HomeMy WebLinkAboutP&Z Minutes 1989-05-04 Regularl
The Friendswood Planning and Zoning Carmission held a regular meeting on Thursday, May 4, 1989, at 7:00 P.M. in the City Hall Council Chambers. The following members were present .
Hansen Holzschuh Wasson McHugh Cress Wymer
Duane Hengst -Engineer, COD Ruth Henry -Secretary, P&ZCC Councilrnernber -Prihoda
With a quorum present, and none absent, the following items were considered.
PUBLIC HEARING: Chairman Baker called the public hearing to order to receive public input regarding proposed amendments to ordinance #84-15, subparagraph (a)of paragraph 16 of subsection K of section 8.
July 7, 1987, was the first meeting which consisted of 7 members appointed by the Mayor and Council to review the Sign Ordinance. March 28, 1989, was the last meeting of the SOR. The Council requested the Planning and Zoning Carmission review only the following items fran the recoomended proposed changes presented to the Council fran the SOR Ccmnittee list at this time. Section 16. Temporary real estate subdivision signs. a. Main �ntrances: 1,2,and 3.
Existing Ordinance: 16. a. Main Entrances: 1) A maximum of two ( 2) temporary real estate subdivision signs may be located at the main entrances of any new residential subdivision. PROPOSED AMENDMENT: a. Main Entrances -1) to read: A maximum of two (2)temporary real estate subdivision signs may be l�ated at eachentrance of any new residential subdivision.
EXITING: a. Main Entrances 2) The sign facing for each such temporary real estate subdivision sign shall not exceed fifty (50) square feet in area. NO PROPOSED AMEN™ENT
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EXISTING: Main Entrances a. 3) Such temporary real estate subdivision sign shall be rerroved twenty-four (24 months) fran the date the use permit is issued, or when the subdivision is canpletely sold out, whichever first occurs.
PROrosED AMENDMENI': Main Entrances a. 3) to read: Such temporary signs shall be rerroved twenty-four (24) months fran the date the use pennit is issued, or when the subdivision is ninety percent (90%) sold out, whichever occurs later. AISO ADDED: The model hane or model parks for each separate hane building canpany located in the subdivision which is used for a sales office and/or model hane is designated, on a temporary basis, like a business but will be allowed only a maximum of thirty-two (32) square feet as a monument-type sign until the model is no longer used as a sales office or model hane.
Several Cc:mnissioners had concerns over 16.a.1) the word NEW residential subdivisions. Chairman Baker told the group in speaking with John Olson the City Attorney said 16.2. 3) addresses other then new. Bill Jones Developer told the Canmission and Audience he appeared before Council requesting relief for the Developers by expediting the proposed amendments fran the SOR Comnittee to the Sign Ordinance that apply to developers.
Camiissioner Hansen told the group he has concerns as to why all the proposed amendments fran the SOR Cc:mnittee had not been presented for review. He went on to say there are merchants other than builders and developers that also need sign relief in the Comrercial Shopping Centers. He also has concern over 16.a.l) being changed to 2 temporaryreal estate signs at each entrance, because some subdivisions have several entrances, which could alla.v for 6 to 8 sign s for one subdivision.
Chairman Baker asked for input fran the audience (approximately 25 Citizens in the audience)
Citizens and Merchants addressed the Camiission saying they can sympathize with the Builders and Developers. Connie Stagner Merchant said she served on the SOR and the Merchants have been waiting a long time for sign relief and to be fair and adequate all proposed amendments need to be considered at one time.Don Beeth addressed the Cc:mnission and wanted to kna.v if the items tonight which are part of the proposed amendments from the SOR were singled out for the Catmissions review. If so it would seem to him not inappropriate for the Camiission to raise the issues of fairness that have been brought before this body and the fact that Council sent part of a report is clearly Councils prerogative, He feels it would be useful if the Camiission could point this out and express its reservations.
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Canmission Cress had sane intent clarifications that concern him a.rout the proposed amendments and feels additional wording may be needed. Carmissioner Holzschuh said he does not hear any disagreement from the audience on the intent but if there is he would like to hear it.
Several other Merchants in the audience spoke regarding signage relief for Merchants and wanting the entire proposed amendments reconrnended to Council at one time not just those that apply to Builders and Developers.
Chainnan Baker closed the public hearing:
Chainnan Baker opened the regular meeting of the Planning and Zoning Carmission. 'lwo motions were made and died for lack of a second. Chainnan Baker ask each Coornissioner for corrrnents.
Carmissioner Cress said he was in favor of the amendments. He would like to spend a little time tonight reviewing the proposed amendments (Sec. 16a. 1,2,3) and any changes the Cannission would like. He is in favor of recorrrnending the proposal to City Council in the fonn of a motion and lette r to the Council. Carmissioner Cress said he would also like to review the remainder of the SOR Corrmittee proposals.
Ccrrmissioner McHugh told the group as Camri.ssioner Wasson pointed out the Planning and Zoning Coornission has 60 days to make a recorrrnendation to City Council. Comnissioner McHugh feels the proposed amendments to need sane review and work and to also review the remainder of the proposals. Comnissioner Wasson said she concurs with Canmissioner M3fugh and if the Crnrnission needs to take time to revaluate and not to rush.
Carrnissioner Holzschuh said he essentially agrees, if what participated this movement was fear signs being rerroved. He has no trouble recarmending to Council that no currently existing signs be reinoved for a period of 60 days.
Bill Jones told the Cannission and the Audience the sign reinoval was one of the reasons that participated the changing of 16.a.l,2,3 before the remainder of the proposals . Dr. Jones went on to say he has a subdivision that you can not put up any sign, because the subdivision is 2 years old.
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The Ccrcrnission made the follawing reccrcrnendation to City Council in the form of a motion to allow Dr. Jones signs to ranain for 60 days, until the Ccrcrnission has time to receive and review the proposals from the SOR Ccrcrnittee.
Ccrcrnissioner Cress feels the Carmission can make a recarrnendation and does not feel the proposed items should be delayed.
MJI'ION: (HANSEN) To Recarmend to City Council (1) a stay of enforcement of subparagraph (a) of paragraph 16 of subsection K of Section 8. (2) Table action on recomnended change of Zoning Ordinance #84-15. (3) Council to refer the entire proposed amendments to Ordinance #84-15, prepared by thesign ordinance review Cannittee as a package
for the Planning and Zoning Carmission to review and recornnend to Council.
Ted Bogren Engineer for the proposed developnent presented the final plat of Sunset Meadows Estates. Sunset Meadows Estates is a 26.60 acre tract located off of F.M. 2351. The Entrance street to be a continuation of Sunset(North Sunset). The first phase of the developnent there will not ):)e lots created, just roadway, drainage, camion area and easements.
MJI'ION: (HOLZSCHUH) To authorize Chairman Baker to sign the final plat of Sunset Meadows Estates contingent on the following: 1.Removal of Street names from plat.2.Replat of NASA Wood as sec ond outlet.3.Correction of vicinity map on plat .4.Prior to filing final plat developer shallobtain from Lavaca and Phillipsinstruments granting to the public the useof said public street R-0-W over andacross their easement for construction,operation and maintenance those publicfacilities normally using the type ofpublic streets indicated. Theseinstruments shall be delivered to the plat.
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5.Prior to filing final plat, developer shall provide the P&ZCarmission with letters fran Lavaca and Phil lips statingarrangements for any required pipeline adjustments have beenmade to their satisfaction.
Sid Green representing Mrs. DeVore on a prop:,sed subdivision of 2 tracts into 4 tracts. Presently there is a hane on a 1/2 acre tract adjacent to another 14 acres. Sid Green is requesting to extend the 1/2 acre into 2 acres and subdivide the 14 acres into 3 lots of 4 acres each. Mrs. DeVore and Sid Green came before the Carmission on April 20, 1989. The house and 1/2 acre fell under the Friendswood Grandfather clause. The Camli.ssion requested Connnmity Developnent Director Duane Hengst check with the City Attorney on extending the size of a tract that has been grandfather at 90' to 95', neither of which canplies with lot width for open ditch in the zoning or dinance. Lundy Lane is an unrecorded subdivision with -well, septic and unimproved road.
Chairman Baker met with the City Manager and told the Ccrrmission the 90' lot must remain 90' or go to 120' to canply with the requirements of the zoning ordinance. In regard to the City Utilities they are across F.M. 528 fran Lundy Lane approximately 1/2 mile fran the prop:,sed subdivision. The City would bring the water and sewer across F.M. 528 for the developer to tie into. Carmissioner Cress said that what you are saying is the City Manager has reccmnended that in their judgement it would be reasonable for the City to incur the cost to bring the utilities under F.M. 528, and reasonable to ask the developer to tie into the utilities. Carmissioner Cress said based on that he would go with the recarrnendation. Camrunity Developnent Director Hengst said the City Manager did not have a reconmendation. The City will bring the utilities across F.M. 528, and we could p:,ssibly participate with the dollar cost for the utilities but the developer would need to approach the City. Hengst said what he thinks the City Manager, was saying is the City would be open to the idea. Camtlssioner Cress said septic does not work well in this type of soil and that concerns him. Water is eventually going to be available and feels the prudent thing to do is to work out ha.v the City can provide the utilities with shared costs.
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He went on to say before we all<:M septic he would like to see sane other alternatives explored. The Ccrrmission told Sid Green she would need to approach the City about the utility participation. Also the 90' lot would need to be 120' if enlarged for subdividing.
FAICON RIDGE SECI'ION II AND IIIMAJOR THOROUGHFARE PLAN Ted Bogren and Kent Ballard requested to address the Carrnission regarding the rear portion of a proposed devel opnent which backs up to the City's proposed R--<:r-W of the adopted Major Thoroughfare Plan.
Camri.ssioner Cress told the developers the Camtlssion can recCl11llend to City Council the Major Thoroughfare Plan be amended.
Ted Bogren suggested the proposed Right-of-Way could be relocated in order for the proposed developnent to proceed. Dr. Jones told the group the prorx>sed right-of-way is 80 ' • The prorx>sed developnent would lose about 30 lots as it is now.
MJI'ION: (HOLZSCHUH) Duane Hengst City Engineer to obtain the Major Thoroughfare Plan documentation as to why the Right-of-Way is located in that particular location.
Mr. Keller addressed the Cdrmission regarding the subdividing of two 5 acre tracts into 3 lots. The 10 acres has only 330' fronting a City Street (Melody). His pre-app drawing sh<:Ms a 1200', cul-de-sac for ingress-egress to the 3 lots. The CCl11llission told Mr. Keller the 1200' cul-de-sac is in violation of the subdivision ordinance. The subdivision ord inance specifies a cul-de-sac shall not be longer than 600'. Mr. Keller told the Ccnmission he would go back to the drawing board. The Ccmnission also advised Mr. Keller the road would need to be to City street specifications.
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PROPOSED BP ZONE CATEGORY The Ccmnission reviewed the new proposed BP Category making several revisions. The revisions to be mailed for review before the next Planning and Zoning Ccmnission meeting.
The meeting was adjourned.
A1z-Lt� Ruth P. Henry -Sec¢ -Planning and Zoning Coordinator