The Friendswood Planning and Zoning Ccmnission held a regular meeting on Thursday, August 3, 1989, at 7:00 P.M. in the City Hall Council Chambers. The follo.-Jing members were present constituting a quorum.
Baker -Chairman McHugh Wasson Holzschuh Wymer
Mayor Schrader City Engineer Hengst Secretary Ruth Henry
With a quorum present, Cress and Hansen absent, the follo.-Jing items were considered.
Chairman Baker called the meeting to order and welcaned Mayor Schrader.
CONSIDERATION AND POSSIBLE ACTION REGARDING ESTABLISHING BY-LAWS FOR THE PLANNING AND ZONING CCMMISSION. Chairman Baker told the Canmission the draft copy of Rules of Procedures received in their packet is what the City Council uses replacing the words City Council with Pl anning and Zoning Comnission. Camiissioner Wymer wanted to kno.-J if the draft was from the City Attorney? She had a discussion with the City Attorney regarding By-Laws from another Planning and Zoning CClllllission in Texas. Chairman Baker told Carrnissioner Wymer he had not received by-laws pertaining to another Comnission. Carrnissioner Wasson feels we should also have By-Laws regarding official notice, agendas, staff report, minutes, recaimendations and resolutions. Carrnissioner Wymer said she.was hoping they would receive a copy of the By-Laws the City Attorney had discussed with her that the State of Texas is recaimending Municipalities use. Chairman Baker told the Carrnission to review the By-Laws received fran City Council and they can request additional by-laws for review.
CONSIDERATION AND POSSIBLE REXXM-IBNDATION REGARDING Lffi7\L OPINIONS RECEIVED Carmissioner Wymer addressed the Carmission saying she feels that on major items we should have a written legal opinion. Carrnissioner Wasson addressed the Ccmnission saying the City Attorney did say the recent Attorney General's opinion stated that City Attorney's should not be expected to attach legal opinion to every decision the Planning and Zoning Carmission makes in order to make the decision valid, because it erodes the po.-Jer of the CClllllission. The Ccmnission has the po.-Jer in local and state law to make some of the decisions.
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C'ONSIDERATION AND POSSIBLE REX:CMMENDATION FOR THE ESTABLISHMENT OF A DRAINAGE POLICY Chairman Baker addressed the group saying what we need to do is establish a clear cut policy regarding drainage for property being developed but not subdivided.
Duane Hengst City Engineer sul:rnitted a proposed revision to the Flood Damage Prevention Ordinance which was written in 83, saying that maybe we can use this as a start. This would apply to 1 or more acres of property whether subdivided or not subdivided.
Mayor Schrader requested to address the Ccmnission regarding a memo he wrote prior to tonight's meeting on the subject of Drainage Requirements. The Mayor told the Ccmnission what we need is a drainage policy. Right no.,,r if a subdivision is approved by the Ccmnission and is in Harris County the plat is reviewed by Harris County Flood Control. They have sane authority and can make sane decisions andrecarrnendations to solve any problems. That is not true in Galveston County since the Clear Creek Drainage District essentially has no authority over any subdivision. They review the proposed subdivisions as a courtesy based on a hand shake type of arrangement. What I am suggesting is that you put the arrangement in writing. Mayor Schrader said do not lose site of the goal which ought to be, keep the City dry as possible. He went on to say what we basically operate on is a memo fran the City Manager of the City of Friendswood to the effect that the Drainage District will be responsible for run-off of over 100 acres and the City will be responsible for ditches and so forth under 100 acres. We do not have an ordinance or anything that deals with a drainage policy and we need to develop one to be a apart of the dev elopment process. Mayor Schrader to�d the Carmission that Chainnan Baker has copies of information fran the City files which may be helpful in understanding where we are in regard to drainage.
City Engineer Duane Hengst addressed the Ccmnission saying that at the last Planning and Zoning Camrission meeting the Ccmnission requested he present his recarmended changes to the Major Thoroughfare Map. Duane presented the Ccmnission with a map showing the recornnended changes for review and consideration. After review and discussion the Ccmnission requested Duane prepare a revised color coded map for further review at the next regular meeting of the Planning and Zoning Ccmnission.
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Ccmnissioner McHugh requested the Ccmnission discuss Flush Medians on F.M. 518 AND F.M. 2351, for a possible reccrrmendation.Ccmnissioner McHugh has concerns about the Industrial and Carmercialareas along F.M. 2351, in regard to ingress-egress. Flush medians arenot part of the proposed widening of F.M. 2351. Comnissioner Mc Hughtold the Comnission as it stands right now Council has voted to approveraised medians on F.M. 2351. Comnissioner McHugh went on to say shemet with the City Attorney after the last City Council Meeting and hesaid it was within the realm of the Ccmnission to make a reccmnendationto City Council regarding Medians. The City Attorney suggested theComnission make a reccmnendation to Council in writing for MondayAugust 7, 1989, Council Meeting since Council is going to vote again atthat meeting.
MINUl'ES FOR APPROVAL July 6, 1989 -Approved as read July 20, 1989 -Approved as read
The Carrnission forwarded the following memo to City Council regarding Median Design -F.M. 2351.
The Planning and Zoning Carmission recarmends City Council consider placement of flush medians on F.M. 2351 fran Blackhawk to Beamer. The reason for this will be to facilitate developnent of the areas zoned Industrial on the North side of F.M. 2351.
The meeting was adjourned.
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Ruth P. Henry -Sec� Planning and Zoning Coordin ator