HomeMy WebLinkAboutP&Z Minutes 1989-03-30 Special[ l MINlJI'ES OF A SPEX:IAL MEETING FRIENDS'WCOD PLANNING AND ZONING CC1>1MISSION MARCH 30, 1989 7:00 P.M. The Friendswaxl Planning and Zoning Carmission held a regular meeting on Thursday, March 30, 1989, at 7:00 P.M. in the City Hall Council Chambers. The follCMing members were present. Baker Chairman Jeanie McHugh David Hansen Duane Hengst-Carmunity Develoµnent Ruth Henry -Planning Coordinator Councilmernber -Prihcx1a Police Chief -Stout Luke Loeser -Police Department Approximately 90 Citizens Without a quorum present, Cress, Wymer, Wasson, and Holzschuh absent, the follCMing items were considered. Chairman Baker called the special meeting to order explaining to the audience Harris County is requesting to tie Pennystone Way, F<lenvale Street, Shady Oaks Lane and Appleblossan Lane into the proposed Heritage Estates Sul:x:livision Section 13, into the above referenced streets in Friendswood. The Friendswood City Council has requested the Planning and Zoning Carmission review and receive input and make a recarmendation to City Council. Chairman Baker told the audience everyone would be given an opportunity to address the subject. Represen ting Harris County Charles Wilcox P.E., Harris County Camri.ssioner Office El Franco Lee Richard Rivero, Technical Assistant Harris County Mr. Wilcox addressed the group saying he wanted to make it clear for the record that Harris County is not here tonight on behalf of the developer. They are present on behalf of Harris County rules and regulations regarding sul:x:livision plats, and the coordination of the plats between Friendswood and Harris County. Mr. Wilcox turned the meeting over to Ricardo Rivero, Technical Assistant for Harris County. Mr. Rivero told the group he had told City Council a ietter with all the facts would be presented in reference to Harris County's position concerning the issue. The follCMing seven pages which Mr. Rivero presented to the group this evening will be the next seven pages of the minutes of the Planning and Zoning Carmission. Pages 2-7 are documentation fran the Engineering Department of Harris County presented by Ricardo Rivero, Technical Assistant. -.. I J Page 9 March 30, 1989 Chairman Baker wanted to knCM if the group had selected a spokesman. Mr. E.A. Kiessling said he was going to be the spokesman. He provided the Carmission with a written letter for documentation for the minutes. Page 10 of the minutes is a letter fran E.A. Kiessling representing the many concerned citizens of the area of Wedgewood. Pages 11 and 12 wi ll be a letter Mr. Kiessling presented to City Council on behalf of the concerned citizens of the Wedgewood area. Chairman Baker opened the meeting for the concerned citizens to voice there concerns to the Ccmuission. The Citizens of Wedgewood in the audience are all opposed to the tie in of the streets into the proposed subdivision in Harris County. Dick Gay of Brown and Gay representing the developer told the group the opening of the four streets would be for local access. He also pointed out as far as the developer is concerned not connecting the streets would gain the developer two or three addition al lots. This is not the issue with the developer. The connections of the streets were made to canply with the rules and requirements of the City of Houston and Harris County. Mr. Gay stressed we are not talking about major traffic, we are just talking about good planning procedures to provide local access in the area. Ccmnissioner Wasson absent fran the meeting forwarded the follCMing memo to Chairman Baker. Date : March 29, 1989 I will be unable to maJ<e the Special Meeting tomorrow night to discuss the tie in with Blackhawk but offer the following carments: 1.When people bought their hanes in Wedgewood, the developertold them the four streets in question would not betied to streets outside the developnent.2.Blackhawk was not designed as a major thoroughfare. TheFriendswood street map shews that most of the frontage alongBlackhawk has direct driveway access.3.A major thoro ughfare should only have access by intersectinglocal streets.4.While the Houston-Galveston Regional Transportation StudyShews Blackhawk is a major thoroughfare, a new route couldcould be chose which serves all future developnent proposedto the east of Wedgewood adequately. 11 Page 13 March 30, 1989 Chairman Baker called on the City Engineer, Duane Hengst, P.E. for his opinion. Mr. Hengst said he definitely has sane opinions on the street tie in. Mr. Hengst told the citizens and the Planning and Zoning Camri.ssion fran an engineering standfX)int of traffic flow, and circulation he recarmends the request be granted. Chairman Baker called on the Chief of Police Mr. Stout for his ccmnents. Mr. Stout addressed the group saying, as long as, the jurisdictional line remains where it is their would no advantage fran a police service fX)int of view. What is beyond our City limit is not in the City of Friendswood primary service area. In the event of a mutual aid circlllTlstance where their is a call for police service the street tie in would allow the arrival of City vehicles 30 seconds to a minute sooner. Chairman Baker told the audience after receiving there input and the Planning and Zoning Comnissioners input both written and oral, the Camri.ssioners recarmendation to City Council is that the profX)sed streets not be opened into Friendswood at this time. Chairman Baker will attend the Monday, April 3, 1989, Council meeting to present there recomnendation to City Council in the form of a memo. The meeting \'ias adjourned. Ruth P. Heriry -Se¢'etary Planning and Zonirf'g Coordinator J.R. "JIM" ADAMS. P.E. COUNTY ENGINEER ��\S coc,. .. *�.. Page 2 u.trch 30, 1989 ���� � k c;, �'<; ,.i,c'ER\ �C> -....;;.:.:.:,.,.nutes l ENGINEERING DEPARTMENT COUNTY OF HARRIS HARRIS COUNTY ADMINISTRATION BLDG. SEVENTH FLOOR 1001 PRESTON AVENUE 221 ·5370 HOUSTON. TEXAS 77002·1893 March 28, 1989 The Honorable ,Paul W. Schrader Mayor of City of Friendswood 109 Willowick Friendswood, Texas Dear Mayor Schrader: 77546 I would like to thank you for the opportunity you gave Mr. Charles Wilcox and myself to address the City Council on Mar ch 13, 1989, and to express our concerns relative to the City of Friendswoorl granting access from Wedgewood Village, Sections 2 and 3 to the newly proposed Heritage Park, Section 13, Subdivision. In accordance with your request, the following is a of all the items raised at the above mentioned meeting: summary council I • Planning Co mmission Jurisdiction 1 • The Ext r a Te r r i-t o r i a 1 Ju r i s d i ct ion ( ET J ) Ag re em en t betw een the cities of Houston and Friendswood was rea ched in 1973. The boundary line between Wedgewood Village and Forest Bend Subdivisions was est ablished as the ETJ's boundary line between the cities. 2.Up until that time, Wedgewood Village Subdivision and Forest Bend Subdivision were inside the Cityof Houston's ETJ. 3.All sections of Forest Bend, (Section 1 through Section 6), and Wedgewood Village, (Section 1 throu gh Section 6), were reviewed and approved by the City Planning Commission of the City of Houston. 4.Not until November of 1974, did the City of Friendswood become involved with Wedgewood by reviewing and approving a partial replat of Wedgew ood Village, Section 6 and later the ap proval of Section 7 on January 1976. (Please see atta ched plats,) r l J Page 3 March 30, 1989 Minutes Honorable Mayor Schrader March 28, 1989 Page -2- I 1. I I I. Major Thoroughfare and Freeway Plan 1.For a number of years the City of Houston's MajorThoroughfare Plans included Blackhawk �oulevard asa designaterl major thoroughfare. (Please seeattached map dated 1972). 2.Major Thoroughfares wereextensions to be acquiredsystem. also shown as future to coLlplete the grid 3.As a matter of fact, for a nu mber of years afterthe present ETJ was established betwee n Houstonand Friendswood, the Cit y of Houston continued to show this particular section of Blackhawk as adesignated major thoroughfare. 4.Around 1976 or so, the Houston Planning Director decided that Housto n's maps would no longer indicate thoroughfares outside the existing Houst on's ETJ. (Please see map dated 1988). S.Design and construction of Blackhawk Boulevard from F.M. 2351 to F.M. 528, was in accordance withthe Major Thoroughfare requirements of that time, which inc luded a 100 foot right of way, a boulevard section with two (2) 24 foot wide lanes,a 30 foot wide esplanade, huilding setback lines, and 7" thick reinforced concrete pavement.Blackhawk Boulevard as well as the other streetswere maintained by Harris County until Friendswood Annexation. 1 • 2 • 3. Planning Requirements Development and platting of Wedgewo od Village,Forest Bend, and He ritage Park wer e all inaccordance with the City of Houston�s and HarrisCounty's Rules, Regu lations, Procedures and DesignStandards in effect at the time of development. These requirements included the majorthoroughfares and local streets. The lo cal street requirements and exceptions include loop streets,cul-de-sacs and stub streets or dead ends. It is required that Stub streets be extended at su ch time the adjacent undeveloped property issubdivided or deve loped. [ l Page 4 March 30, 1989 MINUTES Honorable Mayor Schrader March 28, 1989 Page -3- 4.Dead-end streets were not approved except wherethe street was designated to be extended, other wise the street was to �e terminated with acul-de-sac, IV.One Foot Wide Reserves 1.All recorded plats of Wed gewood Village and Forest Bend included a one foot wide reserve (Please see note 01 of attached plats). 2.A one foot reserve was dedicated for a bufferseparation between the side or end of streets where such streets abut adjacent property. "The con dition of such dedication being that wh en the adjacent property is subdivided or re-subdivided in a recorded plat, the one foot reserve shallthereupon become vested in the public street right of way," such as is the case of all the stub streets in question . (Please see attac hed inserts from �he Houston's City Planning Ordinance.) V.Mobi lity 1.For a nu mber of years, all Government Agencies have been wo rking together to improve mobility throughout the region. These efforts include� expansion of freeway facilities and Farm to Market Roads. Completion of major thoroughfares, connection of missing links, as well as the conne ction of local streets to Major Thoroughfares are important priorities to add capacity to the entir e system. 2.Considering that the freeway system carries only 10%-20% of the total traffic, the idea to improve mobility on thoroughfare streets is ·very im po rtant for the community as a whole. 3.Collector streets and local streets are essential for the system to work. Failur e to provide these streets create undesirable problems and traffic congestion on other parts of the system. 4.All counties, cities and vil lages are an integral part of the system. Without good planning and implementation the system cannot work properly. r l Page 5 March 30, 1989 Minutes Honorable Mayor Schrader March 28, 1989 Page -4- VI.Pote ntial Problems A.Circu lation: B • 1.Wed gew ood Villa�e and Forest �en<l are bordered by a natural barrier on one side (Clear Creek)and are also bisected by an outfall ditch.The subdivisions have only two (2) major po ints ofaccess through their main str eet "Blackhawk Boulevard" at F.M. 2351 and at F.M. 528. The two (2)floods in the su mmer of 1979 an d the flooding resulting from Hurr icane Alicia in 1983 clearly refle ct the need for additional exit routes. To limi t these exits would be detrime ntal to the sa fety of the resident of these 2 subdivisions. There is another minor connector at Friendswood-Link Road (Friendswood-�ebster Road), which is expected to tie into the future El Dorado Boule vard, "provided future approv al of the City of Friendswood is obtained". 2.Harris County strongly believes, that the lack of connecting streets to Heritage Park will be de trimental to the overall circula tion, esp ecially to the residents of Wedgewood Village and Forest Bend, forcing al l traffic to use the only major egress and ingress points through Blackhawk at F.M. 2351 and F.M. 528. 3.Co nsideri ng the 1985 average daily traff ic on F.M. 2351 and F.M. 528 and the projected (ADT) for the year 2005, an increase is expected fr om 15,400 to 42,000 and from 13,900 to 34,000 respectively. Requiring all traffic to use these major arteries, eve n for short trips, will be a burden to the syst em. 4.Since Wedge wood and Forest Bend are fully developed at this time, future development is expected to be East of Wedgewood Village and Forest Bend. Access thro ugh Heritage Park to the future development such as shopp ing centers. sc hools, offices, etc. will be necessary for the residents of Wed gewood and Fo rest Bend. Fire Protection, Police Pro tection, Ambulance Service, Garbage Collection, Mail Service: [ l Page 6 March 30, 1989 Minutes Honor able Mayor Schrader March 28, 1989 Page -5- 1. The two (2) existing volunt eer fire department stations located in Heritage Park could, at the ti me of n��d, increase the protection to the residents of Wedgewood Village and Forest Bend. The response time, as well as the ability to use the streets and water services from other districts, will be increased if stub streets are connected. 2.Inability to use the most direct routes and the congestion of traf fic at the major intersections, will increase the response time required for the police, private securit y and ambulance service. 3.The City of Friendswood's future garbage collection contracts could be reduced with the ad dition of connec ting streets. This could be attained through a savings in the time requir ed to perform the service, less miles driven by the garbage trucks and through no time lost making difficult and hazardous ma neuvers on stub streets. 4.Distribution of regular mail and other delivery services will be affected connecting streets. by the lack of C.Neighborhood Schools: 1.Construction of Clea r Brook High Sc hool on F.M. 2351 at Hope Village Drive should be considered as a high pedestrlan and traffic generator. 2. 3. 4. Student drivers, parents and school esp ecially from Wedgewood Village and For est subdivisions, will have access only through 2351. Students walking or riding bikes to and school will be forced to use F.M. 2 3 51. buses, Bend F.M. from Due to economic restraints, a number of kids are presently required to walk to school now from Wedgewood Village and Forest 'Bend. 5. Future expansion of Clear Creek Inde pendent School District may require one more elementary school and one intermediate school. The only available tracts of land for this future development are located East of Wedgewood Village and Forest Bend. These future schools, in addition to the existing high schoo� and two elementary schools, are located in Heritage Park and will serve the residents of these two subdivisions. r I l Page 7 March 30, 1989 Minutes Honorable Mayor Schrader March 28, 19 89 Page -6- o. 6.The nu mber of school bu s trips, the length required to travel and the cost may be increas ed due to the additional distance required to tr avel as a result of blocking connecting streets. Capacity: 1.Should stub streets be allowed to be extenden theexisting traffic and additional future traffic from Heritage Park on Blackhawk Boulevard will useapproximately 10% of the total capacity. 2.Curr ently peak hour estimated at 125 to lane. traffic on 140 ve hicles Blackhawk per hour , is per 3.Cons idering th at one half (500 lots) of the total drivers of the new and future sections of Heritage Park would use Blackhawk as their major ingress and egress, it wi ll increase the traffic volume by only 25 vehicles per hour, per lane at peak hour. 4. The la test available traffic counts taken on Blackhawk Boulevard (June 1983 ) reflect an average daily traffic (24 hour court) of 2,486 and 2,769 for the Northbound and Southbound respectively. 5.Based on des ign standards, the total tr affic capacity for Blackhawk Boulevard is appro ximately1200-1 500 vehicles per hour, per lane. With the prop osed additional traffic, Blackhawk Boulevard will be hand�ing only 10% of its capacity. VII.Liability 1.Harris County can not allow Heritage Park to construct the proposed co nnecting streets and then be barricaded. 2.Connecting streets should be a parti al replat of Heritage re quired, which would wipe future connection when it is open to the pu blic or Park will have to be out any chance of discovered the City's acti on to block was a mistake. 3.A variance from Houston's City Planning to construct a local street every 1400 feet maximum should be required to eliminate the proposed str eets by adding lots or cul-de-sacs. r l Page 8 March 30, 1989 Minutes Honorable Mayor Schrader March 28, 1989 Page -7- The vision to foresee potential problems and to act accordingly with corrective me asures are in the hands of planners, County Commissioners' Courts, City Councils and other ag encies as the Department of Highways and Public Transportati on, and METRO. To arbitrarily restrict or over-rule th is planning effort cripples the inteP,rlty of the entire effort of all concerned. Your consideration of all the above me ntioned items by your Planning and Zoning Commission and City Council will be appreciated. Should you need additional information, or if I can be of further assistance, please advise. RR/cl Attachments as Noted cc: Commissioner El Franco Lee Mr. J. R. Adams Mr. Jack Watkins Mr. Al Calloway Mr . Chuck Wilcox Reading File Very truly yours, Original Signed By Ricardo Rivero Technica l Assistant Page 10 March 30, 1989 Min�s [ l l MEMBERS OF THE FRIENDSWOOD PLANNING AND ZUNING COMMISSION: MY NAME I'.:> E. A. KIE�SL.ING ANI; l HAVE LIVED AT l !:,402 WANDERING Tt<AIL, IN WHAT WAS fORMEl<LY WEDGEWOOD VILLAGE SINCE 1969. IT IS MY PRIVILEGE T�IIS EVENING 1·0 REPRESENT MANY CONCERNED CITIZENS OF THAT AREA. AT THE CITY COUNCIL MEETING THAT REQUESTED A RECOMMENDATION FROM THIS COMf'lISSION I MADE A Pf�L:SENTATiuN ON BEHALF OF THESE SAME CITIZENS. A COPY, Of MY l<EMARKS, 1:::. ArrACHt.D HJI< YOUR INFOIS:MATION. THERE ARE TWO ADDITIONAL REASONS FOR MY PRESENTATION THIS EVENING. 1.THERE HAVE BEEN SEVERAL STATEf1ENTS MADE FROM A SUBJECTIVE AND PAROCHIAL POINf OF VIEW. THESE ARE DIFFICULT TO ASSESS WITHOUT ACCURATE INFORMATION ABOUT THE GEOGRAPHY OF THE AREA UNDER DISCUSSION. IT IS TO THIS END THAT I AM PRESENTING MATERIAL THAT I TRUST WILL BE HELPFUL. �-THE JOURNAL REPORTED THE PRESENTATIONS MADE TO THE CITY COUNCIL IN SUCH AN ERRONEOUS FASHION THAT EVEN SOME Of OUR NEIGHBORS ARE ASKING QUESTIONS ABOUT OUR CONCERN. I HAVE COMMUNICATED WI Ht THt:: FRIENDSWOOD EDITOR CONCERNING HIS UNDERSTANDING OF THE MATERIAL PRESENTED. I PROVIDED HIE ED IT OR A PLAT f'LAN AND SOME Of" THE MATERIAL BEING Pl�ESENTED ro YOU THIS EVENING. Fif(ST I WOULD LIKE TO SHOW Y1JU, ANU THE ClllZEhl':.> PRESENT, A Gt:NERAL VLEW OF THE AREA UNDER DI�CUSSION. 1 HOPE THAT THIS WILL MAKE CLEM\'. THAT THE PROPOSED DEVELOPMENT t-lAS PROVIDED CONSTRAINED EGRESS TO HOPE VILLAGE ROAD. THE STREEl. PATTERN DOES NOT PROVIDE ACCESS TO THE HIGH SCHOOL FOR THE RESIDENTS OF THE DEVELOPMENT, OTHER THAN VIA THE ALREADY, �NDERSIZED, OVER BURDENED HOPE VILLAGE fWAD. TO APPROVE THE PROPOSED STREE·r OPENINGS WOULD ONLY-ENCOURAGE DEVELOPERS TO PLAN MAXIMUM DENSITY HOUSING, COUNTING ON ADJACENT COMMUNITIES TO PROVIDE ADEQUATE ACCESS. WI TH AN INTERNAL STREET PLAN THAT IMPEDES TRAFFIC FLOW-IT IS UNWISE TO GIVE CREDENCE TO Rt:r·lARKS WHICH INFER THAT·- FH<E f-'ROTECTlON AND ACCESS TO P�<OPOSED SCHOOLS-REQUIRE THE USE OF STREE1·s PLANNED AND PAID FOR-BY MORE CONSUMER ORIENTED DEVELOPERS. SINCE THERE ARE,-AT [HIS TIM�,-ALTERNATIVES THAT WOULD ALLOW Hit:: DEVELOPER TO SOLVE IU S f'ROBLEf'l W l TH HI':.", OWN FUNDS. WE REQUEST THAT THIS COMMIS�3ION Fff.C01'1MLND:·· Hit::: Df:VELUr"f'ILNT Bl: f-<EPLATTE.D, THE l I rY USE THE 13UFFEh: STRll� AS IT WAS lNTE.NDt=.LJ, Tr tE STr i:EETS REMAIN CLOSED, AND WEDGEWOOD VILLAGE NOT BE EXPLOITED. THANK YOU! I WILL TRY TO BE RESPONSlVE lf lHERE ARE QUESTIONS. Page 11 March. 30, 1989 Minutes 1 l MR. MAYOR, COUNCIL MEMBERS, CITY MANAGER, MEMBERS OF THE FOURTH ESTATE, AND CITIZENS OF FRIENDSWOOD -MY NAME IS E. A. KIESSLING AND I CONSIDER IT A PRIVILEGE TO ADDRESS YOU THIS EVENING ON BEHALF OF A GROUP OF CONCERNED CITIZENS. TO PUT OUR CONCERN IN PERSPECTIVE REQUIRES THAT I REVIEW A BIT OF HISTORY. THIS HISTORY WILL ATTEST TO THE CONCEPT FOR THE ORIGINAL DEVELOPMENT, AND SUBSEQUENT GOVERNANCE OF WEDGEWOOD VILLAGE. BILL WILLIAMS DEVELOPED WEDGEWOOD VILLAGE. I WAS FORTUNATE TO MEET BILL IN 1968, ON MY FIRST TRIP TO FRIENDSWOOD. HIS MOTIVE IN DEVELOPING WEDGEWOOD WAS OF COURSE FINANCIAL GAIN BUT I KNOW HE ALSO WANTED TO HAVE A SUBDIVISION THAT WOULD BE A CREDIT TO FRIENDSWOOD, SINCE HE HOPED THAT IT WOULD EVENTUALLY BECOME A PART OF THE CITY. IN SUPPORT OF THIS STATEMENT LET ME RECALL FOR THOSE OF YOU WHO WERE HERE AT THE TIME, THE GREATER HOUSTON AREA PARADE OF HOMES IN 1970 WAS SHADY OAKS IN WEDGEWOOD VILLAGE. IN 1970 BLACKHAWK ENDED AT THE SHADY OAKS INTERSECTION. THE FACT THAT BLACKHAWK WAS PLATTED AS A DIVIDED BOULEVARD WITH A WIDE MEDIAN IS ADDITIONAL PROOF OF MR. WILLIAMS INTENTION AS TO THE NATURE OF THE SUBDIVISION. HARRIS COUNTY PLATTING REQUIREMENTS AT THAT TIME WOULD HAVE ALLOWED A NARROWER STREET AND MANY MORE HOUSE LOTS. IN OTHER WORDS TO PROVIDE ADEQUATE AND SAFE EGRESS AND INGRESS SOME OF THE POTENTIAL FINANCIAL GAIN WAS SACRIFICED TO HIS CONCEPT. BILL WILLIAMS KNEW HOW TO ENHANCE THE PROBABILITY OF HIS CONCEPTS BECOMING REALITY. HE WAS VERY PROUD OF HIS 2 FOOT BUFFER STRIP ALONG THE NORTH EAST BOUNDARY THAT WOULD FOREVER LEAVE CONTROL OF ENCROACHMENT IN THE HANDS OF THE DISTRICT OR ITS SUCCESSORS. THOSE OF US WHO WERE RESPONSIBLE FOR THE GOVERNANCE OF CLEARWOODS IMPROVEMENT DISTRICT DURING THE YEARS PRIOR TO ANNEXATION WERE ALSO GUIDED BY THE "CREDIT TO FRIENDSWOOD" CONCEPT. DURING A PERIOD OF TIME WHEN THE CITY WAS UNDER A BUILDING MORATORIUM BECAUSE THEIR SEWERAGE CAPACITY WAS INADEQUATE THE DISTRICT MADE IT POSSIBLE FOR HARRIS COUNTY TO LOCATE FRANKIE RANDOLPH CARTER PARK AT ITS PRESENT LOCATION BY MAKING POTABLE WATER AND SANITARY SEWERAGE AVAILABLE TO THE SITE. THE OWNER OF THE LAND UPON WHICH THE NEW HIGH SCHOOL IS LOCATED WAS ABLE TO INTEREST THE CLEARCREEK INDEPENDENT SCHOOL DISTRICT IN HIS LAND BECAUSE THE DISTRICT AGREED TO PROViDE, IF SOLD TO THE SCHOOL DISTRICT, THE SAME SERVICE TO THAT SITE AS WELL. 26 PLUS ACRES OF MUNICIPAL UTILITY DISTRICT 108 WERE ANNEXED BY THE DISTRICT SO THAT LACK OF FRIENDSWOOD' S SANITARY SERVICES WOULD NOT HALT DEVELOPMENT. NEGOTIATION WITH EXXON RESULTED IN THE ACQUISITION OF A CITY OF HOUSTON APPROVED, 8" WATER MAIN COMPLETE WITH FIRE HYDRANTS, FROM THE DISTRICTS BOUNDARY TO BEAMER ROAD (A $150,000 PROJECT) FOR $1.00. THI� ACQUISITION HAS ALLOWED FOR COMMERCIAL DEVELOPMENT ALONG 2351, WITH THE CITY PROVIDING WATER TO THE DEVELOPMENTS OUT OF THE CITY AT NEGOTIATED RATES. [ l Page 12 March 30, 1989 Minutes THE DISTRICT ALSO ACQUIRED EXCESS CAPACITY IN THE BLACKHAWK REGIONAL SEWER PLANT WHICH, UPON ANNEXATION, SAVED THE CITY MORE THAN $300,000. THIS FORMER WATER DISTRICT, KNOWN AS WEDGEWOOD VILLAGE, IS PROUD TO BE A PART OF THE CITY OF FRIENDSWOOD AND ALSO PROUD OF THE ACTIONS TAKEN IN THE PAST TO ESTABLISH AND MAINTAIN THE CHARACTER OF OUR NEIGHBORHOOD AS WELL AS VEHICULAR SAFETY AND PROPERTY VALUES. THESE ACTIONS HAVE ALL BEEN ACCOMPLISHED AT THE EXPENSE OF THE TAXPAYERS OF WEDGEWOOD VILLAGE. IN LIGHT OF 'fHE ABOVE WE REQUEST THAT THIS COUNCIL NOT BREAK FAITH WITH THE "CREDIT TO FRIENDSWOOD" CONCEPT, AND DENY THE USE OF RESOURCES PURCHASED WITH PUBLIC MONIES TO BENEFIT THE DEVELOPMENT OF A HIGH DENSITY HOUSING AREA SEEKING TO MAXIMIZE FINANCIAL GAIN RATHER THAN PROVIDING ADEQUATE ACCESS ROADS FOR THE TRAFFIC THAT IT WILL GENERATE. WE FEEL THAT THIS DEVELOPMENT SHOULD BE REPLATTED, WITH ACCESS TO HOPE VILLAGE ROAD AND, THAT THOROUGHFARE BE MADE ADEQUATE FOR THE TRAFFIC ALREADY GENERATED BY THE EXISTING HOMES, AS WELL AS THOSE PROPOSED, AND THIS SHOULD BE DONE AT THE EXPENSE OF THE DEVELOPER. THIS WILL CORRECT A PROBLEM THAT DEVELOPMENT IN THIS AREA HAS ALREADY CREATED AND SIGNAL OTHER DEVELOPERS THAT WE INTEND TO MAINTAIN THE "CREDI'!' TO FRIENDSWOOD" CONCEPT. THANK YOU FOR YOUR TIME. IF THERE ARE ANY QUESTIONS I SHALL TRY TO BE RESPONSIVE.