HomeMy WebLinkAboutP&Z Minutes 1993-03-04 Regular[ l J REGULAR MEETING PLANNING AND ZCNING C0.\1MISSION MARCH 4, 1993 A REGULAR .MERI'ING OF THE FRIENDSVIDOD PLANNING AND ZONING Ca.1MISSION WAS HELD ON THURSDAY, MARCH 4, 1993, AT 7:00 P.M. IN THE CITY HALL COUNCIL CHAMBERS. THE FOI..LCMNG MEMBERS WERE PRFSENT: BAKER -CHAIRMAN McHUGH FINGER STEWART -A'ITORNEY THa.1PSON -CITY ENGINEER HENRY -DEVELOPMENT COORDINATOR BRINKMAN -SOCRETARY CHAIRMAN BAKER CALLED THE .MEE:I'ING TO ORDER OPENING THE PLANNING AND ZONING PORTION OF THE IXD<El'ED JOINT PUBLIC HEARING TO ROCEIVE PUBLIC INPUT, BOTH ORAL AND WRITI'EN REX;ARDING THE FOI..LavING: A.A ZONE CLASSIFICATION CHANGE REQUEST OF' SFR (SINGLE FAMILYRFSIDENTIAL) & CSC (CCM1UNITY SHOPPING CENTER DISTRICT) TOOPD (OFFICE PARK DISTRICT) FOR 3. 2 ACRFS OF LAND LOCATED AT1110 S. FRIENDffi'mD DR.B.A ZONE CLASSIFICATION CHANGE REQUEST OF SFR (SINGLE FAMILYRFSIDENTIAL) TO OPD (OFFICE PARK DISTRICT) FOR • 981 ACRFS OFLAND LOCATED AT 107 SHADWELL. DEVELOPER MITCH MI'IOIELL OPENED BY READING LETl'ERS FRCT-1 DAVID B. WEAVER AND FRa.1 ALINE WOFF'ORD CONNERY, CMNERS OF THE SlJBJK'I' PROPERTIES. AISO READ Im'O THE MINUTES BY CHAIRMAN BAKER, WERE LE'ITERS FRa.1 CHARLES BLUDWORTH AND THE FRIENDffi'mD CHAMBER OF CCMMERCE. ALL LEITERS WERE READ IN SUPPORT OF THE ZONE CLASSIFICATION CHANGE REQUEST. RICK McFEE WITH THE FRIENDSV.UOD VOLUNTEER FIRE DEPARIMENT READ HIS Ca.1MENTS INTO THE MINUTES OF THE MEfil'ING AND PRFSENTED AN A'ITACHMENT. HIS CCMMENTS STATED THAT THE PROPOSED BUILDING WOUID BE PROI'ECI'ED BY A SPRINKLER SYSTEM. HE FURTHER STATED THAT THE FIRE DEPARIMENT ASKED FOR A LADDER TRUCK SEVERAL YEARS AGO IN ORDER TO PROTECT arHER LARGE BUIIDINGS IN FRIENDSVIDOD. STRUCTURE'S OVER 35 FEEI' IN HEIGHT WERE Nar THE ONLY CONCERN. LARGE EXPANSES WERE ALSO ENDANGERED AND HE CITED CAPTAINS CORNER AND THE HIGH SCHOOL AS EXAMPLES. CHAIRMAN BAKER REMINDED THE AUDIENCE THAT LAND USE ONLY WAS BEING CONSIDERED AND Nar THE PROPOSED STRUCI'URE. 'IWO CITIZENS SPOKE IN OPPOSITICN TO THE ZONE CLASSIFICATION CHANGE REQUEST STATING THAT THEY HAD ¥.tOVED TO FRIENDffi\U)D BECAUSE OF SMALL '1™N A'IM)SPHERE AND TO ESCAPE THE TALL GLASS BUIWINGS OF THE LARGE CITIES. THERE WAS NO OI'HER Ca.1MENT AND CHAIRMAN BAKER CLOSED THE PUBLIC HEARING. JORDAN, VAN DYKE, DICKSON AND KONCABA WERE ABSENT AND THERE WAS Nar' A QOORUM TO CONDUCT BUSINESS; THEREFORE, THE FOI..LCMNG ITEMS WERE DEFERRED UNTIL THE NEXT REGULAR MEfil'ING OF THE PLANNING & ZONING CXMMISSION WHICH WII.J., BE HELD ON MARCH 18, 1993. CHAIMAN BAKER ADJOURNED THE MEETING. 1.CONSIDERATION AND POSSIBLE RECCM1ENDATION REX;ARDING THEFOI..LavING: r I P&Z 3/4/93 Page 2 A. B. A ZONE CLASSIFICATION CHANGE REQUEST OF SFR (SINGLE FAMILY RESIDENI'IAL) & CSC (CCM-1UNITY SHOPPING CENTER DISTRICT) TO OPD (OFFICE PARK DISTRICT) FOR 3.2 ACRES OF LAND LCCATED AT 1110 S. FRIENDSWCX:>D DR. A ZONE CLASSIFICATION CHANGE REQUEST OF SFR (SINGLE FAMILY RESIDENTIAL) TO OPD (OFFICE PARK DISTRICT) FOR • 981 ACRES OF LAND LCCATED AT 107 SHADWELL. 2.CONSIDERATION AND POSSIBLE ACTION REGARDING THE FINAL REPLAT OF Im 34 POLLY RANCH SUBDIVISION. 3.CONSIDERATION AND POSSIBLE ACTION REGARDING THE FINAL PLAT OF WFST OAKS SUBDIVISION. 4.CONSIDERATION AND POSSIBLE REXXM-1ENDATION REGARDING THE SITE PLAN FOR Atr.ro TOCH. 5.CCM-ruNICATIONS F.RCM THE PUBLIC 6.CONSIDERATION AND POSSIBLE REX:::CM1ENDATION FOR AMENDMENTS TO THE SUBDIVISION ORDINANCE AND TO THE ZONING ORDINANCE REGARDING PRIVATE STREETS WITHIN SUBDIVISIONS. 7. CONSIDERATION AND POSSIBLE RECCM-1ENDATION FOR AMENDMENT TO THE ZCNING ORDINANCE REGARDING THE PE™ITI'ED USE TABLE. 0dk�L--CLAUDIA L. BRINKMAN -SECRETARY I 1 I l I Comments b_y: Richard S. McFee, Fire Chief Friendswood Volunteer Fire Department at Joint Docketed Public Hearing City Council and Planning and Zoning Board 3/4/93 Reg�rding: rezoning request for Shadwell & FM 518 Thank you for the opportunity to provide this input tonight regarding this rezoning request. I once again want to state that the Friendswood Volunteer Fire Department strongly supports the continued growth and economic development in the City of Friendswood. As supporters of this continued positive growth in the tax base we welcome the type of structure as presented by Mr. Mitchell and planned for this property. The variance in maximum building height approved by the Board of Adjustments at their December 14th meeting also received our support. This was largely due to the fact that the proposed building will have installed in it all of the necessary fire protection equipment required by the Fire Marshal's Office and the recently adopted city building codes. These include a complete fire sprinkler and standpipe system, an approved fire alarm smoke detection system, and that the exit stairwells be properly ventilated and include emergency lighting. This will make this structure safer than most commercial and residential buildings presently in Friendswood. While I recognize that this rezoning request will not require the requestor to build the proposed building, I believe that requiring adherence to the building codes and proper inspection of the construction, no matter what is built, will prevent an unsafe building from being constructed in Friendswood. I would additionally like to comment on the expressed need for an Aerial Ladder truck for the City of Friendswood. It has been stated by some that the construction of a six story building in Friendswood would in and of itself require the purchase of this vehicle. This is simply not true. Friendswood already has many existing structures which proper firefighting techniques would require a ladder truck. Specifically some of those are the school buildings, several apartment complexes, several commercial strip centers such as Captains Corner and many large single family homes. ! I l l The height of a particular building is only a part of the reasoning for the use of a ladder truck. Aerial ladder trucks allow for the reach necessary for large horizontally spread out buildings, they allow quick and safe access to the roof of tall structures and they allow for large water flow capabilities from the tip of the ladder. The closest vehicle of this type to the our city is in the City of Webster. It has a normal response time to an emergency in Frier.tdswood of 15-20 minutes and with the continued growth of this area this time period is expected to increase over the next several years. The Friendswood Volunteer Fire Department recognized this need in early 1987 and incorporated this vehicle's purchase into our Five Year Capital Acquisition Plan as presented to City Council that year in our budget request. This Plan presently identifies the purchase of this vehicle in Fiscal Year 94/95 at a cost of $450,000. It will take another year to build the ladder truck and receive it in Friendswood. I'm sure all of you realize where Friendswood will be growth wise by 1996. It's not to early to think about a Ladder Truck for Friendswood. While the proposed building would certainly be the tallest structure in Friendswood it is not the reason the Fire Department needs an aerial ladder truck, those reasons already exists and are growing in number everyday. Again thank you for the opportunity to speak before you and for allowing me to clarify the issue on the need for an Aerial Ladder truck for the Fire Department. FRIENDSWOOD VOLUNTEER FIRE DEPARTMENT FIVE YEAR CAPITAL EQUIPMENT REPLACEMENT PLAN 1992 I 1993 CAPITAL EQUIPMENT FIRE APPARATUS REPLACEMENTS AMBULANCE/ EMS APPARATUS REPLACEMENTS SAFETY EQUIPMENT (AIR PACK UPGRADES) REPLACE AMBULANCE CHASSIS / REMOUNT BOX EMS EQUIPMENT REPLACEMENT RESCUE TOOL REPLACEMENT (HURST TOOL / AIR BAGS) BUIWJNG MAINTENANCE AIR OONDmONER REPLACEMENT -STATION #I PAINT FIRE STATION -STATION #I FUEL PUMPS -STATION #1 FUEL PUMPS -FISD BUS BARN MODIFICATIONS UPSTARIS DORM ROOMS -STATION #I PARKING LOT EXPANSION -STATION #I ROOF REPAIRS -STATION #l BUILDING EXPANSION -STATION #I CARPET REPLACEMENT -STATION #3 ELECTRICAL REPAIRS -STATIONS #I & #3 EMERGENCY GENERATOR -SUN MEADOWS. STATION #2 ELECTRIC GARAGE OPENERS -STATION #2 AN #3 REFINISH OOUITTERS DISPATCH OFFICE -STATION #I GRAND TOTALS FIRE APPARATUS REQUIRING REPLACEMENT FIRE VEHICLE TO BE REPLACED AGE OF VEHICLE A.'-'IBUL.A.\;CE / EMS VEHICLES REQUIRING REPLACEMENT EMS VEHICLE TO BE REPLACED/ REMOUNTED AGE OF VEHICLE 92,-93 BUDGET 18.000 28,000 13,000 0 3,500 15,000 ------77,500 5,000 5,000 18,000 5,000 0 0 0 0 1,000 9,000 5,000 6,500 1,000 ----- 55,500 --- 133,000 ======== CHIEF'S VEHICLE C80 8 YRS MEDIC CAR MEDIC CAR U◄3/U« 10 YRS/9 YRS 9:l-94 BUDGET 90.000 0 13,000 0 0 0 -------· 103,000 0 0 0 0 25,000 80,000 10,000 0 0 0 0 0 0 ------ 115,000 218,000 ======== MIDI PUMPER E83 29 YRS 94-95 BUDGET 450,000 0 0 0 0 0 ---·---- 450,000 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 --------0 450,000 ======== PUMPER/75 FOOT LADDER TRUCK COMBINATION 21 YRS 9S-96 BUDGET 0 93,500 0 0 0 0 ........ 93,500 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 93.500 AMBUU\NCE MEDIC CAR A◄8/U◄S 12 YRSn YRS 97-96. BUDGET 35.000 0 0 43,000 0 8,000 ------- 86,000 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 300.000 0 0 0 0 0 300,000 386,000 DUTY OFFICER VEHICLE UTILITY VEHICLE U78/Un S YRS/II YRS REMOUNT AMB CHASSIS ONLY A46 7 YRS PlVE YEAR TOTALS 493.000 121,500 26,000 43,000 3,500 23,000 ------- 810,000 5,000 5,000 18,000 5,000 25,000 80.000 10,000 300.000 1.000 9,000 5.000 6,500 1,000 470,500 1,280.500 r 1 The Honorable Mayor Evelyn Newman City of Friendswood Council Members Pl�nning & Zoning Commission March 3, 1993 Regarding the rezoning of 1110 So. Friendswood from R-1 to Office Park, we think that this property should not continue to be zoned Single Family Residence (SFR), and used as our homestead. Please consider rezoning our property for the following reasons: 1.We. are squeezed between property that is zoned CommercialShopping Center on one side, and Multi-Family on the other side. It would be almost impossible to sell our home as afamily residence, except at a substantially reduced price. 2.The property is located on a busy thoroughfare & intersection. 3.Property is low and occasionally floods. The present structureshould be torn down and rebuilt out of the flood plain area.This would be impractical to do for a single family residence. On the positive side, if rezoned as Office Park, the existing structure can be torn down and used as parking, or built up with nice office facilities on the site, out of the flood prone area. This new zonijg would benef it the site by eliminating a small residential section that rightfully should have a buffer from Commercial and Multi-Family zoning. It would also allow us the highest and best use of our property and not penalize us by our near total inability to sell this property as a single family, residence. We ask that you respond favorably to this request for rezoning. Sincerely, � /)/ • I , f. ',f/,72.· ��u J1/3/ftp e/Y1 7 Aline Wofford Connery :., )-�-�-'.I� ·;�1 .. ':(�ft. '� . .'��>'...'!l ,, .;. •✓ L. .) .... -•.. v ... J/4/93 cc Mayor Newman Jimmy Thompson ✓ 01.�or..· & Ou;o_.._ ATTOk,"l•;vs ,\TL.\,. '"') ... L T1uH•;1• •• '\.cr.i-:."" < .E···•• .. TEfl nlTl't•;�I '-�I\ :J:J:J \. (.A,. �1"Hl•:1:T Il<H·S'l'O--:, Tt-:X.\!-< "t"fllC•� (T I u, "f r; I) --O<l l><l :: ' ,7 �1t ·..-:· ' : ·-i /�:(,,. : '. :-. �.. "'·:. -� . .I ',) Tt::LIS::("0,.( t·:t, t't 1 .JI T:"",t•--0:1 ,� \.,, -,.� '.:�_:\;./ Mr. Ron Cox City Manager city of Friendswood 109 East Willowick Friendswcod, Texas 77546 Dear Ron: �arch 4, 1993 Re: Su0div1sion of Lots 1n Polly Ran:::h Estates At your request I have reviewed my opinion issued last June as well os the corresµondence of Marilyn Mieszkuc relating to the referenced matter. I agree that the standard has changed in light of §202.003 of the Texas Property Code and, further, that the cases cited in my opinion were prior to the adoption of such provision. However, even in light of said §202.003, I do not opine that the resubd1vision of a lot in Polly Ran.:::h Estates attempts to alter, amend, or remove a covenant or restriction. The language in the Polly Ranch restrictions does not addressresubdivision. Perhaps inferences could be drawn depending uponone's perceptions, but for the tity to do so would, in my opinion,reach a conclusion which far exceeds what is contemplated by§212.014 of the Local Government Code. Furthermore, our approvalof a resubdivision does not estop the Polly Ranch HomeownersAssociation ("Association'') from exer-cising their remedies undertheir restrictions. Sincerely, John F. Olson JFO:bkc •I�;: r l J -• ':J :" I , 1 C". -- _, . ..:. � David 8. Weaver 107 Shadwell Lane Friendswood, Texas 77546 March 4, 1993 The Honorable Mayor Evelyn Newman City of Friendswood Council Members Planning and Zoning Com mission Albuquerque, NM 87103 Dear Mayor Newman, ?Ai:iC:. :J02 I am writing to you regarding the proposed rezoning of my family's residential property from single family residence classification to office park complex designation. I, unfortunately, will be unable to attend the meeting scheduled for the evening of March 4, 1993. Howe ver, I wanted to share with you and the other members of the City Council and the members of the Planning and Zoning Commission the reasons for my family's decision to request the proposed rezoning. Over the past year, Stevenson Park and the surrounding area have undergone a dramatic transformation. The recent additions of the Castle play area, the volleyball court, and the jogging trail, the improved drainage, and the refurbishing of the tennis courts have all changed Stevenson Park for the better. Park usage has increased dramat ically, particularly on the weekends. In addition. the improvements to Shadwell Lane, currently underway, will increase the usage still further by providing better access to the park, as well as additional parking for the residents of Friendswood. Unfortunately, these badly needed improvements to Stevenson Park have come at the expense of the residential character of our home on Shadwell. The traffic flow in front of our home has been steadily increasing, bringing with. it concerns for the safety of our children, traffic noise, dirt from the road, cars parking directly in front of our home at all hours of the day and night, and the nuisance of at least 1 0 to 20 cars a day turning around in our driveway. The improvements to Shadwell will alleviate some of these problems, but will aggravate others. In addition, the Ughts in the park are left on all night. making it accessible for activities at any hour and increasing the amount of late night traffic. In fact, the volleyball courts are frequently used past midnight on the weekends. Our home is an isolated piece of residential property, surrounded now on three sides by commercial property, Stevenson Park, and the newly developed parking lot for overflow parking tor the Park.. The increased development of co mmercial property along FM 518, including the new oil change facility across the street from the park., makes the prospect of the development of the commercial property abutting ours a virtual certainty, effectively eliminating any remaining residential character of our home. Thus, our property is now more appropriately suited for use as an office park or other commercial endeavor, rather than a single family residence. l J •: i-:; ;:..! ·::: ::: • : :� :J PA•3E. 003 We respectfully request that you favorably consider our petition for rezoning our property. I , ly yours, =j);s.� David B. Weaver