HomeMy WebLinkAboutZBOA Decisions 0827.1991 210 SunnyviewFRIENDSWOOD ZONING BOARD OF ADJUSTMENT REQUEST FOR HEARING NAME: l/.4/JGE `' AA1/sA R/i.eY PHONE ADDRESS: Po. GOX 673 F,0EfJD.5tJ00D.#7-( 7754(, ADDRESS OF SUBJECT PROPERTY: • /(D 5CAljNYVIEIA.) LEGAL DESCRIPTION (IF APPLICABLE): FR/En/DScJooD Btoc K M E TFS �?o �.n1DS IS PROPERTY IN A RECORDED SUBDIVISION? NATURE OF REQUEST: Vle(AM68 -TO &Y,-r4W1) FellCe l o 45m O000L-�T� Can(c ��J�lCi2l7f�G/flit/U dot/ /2". r,61 S/ICE s c -r6i9 c-K.. , FOR WHOSE DECISION IS REQUEST BEING MADE? ZONING ADMINISTRATOR: _ OTHER: NAME: UNDER WHAT ORDINANCE AND�jCTION OF ORDINANCE IS APPEAL BEING MADE? (—o X4(, OjZt) ,,//s&G%/pli/ ' D j Yi4nlcE a- An//7-9 R/ L 95 Y PRINTED NAME OF OWNER: NAME OF DESIGN ED REPRESENTATIVE 7-J?b -9l SIGNATURE OF OW ER: DATE: fR4##f###f!#!f#f#f##f!f!lf44#ff###fliff#!f##f !!f■!ff!#ff lff #ffff# DATE 3 TIME RECEIVED: STAFF COMMENTS: CITY APPROVAL: DATE: ######f!4###f##R###R#fR#4###f###f##f#$#R##f##$###fR##!#R#4###t### ACCEPTI G APPLICATIO ON BEHALF OF CITY: - NAME: DAT•: FEE PAID: 27 Regular Meeting Zoning Board of Adjustment August 27, 1991 Minutes of the Regular Meeting of the Zoning Board of Adjustment of the City of Friendswood which was held at City Hall on August 27, 1991 with the following members present constituting a quorum: Chairman William H. Taylor Regular Member Ann Talbot Regular Member Mary Ellen Bellard Alternate Member David Herbek Sign Code Enforcement Officer Linda Taylor Secretary Sylvia Santos Chairman Taylor called the meeting to order at 7:10 p.m.. Chairman Taylor appointed David Herbek as a regular member. Chairman Taylor called the Public Hearing to order to receive public input regarding request from Vance Riley seeking variance to extend fence to property line encroaching on 20' side setback at location 210 Sunnyview. Mr. Riley presented pictures to show how fence would look, if he received variance. He stated placing the fence further back would depreciate the appearance of his home. Discussion followed at length between Mr. Riley and the board. No public input was received. At this time, the public hearing was closed. **Mary Ellen Bellard moved to approve the variance to extend fence to property line encroaching on 20' side setback. Ann Talbot seconded the motion. The motion was approved unanimously. **David Herbek moved to table the Rules of Procedure for the Zoning Board of Adjustment. Mary Ellen Bellard seconded the motion. The motion was approved unanimously. **Mary Ellen Bellard moved to approve the minutes of April 23, as corrected. David Herbek seconded the motion. The motion was approved unanimously. **David Herbek moved to approve the minutes of July 23.. Ann Talbot seconded the motion. The motion was approved unanimously. 28 "Mary Ellen Bellard moved to adjourn. David Herbek seconded the motion. The motion was approved unanimously. The meeting adjourned at 7:35 p.m.. Attest: J - Azzr�- Sylvi antos Secre ary /boam827 William H. Taylor Chairman Date Signed DATE SCHEDULE FOR BOARD OF ADJUSTMENT NAME OF APPLICANT: LOCATION OF PROPERTY: o;Lky mil!' ^^ "^ . REASON FOR VARIANCE: }p A-0 MLAr, NOA4 a Q'c A.D n An 6AAf)LPQk1_a ON'\ Qb -6( c .fib PUBLIC HEARING DATE: - a-1- 9 1 Application received in City Secretary's Office Date set for Public Hearin o�7 Request tax office to furnish name of property owners within 200 feet Notice published in official newspaper (15 days prior to hearing) Letters mailed to property owners within 200 feet. (10 days prior to hearing) Public Hearing held Decision made by the Board of Adjustment ADDlicant notified _ (:I I T Ur rMICIVL/JVVUUU BUILDING PERMIT APPLICATION IMPORTANT — Complete ALL items. Mark boxes where applicable. I' LOCATION Number and street Subdivl aion ILet IBIo k Censuz tract 210 �ctAINYVI�tAJ FR/6NDSLJooD ;M+b: l�ol 5 5L, FJ hl y V I6 LJ OF BUILDING N S .�.�dg3�r/( O/� eO side of 0L✓z"E^ —feet E W from intersection of (Oils-, her -al gengnrphir, pnlilirul, a• legal sulslirisisn idrnfificarion) Il. TYPE AND COST OF BUILDING — All applicants complete Parts A — D A. TYPE OF IMPROVF.M ENT D. PROPOSED USE — For "Wrecking" most recent use 10 New build-., Residential Nonresidential 20 Addition(if residential, .it, number 120 One family IS 0 Amusement, recreational of new honxind unite added, if any, in.Parr D, 13) 130 Two or more family — Enter 19 0 Church, other religious 30 Alteration (See I above) ...be, a(unit -------�_ 200 Industrial 40 Repair, replacement la Transient hotel, motel, at dormitory —Enter number 21 0 Parking garage SD Wrecking fit multifamily r,xidential, of unit .----------y--- 220 Service station, repair garage enter number of units in building in 150 Garage 230 Hospital, institutional Part D. O) 160C ,port 2a0Office. bank, professional 60 Moving (relocation) p Other—Specfy 250 Public utility V 0 Foundation only - 260School, library, other educational 27 0 Stores, mercantile B. OWNER I a Prlvase (individual, cnrPotation, 20 0 Tanks, towers nonprofit institution, etc.) 29 0 Other — Specify r1 9 u Public (Federal, State, or local government) C. VALUATION (Omit Penfs) Nonresldantial — Describe in detail proposed use of buildings, pg., food 10 Valuation of Improvement .......... S / Z SO processing plant, machine shop, laundry building at hospital. elementary school, secondary school, college, parochial school, parking garage for To be installed but not included department store, rental office building• office building at industrial plant. If use of existing building is being changed, enter proposed Late. in It,e above cost a. Electrical .............'... I FEN GE - CeDAIe 175"6/AIEA2 FEET- b. Plumbing ................ tj sA77 /+ N A c. lieating, air conditioning .... N /4 d. Other (elevator, etc.) ...... S Ig Z 50 11 TOTAL VALUATION OF IMPROVEMENT III. SELECTED CHARACTERISTICS OF BUILDING — For new buildings and addirions• complete Parts E — L; for wrecking, complete only Part J.'for all others skip to IV. E. PRINCIPAL TYPE OF FRAME G. TYPE OF SEWAGE DISPOSAL J. DIMENSIONS 30 0 Maspnry (wall bearing) a00 Public or co aB. Number of stories ........ 31 Q'1Uood [,.me qr Ividual (septic tank, etc.) q9• Total square feet or area, all floors, tins exterior 320 Structural steel dimensio ............... PE OF WATER SUP? H343��nd,idtpl 330 Reinforced concrete 340 Other —Specify 0 Publi r vale company • Total land area. sq. it....... . K. NUMBER OF OFF-STREET PARKING SPACES (well, cistern) 51. Enclosed ..... ........ F. PRINCIPAL TYPE OF HEATING F 1. TYPE OF MECHANICAL 350 bas Will there be central air 5 oors ............... L. RESIDENTIAL BUILDINGS ONLY 360 Oil condituning! 3y 0 Electriei[ 440Yes 450 No 53. Number of bedrooms . ]9 0 Coo 39 ther— Specify will thu aan elewttr? ( Full .... as Yes qT 0 No 54. Nu Jl throoms Partial , IV. IDENTIFICATION — To be completed by all applicants Name Mailing address —.Number, sheer• city, and Stale ZIP code T.I. No. o.ner PIL6YVA+Wt6 +� pp. 90)C 8-73 .482 77596 gAIIrA F/ZIEn/D Sl.IooD TEXAS 3N1 2. Contmcto. 3. Architect The owner of this building and the undersigned agree to conform to all applicable laws of City of Friendswood. Signature of applicant Add,ess Application date I U o7 5�4A 3o s+LY 91 DO NOT WRITE IN THIS SPACE — FOR OFFICE USE Al.proved by Pcrmlt tea Date ParnuI. msueJ l',,it number I s —oEA!(E/) 11-30-1?1 — i"L�L'E 7 clC/C'�9cf/ D c/vS/1��,SE7/3'�ce 0 z NOTB: Tiiic Ini ;, aao.itE.;p the lc7p aoar Special 8-i•... Siaz:: P Y h e.• a:. rc: by 465466 ;vLvis 5 da cd JUNE B8 ZONE-X-=•'B••=500 YR. FLOOD. ... EX#srjN& RNce HOUSTON SAVINGS TO THE LIENHOLDERS AND/OR THE OWNERS OF THE PREMISES SURVEYED AND TO HOUSTON TITLE The undersigned doss hereby certify that this survey was this day made on the ground of the r �E OnnF TF property legally described hereon and is correct, and that there are no discrepancies, r�`P' encroachments, overtopping of Improvements. easements or rinAf nr..._ ..,........�_..._