HomeMy WebLinkAboutFourth of July Steering Committee Minutes 07-18-20184th of July Steering Committee
Meeting Minutes
July 18, 2018
Tony Scarpa
Terri Corbett
Darrell Fales
Barbara Blanchard
Kathy Molinaro
Chris Scarpa
Stacy Scarpa
Terry McKee
James Toney, Director of Parks and Recreation
Kimberly Ramirez, Staff
Katy Blanchard, Staff
1. Call meeting to order: The meeting was called to order at 6:01p.m.
2. Communications from the public: Complaints from the public? Staff state there was
none after the event.
3. Discussion and possible action regarding June 27, 2018 minutes: Barbara made a
motion to approve the minutes as presented, Kathy second the motion and the motion
was approved.
4. Discussion and possible action regarding the 2018 and the 2019, 4th of July
A. Dignitary Breakfast: Barbara stated the breakfast went fine, got more food tons of
milk and fruit left over. Would like to use Whataburger again. Separate the dignitary
badges the night before.
B. Parade: It rained, we don’t remember the last time it rained that hard on the 4th but
the parade went on. There weren’t any issues everyone participated was light hearted
and excited to participate. Horse’s staging area isn’t safe, need to find another area.
Possibly put on Heritage, First Baptist Church, Stacy stated the parade was a huge
challenge, but we got thru it. James stated the parade was great and went on without
a hitch, great job Stacy!
C. Day Program: Day program was cancelled. Tommy stated we need to find another
face painting lady. Need to add to the vendor application, size of their truck and
trailers, add to booth app. Add the water connection unlocked on work order. Need
dry ice, for ice trailer next year? Kimberly stated Plan B the amusement rides have to be
staged at the fire station since City Hall is open for business the day before the 4th.
D. Evening: The event went very well; we did have some issues with our sound
company. He had a trailer and RV and left it in the middle of the fields during the
event. Barbara requested to have Spazmatics for next year. Darrell stated to keep in
mind that Ross Benson is moving; Gary stated he talked to him and he said he will bring
the generator to us. The band was excellent, give the band the timeline when they
arrive. Get VIP bathroom next year, fireworks. Katy saved the day with editing the
music for the fireworks. Makes sure parks truck are parked away from the buses after
the fireworks.
5. Adjournment: The meeting was adjourned at 7:13p.m.
Approved by:
Kimberly Ramirez
August 15, 2018