carmission told David they have no problem with the concept to proceed meeting the City requirements. MINlJl'FS FOR APPROVAL March 16, 1989 -Approved as read April 20, 1989 -Approved as read May 18, 1989 -Approved as read. April 6, 1989 -Approved as read March 30, 1989 -Approved as corrected May 4, 1989 -Approved as corrected The meeting was adjourned. t Ruth P. Henry - S¢retary Planning and Zonihg Carmission