HomeMy WebLinkAboutP&Z Minutes 1996-07-11 RegularI
JULY 11, 1996
A Regular Meeting of the Friendswood Planning and Zoning Commission was held on Thursday, July 11,
1996 at 7:00 p.m. in the City Hall Council Chambers located at 910 S. Friendswood Dr., Friendswood, Texas.
The following members were present:
Baker -Chair
Lowe -Council Liaison
Henry -Development Coordinator
Cress Brinkman -Secretary
Grace Kneupper -City Engineer
With a quorum present, Whittenburg absent, Chair Baker called the meeting to order to consider the following:
1.Communication from the Public.
A Consideration and possible recommendation to City Council regarding the final
site plan of Allstate Insurance Company -Forest Bend.
Item remained on the table.
1.Consideration and possible action regarding the final plat of Brakemasters located on FM 2351
adjacent to the Friendswood Texaco Plat (Exxon).
The commission reviewed the final plat as presented by Al Lentz of Lentz Engineering.
Motion: Finger -to approve the final plat.
Second: Clark
Vote For: Unanimous Motion Carried
2.Consideration and possible recommendation to City Council regarding the final site plan of
Brakemasters located on FM 2351 adjacent to the Friendswood Texaco Plat (Exxon).
There cannot be an interconnection between the Friendswood Texaco Plat and the
Brakemaster Site Plan because the Texaco detention is incorporated into the landscaping. A
note is on the plat that will allow access at some future date. Al Lentz with Lentz Engineering
stated that the building had been moved back to correspond with Friendswood Texaco in the
area of landscaping. The commission reviewed the parking, landscaping, and detention
Vote For:
Finger -to approve the final site plan.
Unanimous Motion Carried
Pre-App for Boca Raton Extension -Lentz Engineering.
Lentz reviewed the proposed plan for the extension of Boca Raton. The property is covered
with pipelines and Planning and Zoning expressed concern that the pipelines were too close to
residential areas. In addition, the pipelines would inhibit use of the back yards for pools,
P&Z 7-11-96Page 2 gardens, etc. Questions arose regarding fencing, proximity to the fire station, water and sewer connections, and detention/ runoff. The property would fall under the jurisdiction of Brazoria County Drainage District #3. The Commission asked Lentz if he could prepare something a little more suitable. 4.Pre-app for Garden Oaks located at Garden Drive and Shadowbend - 2 lots.Chuck Davis presented the proposed pre-app. The Clear Creek Drainage District has givenboth the preliminary and final approval. The floor of the existing ditch will be graded to widen it,allowing for the detention required. The commission approved the concept.5.Consideration and possible action regarding the final plat of Quail Crossing located off ofBlackhawk and FM 2351.Commissioner Finger made a motion to approve the final plat of Quail Crossing.Second: Clark Discussion: There is a discrepancy regarding the record owner on the title report and on the mylar. Matthew Morgan explained that the people involved were going to execute a subordination agreement by separate instrument. City Attorney Todd Stewart advised Mr. Morgan that the Friendswood Ordinance would not allow approval until the title report and mylar were in agreement. There was also a question of the total number of acreage involved. The Commission discussed the alternative solutions. Commissioner Finger withdrew his motion and Clark withdrew the second. Motion: Second: Vote For:
Burke -to table the item until the next regular meeting of the P&Z Commission. Grace Unanimous Motion Carried6.Minutes for approval -June 17, 1996 and June 20, 1996 -approved as read.7.Communications from:A.Staff -City Engineer Kneupper advised the Commission of the two new committees thathad been created as a result of their recommendations to City Council. Those committees are theTree Ordinance Review Committee and the Permitted Use Table Committee. Secondly, Kneupperasked if any of the Commission would be interested in attending the APA Conference. Severalcommissioners stated that they would.B.Commissioners -Questions arose regarding the status of the proposed Estate LotSubdivision, the development of a policy to integrate detention facilities and landscaping, and abouta Parks Board recommendation that P&Z acquire neighborhood parks during the subdivisionprocess. There was also a question regarding 911 emergency gates, particularly in theWedgewood Subdivision. City Engineer Kneupper asked Commissioner Cress to work on theEstate Lot Subdivision. There is concern about maintenance and liability for neighborhood parksshould the homeowner's association not retain ownership, such as currently exists with thedetention facilities. 911 gates should be addressed through the police department and EngineerKneupper will develop a policy to satisfy the detention and landscaping issue.
dl2rt �ng was adjourned.