HomeMy WebLinkAboutP&Z Minutes 1989-01-05 Regular/ [ l f I MINUI'ES OF A RffiULAR MEETING PLANNING AND ZON ING C(M,USSION JANUARY 5, 1989 7:00 P.M. The City of Friendswood Planning and Zoning Camrission held a regular meeting on Thursday, January 5, 1989, at 7:00 p.rn. in the City Hall Council Chambers. The following members were present constituting a quorum. Baker -Chainnan fillugh Hengst--Camrunity Developnent Director Wymer Ruth Henry-Coordinator Hansen Wasson Councilman Prihoda With a quorum present, Cress and Holzschuh absent, the following items were considered. PUBLIC HFARING: Chairman Baker called the Planning and Zoning Carmission Joint Public Hearing to order. The Carrnission received the following request for a zone classification change: R0;)UEST: CSC TO NC L<X:ATION: sourHEAST CORNER OF WHISPERING PINES AND F.M. 518 (8. 441Acres) Chairman Baker addressed the group explaining the CSC (Carmunity Shopping Center) is intended for a unified grouping in one or more buildings. The NC (Neighborhood Cornnercial) allows for the developnent of one building. Kent Ballard," representing the land owner," addressed the Council, Planning and Zoning Carrnission and the Audience saying that they do have an intended user for part of the tract. They will be subdividing the property if the zone classification change is approved. Councilman Evelyn Newnan ask Mr. Ballard what the intended use would be. Mr. Ballard explained the use is to be a" day care center" on approximately one acre, allowing for a large play ground area. No one spoke in opposition. IDI'IOO: (WYMER) To close the public hearing. SECDND: (M:Hugh) VOI'E: UNANIMOUS FOR OPPOSED: NONE MJI'ION CARRIED / ( I r \ \ I l J Page 2 Regular Meeting JANUARY 5, 1989 Chairman Baker told the Mayor the Planning and Zoning Cannission had received copies of SENATE BILL 336, and would like to know what part the Cannission will play. Mayor Schrader addressed the issue saying the Council has not appointed an Advisory Board as required under Bill 336. He went on to say there are several options available but the Council has not discussed them at this point. Mayor Schrader told the Cannission his reccnmendation to Council would be that the Cannission be the Advisory Board with a couple of additional manbers. Cannissioner Wymer said she has a question in general for the Mayor and City Manager. Conrnissioner Wymer said it had been indicated that the Ccmnission go forward with updating the Canprehensive Plan. She asked if the Council had any priori ties for a starting point. Mayor Schrader feels it is important to identify what areas in the City are available for Cannercial use. Mr. Tony Clark asked to address the Planning and Zoning Cannission regarding a building permit issued at 602 West Shadowbend. Mr. Clark does not understand why the permit was issued for a garage and the structure appears to be a food processing factory for a catering service. The structure is located in a Single Family Residential area. Mayor Schrader told Mr. Clark they would try to find out and thanks for bringing it to their attention. Mayor Schrader stated he wished to cannent on item 4.A. on the agenda, the item being"Suggested revision to advertising restriction on Hane Occupation in the Zoning Ordinance". He went on to say the Council is faced with the decision to enforce the ordinance which could be to the determinant of the businesses because they would not be able to advertise. The Council reccnmendation is to hold a public hearing to consider changing the ordinance. The follcwi ng is a memo the Cannission received December 19, 1988. Horne Occupation advertising restrictions Present Wording: There is no advertising of any type either on premises or by published or printed matter and no other display or storage of materials or exterior identification of the hane occupation or variation fran the residential character of the main building or any accessory building. / ( l I f I\. .I Page 3 Regular Meeting Planning and Zoning CamiissionSuggested Wording: There is no advertising of any type on premises and no other display orstorage of materials or exterior identification of the hare occupation or variation from the residential character of the main building or anyaccessory buildingi hc:Mever, advertising by published or printed matter is allowed. .MCtrION: (WYMER) To call a public hearing to consider the revised\oX>rding to the advertising restrictions on hane occupations in the zon ing ordinance. SOCOND: (MCHugh) VCY.l'E: FOR UNANIM:>US OPPOSED: NONE M0rION CARRIED Chairman Baker called on Paul Maaz, representing the F.conornic Developnent Board to address the group about what that Board has beendoing toward developnent. Mr. Maaz said originally the Industrial Developnent Corporation was fonned to participate in S{X)nsoring industrial revenue bonds. They did two projects in Friendswood, a ccmnercial building on F.M. 528, and a professional building on F.M. 518. Both were very successful projects. Shortly after these projectsthe tax laws were changed and caused these type bonds to be non-existent and the Board became inactive. In 1988 they met again anddecided it would be a good time to restructure, expand and go in sane new directions. They have recently met with Mr. Mani son who is the City representative with the Clear Lake F.conanic Developnent Council. They will be working together and expanding the Board and trying to getcitizens to participate and move forward with F.cnanic Developnent. Mr. Maaz feels sane of the things that are inl{X)rtant are education of the public, helping local businesses with seminars including marketing, advertising and financing. They will be working with the Chamber of Carrnerce, City and hopefully the Planning and Zoning Carrnission. Chairman Baker called a special meeting for January 12, 1989. He invited the Econanic Developnent Board and the Chamber of Corrmerce ifthey would like to attend. He told the audience the Cannission wouldbe discussing the following: 1. Possibility of new zone categories. 2. Revisions to the zoning ordinance pertaining to advertising forHane Occupation Businesses. 3. Review of permitted use within the Light Industrial Zone. / r· \ t I l l Ll Page 4 January 5, 1989 Reg ular Meeting Quaker Bend: Chainnan Baker addressed the Ccmnission saying: To bring you up to date Quaker Bend is a Red Flag Subdivision. "Lots have been sold by metes and bounds on an unimproved City street". Several lot owners are requesting building permits within this unplatted area that does not have utilities. Mr. Clark purchased 2 acres by meters and bounds fran a 6 acre tract on Quaker Bend and would like to build a hane. Mr. Clark would like to plat the 6 acres into 2 lots. Mr. Clark was advised in order to do this he would need to meet the requirements of the alternate method of subdividing required by the subdivision ord inance. The Carmunity Developnent Director made the foll™ing suggestions to the Planning and Zoning Ccnmission. 1.UtilitiesImprovement plans for brining water and sewer to the subdivision.2.StreetDedicate 30' additional for street right-of-way.3 • Fire and Police Approval. 4 • OWner dedication with lien holders. The meeting was adjourned. Tfil./41:1 Is� Planning and Zoning Coordinator