HomeMy WebLinkAboutP&Z Minutes 1996-06-20 Regular[ I I MINUTES OF A REGULAR MEETING OF THE PLANNING AND ZONING COMMISSION JUNE 20, 1996 A Regular Meeting of the Friendswood Planning and Zoning Commission was held on Thursday, June 20, 1996 at 7:00 p.m. in the City Hall Council Chambers located at 910 S. Friendswood Dr., Friendswood, Texas. The following members were present: Finger -Vice Chair Clark Hoover -City Planner Henry -Development Coordinator Cress Grace Burke Brinkman -Secretary Lowe -Council Liaison With a quorum present, Baker and Whittenburg absent, Vice Chair Finger called the meeting to order to consider the following: OLD BUSINESS: 1.TABLED ITEMS: A Consideration and possible recommendation regarding the TREE ORDINANCE. Motion: Second: Vote for: Commissioner Burke to remove this item from the table. Cress Unanimous Motion carried Because there had been a lot of interest in a tree preservation ordinance, Commissioner Burke said that a committee should be appointed to workshop the matter. There was considerable discussion regarding the tree trimming activities that had occurred as a result of Texas-New Mexico's contract with Asplundh Tree Service. Citizens were complaining that improper methods were utilized during the trimming process and those improper methods had weakened the trees. The commission agreed that the committee should be made up of a member from the Community Appearance Board, P&Z, Texas-New Mexico Power Company, and that a nurseryman should be included on the ad hoc committee. It was suggested that a Council Liaison be in attendance also. The general consensus was that the utility representative should be from Texas-New Mexico or from HL&P because both the telephone company and the cable company use underground utilities. Motion: Burke made a motion to recommend to City Council that an Ad Hoc committee be formed to propose a tree ordinance that would include tree trimming and tree preservation. It is also recommended that the committee include a nurseryman, utility company representative, a member of the Community Appearance Board, a representative of a homeowner's association, a developer, be chaired by a member of the Planning and Zoning Commission and that a proposed ordinance be returned by September 1st for consideration. Second: Clark Vote for: Unanimous Motion carried NEW BUSINESS: 1.Communications from the Public. A resident addressed the commission regarding his opposition to the proposed Quail Crossing Apartments citing traffic, drainage, and loss of property value as reasons for that opposition. Commissioner Burke explained that the property has been zoned MFR-H since its annexation into the City. Burke also stated that if a developer subdivides property, the runoff [ P&Z 6/20/96 Page 2 rate has to be the same as when the property was in the undeveloped state. He said this is accomplished by metering devices, etc., and that the drainage plan is approved by the governing drainage district as well as by the City. The resident asked if he could view the proposed plans for water and sewer to which Planner Hoover replied that both drainage and sewage plans could be viewed. 2.Consideration and Possible action regarding the final plat of Parkwood Village, Section II. City Planner Hoover reviewed the process Mr. Gherman had taken when he received approval on sections one and two of Parkwood Village. Gherman had requested final approval and received it. Later he returned to the commission to ask to develop this subdivision in stages. The City had begun a "new" procedure at the time, filing the plat after all improvements (drainage, utilities, streets) were in and accepted. Mr. Gherman was a new developer and could not afford to put that much money up front. The commission agreed to Mr. Ghorman's proposal. The detention was put in place to accommodate both sections. The final plat is exactly the same as the one that received approval previously; there have been no changes. The Commission reviewed the plat, commenting that the common area over the pipeline was a nice touch. Charles Anders, representative of the developer, explained the drainage and detention plan, as well as the water/sewer plan. Hoover stated that City Engineer Kneupper wanted to review the drawings to see exactly how all this will take place. This will be done before the plat is filed. Motion: Grace made a motion to approve the final plat upon City Engineer Kneupper's review and approval of the drawings. Second: Clark Vote for: Unanimous Motion carried 3.Consideration and possible recommendation to City Council regarding the final site plan of ALLSTATE Insurance Company -Forest Bend. 4. City Planner Hoover explained that Mr. Bazzy was not able to obtain a final site plan as his architect was out of town and there was no one to prepare it for him. It was Hoover's suggestion that Mr. Bazzy bring what he had. Hoover stated that the ordinance requires 1 space of parking for each 400 square foot of building space and that the site plan indicated three additional spaces. There are several concerns regarding the proposed site plan and information missing such as landscaping, parking, set back and building dimensions, the locator map, etc. Motion: Second: Vote for: Cress made a motion to table this item until a proper site plan is made available. Clark Unanimous Motion carried Consideration and possible recommendation to City Council regarding the final site plan of Friendswood Party Store -FM 5218. City Planner Hoover reviewed the proposed with the Commission. The 40' strip was of concern to the Commission because the property was not being subdivided at this time. In future, should the property be subdivided, there is no assurance that the 40' strip of landscaping will go with the property for the Friendswood Party Store. Mr. Robinson agreed to prepare an easement for this piece of property which will be recorded with the plat. There was discussion l l P&Z 6/20/96 Page3 of how the water will flow from the back of the property to the street and the location of the dumpster. The Commission would like to have had an appropriate diagram indicating that there will be adequate turning space for trucks to access the dumpster and the loading dock. Motion: Burke made a motion to recommend to City Council that the site plan be approved. Staff is instructed to review the easement, make sure that drainage from the back building roof to the street is indicated on the site plan, the location of the dumpster is where it has been indicated and that a drawing has been submitted to address the turning radius. Second: Grace Vote for: Unanimous Motion carried 5.Consideration and possible recommendation to City Council regarding the regulation boundaries to be incorporated into the Entryway-Overlay District. There was discussion of the technical changes that should be made to the ordinance in view of the comments of the public; however, the original boundaries that had been discussed, and that are indicated on the attached map, are the same as what P&Z would like to recommend. A question had been raised at the Public Hearing by Councilmember Lowe regarding the legality of the ordinance. City Attorney Olson has not yet rendered a decision; therefore, the Commission would like to make a recommendation to City Council regarding the boundaries that are to be incorporated into the ordinance. P&Z will wait for Olson's opinion before proceeding with a recommendation of technical revisions. Motion: Clark made a motion to recommend that City Council approve the boundaries as previously proposed to be incorporated into the Entryway-Overlay District. Second: Cress Vote for: Clark, Cress, Burke, and Finger Opposed: Grace Motion carried 6.Consideration and possible recommendation regarding the proposed amendments to the Subdivision Regulations regarding: A Street Widths B.Septic Systems C.Detention City Planner Hoover stated that these items were in regard to the proposed SFR Estate lots and wanted to reconfirm his understanding of their request. In order to encourage developers to create larger lot subdivisions, the P&Z had proposed to offer narrower streets (20' as opposed to 24') and open ditches. The thought is that larger lots would allow for longer driveways which encourages "on property parking" and not "on street" parking and open ditches will allow for rainwater runoff as opposed to detention ponds. The Commission has a policy to not allow septic systems on properties that are smaller than 2 acres or that have City utilities available. For those areas which would advocate septic systems, does the Commission wish to adhere to the 2 acre minimum? The Health Department determines the amount of acreage required for a septic system by performing percolation tests. City Planner Hoover is also to research the cost of concrete versus asphalt for paving in these rural areas. The Commission confirmed that two acres was their minimum for septic systems and verified that the other items were correct. P&Z 6/20/96 Page 4 7.Consideration and possible action regarding the July 4th meeting date. The next regular meeting of the Planning and Zoning Commission will be July 11, 1996. 8.Minutes for approval -June 6, 1996 and June 11, 1996 Motion to approve minutes as read -Clark Second: Burke Vote for: Unanimous Motion Carried 9.Communications from: A.Staff B.Commission There was no further comment and the meeting was adjourned at 10:05.