HomeMy WebLinkAboutP&Z Minutes 1989-06-01 Regularr l MINUTES OF A REGU1AR MEEI'ING FRIENDSvOJD PLANNING AND ZO NING CCMMISSION JUNE 1, 1989 7:00 P.M. The Friendswcxxl Planning and Zoning Ccmnission held a regular meeting on Thursday, June 1, 1989, at 7:00 P.M., in the City Hall Council Chambers. The foll™ing members were presented constituting a quorum. Baker -Chainnan Hansen M:Hugh Cress Wasson Wyrrer Holzschuh Council Liaison -Frankovich Councilmernber -Wicklander Engineer -Hengst R.Henry -Secretary-Coordinator With a quorum present and none absent, the foll™ing items were considered. PRE APP -MELODY LAND 10 ACRES -Mr. Kelly Mr. Kelly addressed the Planning and Zoning Ccmnission regarding subdividing two 5 acres tracts into 3 lots. The 10 acres has 330' fronting Melody Lane. The plan presented by Mr. Keller, dividing the two (2) five (5) acre tracts into 3 lots does not meet the frontage requirements of the City of Friendswocxl Zoning Ordinance for ingress -egress to each lot.Mr. Hengst referred the Carrnission to the Width definition of Ordinance#84-15.David O'Farrell addressed the group saying there are several tracts ofland with similar situation;:; throughout Friendswood. He told the groupit would be nice if the City could perhaps provide a residential PUDprogram in order to access the tracts in this type of situation.Carrnissioner Cress said we have the ordinance for a PUD already withinthe Zoning Ordinance. IDI'ION: (HANSEN) The Ccmnission recarrnended Mr. K�ller could pursue a PUD development DISCUSSION ON IDI'ION: City Engineer, Mr. Keller and Comnissioner Cress to meet informally to discuss question pertaining to a SPECIFIC USE POD FOR SFR. It was also p::iinted out a PUD will require City Council Approval. SOCOND: (WYMER) VCYI'E: FOR UNANIMOUS OPPOSED: NONE IDI'ION CARRIED r l Page 2 June 1, 1989 KENTUCKY FRIED CHICKEN - 2 Tracts -Tract 1-1 Acre -Tract 2 -1.8-Acres Mr. Bart Field representing Kentucky Fried Chicken is proposing to develop a lot on Winding Way and F.M. 528, for the purpose of locating a Kentucky Fried Chicken. The property is 2 tracts of land and they are proposing to use the inside of tract 1, (140'xl75') for the building and 22' of the rear tract which includes a strip along the rear portion of the outside of tract 1, for ingress-egress fran Winding Way. The corner of tract one has a pipe line easement which runs through tract 1, and the inside rear portion of tract 2. They have written and received permission to locate the street over the pipeline. They are also proposing to have ingress-egress fran F.M. 528. Carrnissioner Cress would like the tract to remain CSC, so when the remainder of the property is developed it will allow for integrated access for the remainder of the tracts. Carmissioner Cress told the group CSC requires integrated developnent. He feels this provides for better traffic flow. The majority of the Carmissioners felt the tract should remain CSC for the proposed Kentucky Fried Chicken developnent. Carrnissioner Cress addressed the group saying the following is a proposal he would like to see Mr. Field return to the Carrnission: 1.Site Plan of 2.8 acres, providing engineering details of phase onewhich is Kentucky Fried Chicken.2.Show where the inside portion of tract 1, (phase 1) ties into theremainder of the tract not being developed. The remainder is to bephase 2. COUNCIIMEMBER WICKLANDER Councilmernber Wicklander addressed the Carmi.ssion regarding the City of Friendswood adopted Major Thoroughfare Map. He told the Camri.ssion at some stage there is a lake and 40 acres which will be developed into a park. The County has ask the state to relocate the proposed road in the area to connect to F.M. 517. Originally they were considering Wi ndmere Road to becane a state road for this purpose. The purpose is that if this was accanplished and righ�-of-way obtained, along with sane park land donations, the Park could be developed. "We are in hopes of getting this started within our corporate limits because the road would not cost the City, it would be a state funded road. The only thing the City \oX:luld provide is the right-of-way, which brings me to where we are today, 11 he stated. Councilmember Wicklander addressed the Carrnission on a second item. He told the Camri.ssion, he met with the City Manager and City Engineer Duane Hengst regarding the proposed subdivision Falcon Ridge II and III.He said when the developers spoke to the Camri.ssion originally it was in regard to right-of way from the rear and side of the proposedsubdivision. Councilmember Wicklander and the developers \oX:luld like inlieu of the right-of-way that the developers put in a master sewer lineand water line as a contribution to the future. r l J Page 3 June 1, 1989 Chainnan Baker said he would like to talk to the City Attorney, regarding our position on rroving the road fran the adopted Major Thoroughfare Map. Ccmnissioner Wasson said she would reccmnend the Carrnission sul:mit a reccmnendation to City Council on revising the Major Thoroughfare Map. Chainnan Baker said the Ccmnission needs to check with the City Attorney to find out the proper procedure for changing the Major Thoroughfare Map. SUBSTITUI'E PLAT -LAURELFIELD Mr. Gartrell representing the owners of Laurelfield Sulxlivision is requesting the Planning and Zoning Ccmnission to sign the substitute plat. Mr. Field in order to obtain funding needs the plat to shCM joint venture instead of corp:::,ration. City Engineer Duane Hengst spoke with the City attorney regarding this matter and this particular one can be signed. Mr. Hengst went on to say several other i terns were anitted from the original plat which need to be canpleted before signing the substitute plat of Laurelfield Sulxlivision. MOTION: (WASSON) To authorize Chainnan Baker to sign the Substitute Plat of Laurelfield after the follCMing items have been canpleted. 1. Clear Creek Drainage District Signatures 2.Plat Note 5 be added3.City Engineer to review for canplianceSEDJND: (HOLZSCHUH) VOI'E: FOR UNANIMOUS OPPOSED: NONE MCYI'ION CARRIED PROPOSED NEW ZONE CATEOORY BP BUSINESS PARK The Planning and Zoning Ccmnission reviewed the proposed BP category. The Carrnission defined "A" Auxiliary Sales: The retail sale of prcxlucts manufactured or serviced on the premises. Said retail sales cannot be the primary function of the operation. The defin ition of "A" will need to be added to Section 7.P.2. (page 18 of the Zoning Ordinance. MCYI'ION: (WYMER) To recamiend City Council review the proposed new Zone Category Business Park (BP). City Council SEDJND: WCHugh) to forward the proposed new BP zone category to the City Attorney for his review. VOI'E: FOR UNANIMOUS OPPOSED: OONE MOTION CARRIED r I Page 4 June 1, 1989 Hane Occupation -Zoning Ordinance -Section 20. Definitions P.5. Suggested Wording: There is no advertising of any type on the premises and no other display or storage of materials or exterior identification of the hane occupation or variation from the residential character of the main building or any accessory building; ha.vever, advertising by published or printed matter is alla.ved. IDI'ION:(HANSEN) To reccmnend to City Council Section 20.Definition P.5. in the Zoning Ordinance (#84-15) be amended to read as above (suggested �rding). SEXX>ND: (HOLZSCHUH) VOI'E: FOR lJNANIM)US OPPOSED: OONE M)TION CARRIED The above recamiendations are to be forwarded to City Council for consideration and possible action. Ccnmunity Developnent Director Duane Hengst presented for review the updated Zoning Map to the Planning and Zoning Cannission. Adoption of the map will require a public hearing. The meeting was adjourned. 11t1cJ Ruth P. Henry -SecrE#'.'ary Planning and Zoning Coordinator