HomeMy WebLinkAboutP&Z Minutes 1989-02-16 Regular/ r [ l l MINlJI'FS OF A REX;UIAR MEETING Planning and Zoning Camri.ssion February 16, 1989 7:00 P.M. The Friendswood Planning and Zoning Camri.ssion held a regular meeting on Thursday, February 16, 1989, at 7:00 P.M., in the City Hall Council Chambers. The follCMing members were present constit uting a quorum. Baker Chairman McHugh Hansen Wymer Wasson Duane Hengst -CDD Linda Taylor -Acting Secretary With a quorum present , Cress and Holzschuh absent, the follCMing items were considered.. PRAIRIE WILD Citizens in the audience expressed concerns about their unrecorded 16 lot subdivision (Eignus Subdivision). Eignus SUbdivision is on Prairie Wild Street. The concerns were that lots 2 and 15 are zoned csc. The deed restrictions indicate only lots 1 and 16 were to be zoned CSC. The citizens are seeking to have lots 2 and 15 zoned back to SFR. The ordinal zoning map for the City indicates all four lots are zoned CSC. Carmission McHugh said she had spoken to City Attorney John Olson at the Council Meeting of February 13, 1989. Camri.ssioner McHugh told the group the Planning and Zoning Carrnission can not rezone the lots. The Carmission takes their direction fran Council. Council can request the Carmission to review the situation, then they would proceed. The Carmission recarrnended the interested Citizens contact the City Secretary and request to be on the City Council agenda. Councilman Prihoda told the group the Ccmnission can make a recarrnendation at the request of the property CMner for a zone classification change. The procedures are set forth in the zoning ordinance. Chairman Baker explained to the audience hCM zoning began. The original zoning map adopted indicates lots 1 and 15 are zoned csc. WINDING WAY ESTATES -PRELIMINARY A preliminary plat of Winding Way Estates consisting of 7.430 acres subdivided into ten lots located on Winding Way and Leisure Lane. Jim Gartrell, representing the property CMner presented the plat. The proposed Winging Way Estates is a replat of lot 2 Katie's Park. fvOTION: (HANSEN) To grant preliminary approval of Winding Way Estates contingent on the follCMing: / [ I [ ( {_ ; Page 2 February 16, 1989 Regular Meeting -Planning and Zoning Ccmnission 1.Plat Fee 2 • Title Report 3.Approval from Clear Creek Drainage District4.Location Map on plat5.Building lines6 • Flood date 7.Fire Hydrant locations8.Canpleted i terns fran the Engineers check list. SECOND: (WYMER) V<JI'E: FOR UNANIMOUS AGAINST NONE AIDRICH SUBDIVISION MCYI'ION CARRIED Mr. Aldrich o.,mer of the property and Engineer Jim Gartrell presented the plat of the proposed subdivision. Aldrich Subdivision is 2.8114 acres subdivided into 4 lots located on Queen's Lane. Queens Lane is an accepte d City street for the first 500 feet, leaving approximately 140 feet unimproved and private. Jim Gartrell went on to say there is a 30 foot right-of-way. They are not yet sure to whan it belongs. Mr. Gartrell is to prepare a letter to the Catholic Church to request obtaining the right-of-way on the portion of the road adjacent to the Catholic Church to allow the street to be within the right-of-way. The deve loper is to canplete the remaining portion of the unimproved Queen's Lane. fvDTICN: (WYMER) To accept the preliminary plans for the Aldrich Subdivision contingent on the following: SECOND: (WASSON) 1.Plat Fee2 • Title Report 3.Flood Data reflecting the June 1988, Map.4.Right-of Way Deed5.Conpleted items fran the City Engineer's list.6.CCDD Approval vorE: FOR UNANIMOUS AGAINST NONE MOTION CARRIED PROPOSED NEW ZONE CATEGORY BUSINESS PARK The Planning and Zoning Canmission and the City Council held a joint public hearing to receive input regarding a proposed zone category to be called Business Park. The Carmission discussed landscaping, parking and metal building restrictions, these items were brought up at the public hearing. The Ccmnission feels this can be controlled by the zoning ordinance as well as architectural controls of the Business Park Category. �~ ( ! I ! Page 3 February 16, 1989 Regular Meeting Minutes Chairman Baker st.mrnarized by saying the intent is to create a Business Park Category. The Lot Area Minimum to be 2 acres, Lot Width Minimum a 100' , the Lot Depth Minimum a 100' • The Ccmnission will continue working on the Business Park Category at the next regular meeting of the Planning and Zoning Camrission. The meeting was adjourned. lfil�-::� Planning and Zoning Coordinator