HomeMy WebLinkAboutP&Z Minutes 1993-02-04 Regularr 1 l l REGULAR MEETING PLANNING AND ZONING CCM-1ISSION FEBRUARY 4, 1993 A REGULAR MEETING OF THE FRIENDS¾OOD PLANNING AND ZONING CCMMISSION WAS HEID ON THURSDAY, FEBRUARY 4, 1993, AT 7:00 P.M. IN THE CITY HALL COUNCIL CHAMBERS. THE FOLLCMING MEMBERS WERE PRESENT: BAKER -CHAIRMAN FINGER McHUGH KONCABA JORDAN THO.\fl?SON -CITY ENGINEER HENRY -DEVELOPMENT COORDINA'IOR BRINKMAN -SOCRETARY FRANKOVICH -COUNCIL LIAISON WITH A QUORUM PRESENT AND VAN DYKE AND DICKSON ABSENT, CHAIRMAN BAKER OPENED THE DCCKEI'ED JOIN!' PUBLIC HEARING 'IO RECEIVE PUBLIC INPUT, Balli ORAL AND WRITTEN REGARDING THE FOLL<M.rNG: A. ZONE CLASSIFICATION CHANGE REQUEST OF SFR (SINGLE FAMILYRESIDENTIAL) 'IO CSC (CCMMUNITY SHOPPING CENTER DISTRICT) FOR1110 S. FRIENDS¾OOD DR.-3.2 ACRES.B.ZONE CLASSIFICATION CHANGE REQUEST OF SFR (SINGLE FAMILYRESIDENTIAL) 'IO CSC (Ca-1MUNITY SHOPPING CENTER DISTRICT) FOR107 SHAIJiIBLL -.981. DEVELOPER WILLIAM (MITCH) MITCHELL MADE A PRESENTATION OF HIS PROPOSED SIX S'IORY OFFICE BUILDING WHICH HE REFERRED 'IO AS "PARK 'IOWER" • MICHELL SAID THAT THE 'IOP 'IW) FLOORS OF THE BUIIDING WILL BE LEASED 'IO A FORI'UNE 500 ca-1PANY AND THE SOCOND AND THIRD FLOORS WOULD BE LEASED 'IO A LAW FIRM, A CPA FIRM, A TITLE CCMPANY AND MITCHEU.,'S cmN DEVELOPMENT CCMPANY. THE FIRST FLOOR WOULD INCLUDE A RESTAURANT, AN OFFICE SUPPLY S'IORE AND MISCELLANEOUS C1I'HER RETAIL S'IORES. HE REVIEWED FIGURES REGARDING TAX REVENUE SHOULD THE SITE DEVEWP WITH TIN BUIIDINGS AS OPPOSED 'IO THE REVENUES THAT WOULD BE GENERATED BY HIS BUILDING. CHAIRMAN BAKER ADVISED THE AUDIENCE THAT WHILE MR. MITCHEIL HAD MADE A PRESENTATION OF HIS PROPOSED BUILDING, THE ISSUE AT HAND WAS LAND USE AND THE BEST USE OF THE PROPERTY. BAKER STATED THAT ONCE THE PROPERI'Y WAS ZOOED CSC, THE DEVEWPER WAS UNDER NO RFAL OBLIGATION 'IO CONSTRUCT THE BUII.DING THAT WAS BEFORE THEM. BAKER STATED THAT THERE WERE NUMEROUS BUSINESSES THAT COULD BE OPERATED IN THE ZONE IF THE DEVELOPER WAS UNABLE 'IO BUILD THE SIX S'IORY BUILDING. HE ADDED THAT MR. MI'l'CHELL HAD ALREADY BEEN IN FROOT OF THE ZOOING BOARD OF ADJUS'IMENT AND THAT A HEIGHT VARIANCE HAD BEEN GRAN.I'ED. THERE WERE APPROXIMATELY 50 PEOPLE IN THE AUDIENCE AND ABOUT 15 SPOKE REGARDING THE ZONE CHANGE REX)UEST. OF THE 15, APPROXIMATELY HALF SPOKE IN FAVOR OF THE ZONE CHANGE. THE REASOOS CITED WERE THAT THE TAX BASE WAS NECESSARY AS WAS THE NEED FOR NICE OFFICE SPACE. IT WAS AI.SO STATED THAT THE PARKING WOULD BE BENEFICIAL WHEN THERE WERE PARK ACTIVITIES, IF THE DEVEWPER WOULD RENDER THE PARKING LOT FOR USE DURING SPEX:IFIC EVENTS. THE REMAINING SPOKE IN OPPOSITION STATING THAT THEY WANTED FRIENDS¾OOD TO REMAIN A "BEDROCM ca-1MUNITY" • TRAFFIC PROBLEMS, THE EFFEX:T ON THE r 1 l l P&Z 2/4/93 Page 2 PARK, AND SAFEI'Y FOR CHILDREN WERE SOME OF THE REASONS FOR THEIR OPPOSITION. FORMER MAYOR PAUL SCHRADER WAS UNABLE 'IO A'ITEND, BUT HE HAD PREPARED A STATEMENT WHICH WAS RF.AD INTO THE MINUTES AS WAS A LEI'TER FRCM DIANA AND RICH MONTES • COUNCIIMEMBERS HAJOCATE AND FRANKOVICH ALSO SPOKE IN FAVOR OF DEVELOPMENI' AND CCMPLIMENTED MI'ICHELL ON HIS DESIGN. WITH NO FUR!'HER ca-1MENT, THE PUBLIC HEARING WAS CLOSED AND CHAIRMAN BAKER .tv',OVED 'IO THE NEXT ITEM ON THE AGENDA, 'IO GIVE CONSIDERATION AND POSSIBLE RECQ\1MENDATION REX}ARDING THE FOLLCMING: A.ZONE CLASSIFICATION CHANGE �UFST OF SFR (SINGLE FAMILY RESIDENTIAL) 'IO CSC (Ca.1MUNITY SHOPPING CENTER DISTRICT) FOR 1110 S. FRIENDSWOOD DR. -3.2 ACRES. B.ZONE CLASSIFICATION CHANGE RE)JUFST OF SFR (SINGLE FAMILY RESIDENTIAL) 'IO CSC (C0.'1MUNITY SHOPPING CENTER DISTRICT) FOR107 SHADWELL -.981 ACRES. CCM1ISSIONER FINGER MADE A MOI'ION 'IO TABLE THE ITEM UNTIL THE NEXT REGULAR MEETING. SECOND: JORDAN VOI'E FOR: UNANIMOUS OPPOSED: NONE MOI'ION CARRIED. 1.CONSIDERATION AND POSSIBLE ACTION REGARDING THE PRELIMINARY PLAT OF MELODYWCX)D SUBDIVISION. MR. GOZA ADDR ESSED THE CCM1ISSION REGARDING THE PRELIMINARY PLAT AND EXPLAINED HIS DRAINAGE PROPOSAL. HE ALSO ADVISED THE CCM1ISSION THAT ANOTHER DEVELOPMENT WAS GOING IN ADJACENT 'IO MELODYWCX)D. THIS SUBDIVISION vl)ULD TIE IN WITH MELODYWCX)D AND IDULD GIVE 'n'iO POINTS OF ENTRY INTO THE SUBDIVISION. MR. DAN RUCKER PRESENTED HIS PORI'ION OF THE DEVELOPMENT WHICH IS IN BRAZORIA AND GALVESTON COUNTY AND IS IN THE PREAPP STAGES OF DEVELOPMENT. RUCKER STATED THAT HE � PRESENI' HIS SUBDIVISION IN A FEW WEEKS. CQ\1MISSIONER JORDAN MADE A MOI'ION 'IO APPROVE THE PRELIMINARY PLAT OF MELODYWOOD SUBDIVISION. SECOND: FINGER VOI'E FOR: UNANIMOUS OPPOSED NONE MOI'ION CARRIED. 2.CONSIDERATION AND POSSIBLE ACTION REGARDING THE FINAL PLAT OF WEST OAKS SUBDIVISION. THIS ITEM WAS Na!' READY AND WAS PASSED OVER BY THE CCM-1ISSION. 3.CCMMUNICATIONS FRCM THE PUBLIC THERE WERE NO PUBLIC CCM-1ENT AND THE FOLLCw.ING ITEMS WERE DISCUSSED. A.REVIEW AND DISCUSS THE ORDINANCE REGARDING GARDEN HOME DISTRICTS -JORDAN. PRIVATE STREETS WERE DISCUSSED AS WAS THE FACT THAT A PROPERTY MUST BE ZONED MFR (MULTI-FAMILY RESIDENTIAL) IN ORDER 'IO BE ZONED r P&Z 2/4/93 Page 3 GHD (GARDEN HCME DISTRICT). INTENT OF THE ORDINANCE WAS DISCUSSED AS WAS AN ADDENDUM TO THE ORDINANCE REGARDING RIGHT OF WAY WIDTH. THE CQ\1MISSION ASKED ENGINEER THa.1PSON TO CONSULT WITH ATTORNEY STE.WART REGARDING THE LEGALITY OF PRIVATE STREEI'S AND POSSIBILITY OF CHANGING 'RCJil WIDTHS IN A GARDEN HCME DISTRICT ONLY. CCMMISSIONER JORDAN ASKED THAT THIS ITEM BE PLACED ON THE NEXT AGENDA AS AN ACTION ITEM. B.ELlX:TION OF CHAIRMAN AND VICE CHAIRMAN. CXM1ISSIONER JORDAN MADE A MOI'ION THAT CHAIRMAN BAKER REMAIN CHAIRMAN. SECOND: FINGER VOTE FOR: UNANIMOUS OPPOSED: NONE MOTION CARRIED CCMMISSIONER McIIDGH MADE A MOI'ION THAT KONCABA REMAIN IN THE POSITION OF VICE CHAIRMAN. SECOND: JORDAN VOTE FOR: UNANIMOUS OPPOSED: NONE MOTION CARRIED 4.MINlll'ES FOR APPROVAL -NOVEMBER 19, 1992 AND JANUARY 7, 1993. [ l February 3, 1993 Paul W. Schrader 504 Liberty Circle Friendswood, TX 77546 Honorable Mayor, Councilmemhers, and Members of the Planning and Zoning Commission: I am writing to express my concern regarding the possible rezoning of lots on Friendswood Drive to the Community Shopping Center classification. It is appears from the publicity, that the issues are whether Ftiendswoo<l is ready for a sLx story building, and whether we should approve the proposal with its "park like atmosphere," including "a living reproduction of the Friendswood logo complete with a real live oak tree." Of course a "real live oak tree" would be nice, but I hasten to point out that this is not the issue. As you know, the attractive elevation drawings and developer visions have absolutely nothing to do with the rezoning question. Once the property is rezoned the developer is free to exploit the property for any other use pennitted under the Cotmn unity Shopping classilication. We are all cognizant that the developer may even sell the land, or loose control through bankruptcy or other proceedings . The basic question is simply: Does Friendswood need an additional community shopping center? Does the proposed rezoning meet the requirements of Friendswood's Master Plan for growth? Does it fit with our vision of how and where the city should grow? The elevation rendering and publicity raise other material questions, for example: Since the proposed development is adjacent to Stevenson Park, wtll lt enhance the quallty of the park that we have all worked so hard to expand and improve? Is additional otlice space really necessary? There appears to be a plethora of vacant oilice space including the office building on FM 528. Is additional retail space really necessary? Again there appears to be a great deal of underutilized space in all of lhe existing Communily Shopping Centers. There is ample additional property already zoned for shopping centers yet to be developed. Does Friendswood have the fire suppression equipment necessary to address a fire in a six story building? Will the city have to purchase a $500,000 ladder truck? Would the revenue from this development cover the cost of such a unit? [ I Arc we prepared to significantly alter tho atmosphere of the zoning immediately adjacent to our outstanding park? The answers to these questions lead me to the conclusion that the proposed development docs not fit the City's Master Plan. I want to emphasize again that if the property is rezoned, there is no absolute certainty that it will ever be constructed, and ce11ainly not to the artist's rendering. This project will significantly detract from the quality of Stevenson Park. Friendswood citizens have provided hundreds of thousands of dollars lo improve the park and its use is still growing. It should not be allowed to degrade and become another downtown pocket park amid "sky scrapers." Consider how the magnitude of the building will dominant the park, and how its reflected light, and increased traffic flow will impinge on those who find solitude in the park. Friendswood does not presently have nor docs it need the fire suppression equipment necessary to service this building adequately and safely in the event of a disaster. We are all cognizant that economic development is important to the future of Friendswood. However, new development should complement and not detract from existing land use. I urge you to reject the rezoning proposal because it is not in highest and best interests of the citizens of Friendswood. I appreciate your consideration of my views, request that this letter be made a part of the hearing record. Sincerely, / �a� f l l c0"d lt:HOl FEB 1993 __.., r-:>, City of FriendsWOOd February 4, 1993 :;::-, RECEIVED u., '& CllY Of FRIENDSWOOD :;:;;: � CITY SECRETARY i:;;; Honorable Mayor Newman, ,.<f'? � �-??.IZOZt,\Ji> \:. -... _ ... - Since my wife and I cannot attend tonight's Zoning and Planning Pubic Hearing for obtaining Input on the construction of the six story building, lmmedia1ety south· of Stevenson's Park -we'd Hke to send you our thoughts in tha matter via this fax. We are strongly opposed to the construction ot the she story bulldlng proposad by the Attalr Development. We feel we are very fortunate to Uve in the City oi Fnendswood. We think tt Is a wonderful place to be raising our family.ha. l.4y wife has Uved in many different parts of the oountry since her father was in the MiITtaiy. I grew up in El Paso, we have li'led In ArnaiiUo, Corpus Christi, Euless. and now Friendswood. So I think we have a fairly broad view of llvlng, wor1<lng, raising a family In other parts of the Country. I would hate to see our Zoning ordinances changed with casual disregard especially for the benefit of a few, at the expense of the residents. Not to suggest that our Planning ard Zoning COmmlsslon are the pawns of the developers. SUCh a structure is inconsistent with the surroundings. There are other alternate existing commercial sites for that structure. (It matters not that that the building arxl grounds be pretty if it doesn't fit with the surroundings.) Also what about the immediate residents? I don't live near there but I would be infuriated if somebody wanted to come to build a six story monstr osity next to me . Especially it the bcation had become most desirable because of what my neighbors and I had done to maJ�e it a wonderful neighborhOod. I felt It somewhat outrageous when I read the statement in the February 3 Journal's issue by Mitch Mitchel, -We have {designed) a park llke atmosphere: It's a rather ludr1cuous statement, considering the residents payed (and for the upkeep) of Stevenson's Park. I ocassionally take my family there. I don't want a Six Story building there. Let them build at another location. Let them abide by the ordinances that the rest of us have to live by. Thank you for your time. Sincere{y, <}J� Jr);;r!)c.�1/:- G. il/oK-rF;> Diana and ch Montes 1003 W. dgewood