HomeMy WebLinkAboutP&Z Minutes 1989-01-19 Regular/
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The Friendswood Planning and Zoning Crnrnission held a regular meeting on Thursday, January 19, 1989, at 7:00 P.M. in the City Hall Council Chambers. The following members were present constituting a quorum.
Baker -Chainnan McHugh Holzschuh Wasson Hansen
Hengst -Carmunity Developnent Director Heru:y -Planning and Zoning Coordinator
With a quorum present, Wyrrer and Cress absent, the following items were considered.
CSC TO NC-Southeast corner of Whispering Pi nes - 8 acres
The Planning and Zoning Ccmnission held a joint public hearing on January 5, 1989, to allow all interested citizens to appear and be heard on the above request for a zone classification change.
The Planning and Zoning Crnrnission made the following recorrmendation in the fonn of a motion.
MOTION: (HANSEN) To recorrmend to City Council the above request for a zone classification change be approved. SEX:OND: (HOLZSCHUH)
A merro to be sent to City Council on the above recannendation:
ZCNE CHANGE REXJUFST: SFR TO SPOCIFIC USE CHURCH - 5 Acres out of a 10 Acre track This request if approved will also require a replat of the 10 acre tract as specified in the subdivision ordinance. David O'Farrell representing the property owner sul:mitted the application for a zone classification change. The tract is located on F.M. 528 across fran Windsong. The Crnrnission pointed out there is apipeline that crosses the tract which could affect the ingress-egressfran F.M. 528. The request is Specific Use and will require followingthe guidelines spelled out in the zoning ordinance regarding SpecificUse.
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The Ccmnission made the follooing motion:
IDI'ION: (HANSEN) To call a public hearing to receive input regarding a request for a zone classification change of 5 Acres fran SFR 'IO SPECIFIC USE -CHURCH -located on F.M. 528.
Mr. and Mrs Love and Mr. and Mrs. Clark own lots at the end of Quaker Bend which they purchased by metes and bounds. Each has been requesting a building permit for the construction of a hane. The request have been denied because it violates the subdivision ordinance. Chairman Baker went on to explain there are other such tracks in Friendswood which violate the subdivision ordinance and they are often referred to as Red Flag Subdivisions. Carmissioner Baker said he has discussed with the City Manager a meeting with City Council, City Attorney and the Planning and Zoning Carmission to find out what can be done for these types of tracts.
City Manager Annette Brand addressed the Carmission and the audience saying, we are carmitted to helping the citizens of Friendswood in develoµnent. She feels there is a logical and rational solution to these type of concerns. The only way we are going to be able permit develoµnent of this type is an amendment to the subdivision ordinance building in sane flexibility to the ordinance. Perhaps the Planning and Zoning can cane up with sane recarmendations to workshop with City Council.
ALDRICH SUBDIVISION: Pre-App Mr. Gartrell, Engineer representing the developnent addressed the ccmnission regarding the proposed Aldrich Subdivision to be located on Queens Lane. The request is to subdivide 2.81 acres into 4 lots. Queen's Lane is located off of Cedarwood. The first tract on the corner of Queen's Lane and Cedarwood is 160' , with an existing structure not part of the proposed developnent. Queen's Lane is an improved street not up to City standards for the first 500', which stops in the middle of lot 4 of the proposed develoµnent. There is an existing water line and a fire hydrant at the end of lot 4 . The existing sewer line extends to the middle of lot 4, and the developer would extend the sewer line to the end of lot 4.
The Ccmnission discussed the problem of no turn around for emergency vehicle at the end of Queen's Lane , which is in violation of the subdivision ordinance and would need to be resolved.
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This will be one of the problems to be resolved before consideration and possible action regarding the developnent.
Mr. Gartrell addressed the Camrission regarding a replat of Katie's Park which is two tracts, lot 1 being 7.5 acres and lot 7.4 acres. The The Camrission told Mr. Gartrell to proceed with the requested replat which is to be called Winding Way Estates. Winding Way Estates is to be located on the corner of Leisure Lane and Winding Way.
Cannissioner Wasson suggested that before the Planning and Zoning Camri.ssion has a work shop with Council, perhaps they need to identify the problems in writing. She suggested preparing a proposed solution by using a 5 acre minimum and a 4 lot maximum, as case in point.
CONSIDERATION AND POSSIBLE RECCMMENDATION TO CITY COUNCIL TO .AMEND THE ZONING ORDINANCE -ESTABLISHING A NEW ZONING CATEGORY Cannissioners Wasson and McHugh met and canpiled information for establishing a new category in the zoning ordinance for the Coomission to review. The suggested name for the category is: BP -Business Park, General Purpose and Description; which after review by the Coomission is as folloos: A Business Park is intended to acccmrooate multiple Businesses with similar exterior appearance and integrated landscaping. The individual Businesses may be individually CMned or leased by a ccmron owner. .If individually CMned the developer shall provide all services. Site Plan approval for this unique form of Business developnent shall be approved
by the Planning and Zoning Camrission on a case by case basis but normal subdivision rule do not apply. It is intended to encourage and permit light manufacturing service operations, wholesale and retail trade and business offices of high site quality and appearance in attractive landscaped surroundings with the types of uses, and design exterior appearance so controlled as to maintain the integrity, and be genera lly canpatible with ex isting and future adjacent surrounding residential and carmercial developnent. All services, manufacturing to
be indoors. This district should generally be located in areas abutting arterial and/or collector streets which are, because of location s and trends, suitable for developnent of uses that are canpatible with residential uses thereby maintaining the character and integrity of existing and developing neighborhoods.
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Developnent of a Business Park District requires approval of a developnent site plan by the City Council after recomnendation fran the Planning and Zoning Ccrrmission. 1.Area and Height Regulations: Area and height regulations in a BP,Business Pare, are set forth in Section 7-0.2, Regulations Matrix.2.See Section 8 for Supplementary District Regulations.3.See Section 9 for Temporary Certificate of Zoning Canpliance thatmay be granted by the Administrative Official and Specific Use Permitsthat may be recomnended by the Planning and Zoning Comnission withinthe BP District under certain circumstances and conditions.4.Permitted Uses: Uses permitted in a BP, Business Park District,are set forth in Section 7-P, Permitted Use Table.5.Parking shall be as designated on the Parking Group section of thePermitted Use Table.6. Business Parks abutting residential areas shall be required to provide screening in the fonn of an opaque wall or fence.7.Business Park adjacent to residential areas shall be required todirect lighting away fran surrounding residences.8.It is intended that the Business Park be developed as a unit, withadequate off-street parking for custaners and /or employees andappropriate landscaping and screening to ensure canpatibility withsurrounding developnent.
Ccrrmissioner Wasson suggested each Comnissioner take the infonnation pertaining to the permitted use section presented tonight and make any additions or changes for review at the next meeting of the Planning and Zoning Ccrrmission.
The Ccrrmission elected Benny Baker Chainnan and Jeanie McHugh Vice Chainnan for the caning year.
MINUI'FS SUBMI'ITED: November 17,1988 -December 15, 1988 -December 1, 1988
To be considered for approval at the next regular meeting.
The meeting was adjourned.
Rulf.te��� Planning and Zoning Coordinator
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