HomeMy WebLinkAboutP&Z Minutes 1989-04-20 Regularr
The Friendswood Planning and Zoning Carmission held a regular meeting on Thursday, April 20, 1989, at 7:00 P.M. in the City Hall Council Chambers. The following members were present.
Baker Chairman Jeanie McHugh David Hansen Cress Holzschuh Wasson
Duane Hengst P.E.,CDD Director Ruth P. Henry Planning and Zoning Coordinator
With a quorum present, and Wymer absent, the following items were considered.
Other in attendance: Councilmanber Wickland.er Linda Yeager Mr. Hand -Chamber of Comnerce Mary Prihoda -Chamber of Cornnerce
The Carmission reviewed the final plat of the proposed Berean Baptist Sulxl.ivision. Berean Baptist Sulxl.ivision is a 25.0313 acre tract located on F.M. 528, and subdivided into 3 lots, with lot 2(5 acres) being rezoned from SFR to Specific Use Church.
M)TION: (HANSEN) To grant final approval of Berean Baptist Subdivision a 25.0313 acre tract sulxl.ivided into 3 lots.
SECOND: (CRESS) VOTE: FOR Hansen, Cress, Holzschuh, MCHugh, and Baker
Sid Green representing Mrs. DeVore on a proposed sulxl.ivision of 2 tracts into 4 tracts. Mrs. Devore owns a hane on the 1/2 acre tract with an adjacent tract of 14 acres. The request being presented is to extend lot l which is the 1/2 acre tract to 2 acres.
Page 2 April 20, 1989
Llilldy Lane The 14 acres subdivided into 3 lots of 4 acres each. Lundy Lane is an unrecorded subdivision with well and septic. Lot 1 shows a frontage of 95' fran 90' which does not meet the requirements of the open ditch frontage in the ordinance. Mrs. De Vore told the Ccmnission her 90 ' frontage falls under the grandfather clause. Camri.ssioner Hansen said the question he has is if you change the 90' lot to 95', does the gr andfather clause apply Ccmnissioner Holzschuh asked why the tract was not increased fran 90' to 120' as required by the ordinance. Ms. Green told the Crnmission there is a grove of trees like an archway they did not want to disturb.
The Carmission requested Duane check with the City Attorney on the following: 1. Increasing the size of a grandfather tract 2.Well and Septic3.Subdividing on an unimprov ed road.4.Approving a plat with a 95' lot
The Ccmnission discussed the proposed Business Park category going through each of the previously proposed items. The Carrnission decided to not use Section 7.0.2 Regulation Matrix -Carmercial District chart but to regulate that portion with items 1 through 9 under the BP description. The proposed BP information prepared thus far will be pages 3 and 4 of the minutes (April 20, 1989).
The Carmission called a public hearing for May 4, 1989, to receive public input regarding proposed amendments to the sign ordinan ce for reconmendation to City Coun�il.
MINUTES FOR APPROVAL: January 19, 1989 -approved as read February 9, 1989 -approved as read February 13, 1989 -approved as read February 16, 1989 -approved as read March 2, 1989 -approved as read
The meeting was adjourned
Ruth P. Henry -Secj?'etary Planning and Zoning Coordinator
Page 3
April 20, 1989 REVISED PROPOSAL New Zone Category BP
Business Park (BP) The Business Park Zone is intended to encourage and permit light manufacturing and/or service operations and auxiliary retail and wholesale sales. The Business(es) may be individually owned or leased by a carrnon owner. The types of uses, and the design exterior appearance so controlled as to maintain the integrity, and be generally canpatible with adjacent surrounding residential and ccmnercial develop:nent. All services, manufacturing and storage are to beindoors. This district shall access or abut ,major thoroughfare and/or collector streets. Develop:nent of a Business Park District requires approval of a develop:nent site plan by the Planning and Zoning Cornnission.
1.Area and Height Regulations: Minimum size Business Park 1 acre,maximum height 35', No structure within a BP shall be locatedwithin 25' of an exterior BP boundary (an exterior BP boundary isone that abuts a zone other than BP).
2.See Section 9 for Ternpxary Certificates of Zoning Caupliance thatmay be granted by the Administrative Official and Specific UsePermit that may be reccmnended by the Planning and ZoningCamrission within the BP District under certain circumstances andconditions.
3.Pennitted uses: Uses permitted in a BP, Business Park District,are set forth in Section 7-P, Permitted Use Table. See 44.Canbination office, service and warehousing facilities containingsuch uses as:a.Warehousing, canbined with officesb.Offices
c.Wholesaling operations and shCM rooms necessary there tod.Research laboratory operations such as electronic, medical,mechanical, mechanical and aerospace technologicalresearche.Light manufacturing limited to final machining, assembly,testing, processing and packaging into finished goodsfrom raw materials produced elsewhere, such as electronicparts assembly, medical products processing, mechanicalparts assembly and aerospace equipnent processing.
Truck docking facilities provided they are located in the rearor side yard and screened from view of adjacent streetright-of-way.
4.b.Screening device for refuse containers required.
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Page 4 REVISED APRIL 20, 1989 BP Category
5.Parking shall be designated on the Parking Group section of thePermitted Use Table. However a minimum 4 parking spacer perbusiness or 4 spaces per 1,000 sq. ft. of gross building floorspace for each structure, which ever is greater is required.
6.Business Parks abutting residential areas shall be required toprovide screening in the form of an opaque wall or fence.
7.Business Park adjacent to residential areas shall be required todirect lighting away fran surrounding residences.
8.It is intended that the Business Park be developed as a unit, withadequate off-street parking for custaners and/or employees andappropriate landscaping and screening to ensure canpatibility withsurrounding developnent.
9.Exterior Requirements: All buildings to be constructed must haveAt least sixty five percent (65%) of their exterior walls,exclu ding doors and windows, constructed of masonry material, orconcrete construction or a canbination of masonry, concrete,alumim.nn or glass materials as may be approved by the Planning andzoning Carmission.