HomeMy WebLinkAboutP&Z Minutes 1997-04-17 Regular1
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Minutes of a Regular Meeting
of the
Planning and Zoning Commission
April 17, 1997
A regular meeting of the Friendsowod Planning and Zoning Commission was held on Thursday, April 17, 1997
at 7:00 p.m. in the City Hall Council Chambers located at 910 S. Friendswood Drive, Friendswood, Texas. The
following members were present:
Finger -Vice Chair
Henry -Development Coordinator
Brinkman -Secretary
Thompson -Consulting Engineer
Stewart -City Attorney
With a quorum present, Baker absent and Whittenburg having resigned, Vice Chair Finger opened the meeting
calling for communications from the public for items which did not appear on the agenda. Jess Williams read a
letter into the minutes of the meeting with regard to the lack of drainage on an empty lot adjacent to the Brown
House Bed and Breakfast. He also presented pictures for the Commission's perusal. With no further comment,
the following items were considered:
1.Consideration and possible recommendation regarding a request for a Specific Use Permit for a
proposed music studio located at 307 S. Friendswood Drive, Suite 8-3.
Vote For:
Burke -put on table for discussion
Unanimous Motion Carried
Discussion followed regarding noise abatement. It was decided specific wording would be
added to the specific use permit.
Vote For:
Burke -to recommend approval of the Specific Use Permit request with the following
addendum added:
"There will be no hindrance to the conducting of business by
neighboring establishments, nor will this use impair the value of
property in the immediate vicinity. There currently is no vacant
adjacent property. If renovations are done to adjacent
properties, there will be no impediment from this business in
performing these renovations. There will be no practices in this
business which will create any fumes or noxious odors, dust, or
vibration. Noise will be controlled through the use of
headphones for digital pianos, as well as acoustic panels if
needed. Upon request, a noise survey can be done using
OSHA approved dosimeters to provide data for substantiation
of any noise concerns. And further, activities conducted will be
restricted to music and dance instructions, as well as
instruction in piano and other musical instruments."
Unanimous Motion Carried
Consideration and possible recommendation regarding a zone classification change request
from Single Family Residential (SFR) to Neighborhood Commercial (NC) for 1.6 acres (Tract C)
located at the corner of FM 528 and Sunmeadow Boulevard.
Due to a family emergency, this item was withdrawn by the owner until the next regular meeting
of the Planning and Zoning Commission.
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3.Consideration and possible recommendation regarding the Final Site Plan of Shear Pleasure -
FM 518.
The Commission reviewed the plan. Consulting Engineer Thompson stated that the plan had
received drainage district approval and that all other criteria, including set backs, had been met
with one exception. That exception is with regard to the spacing of the trees along the side
property line. There are numerous existing trees on the lot which the Planning and Zoning
could take into consideration as part of the landscaping plan. There are adequate handicapped
spaces for a private facility.
Vote for:
Clark -to recommend to City Council the approval of the proposed site plan.
Unanimous Motion Carried
4.Consideration and possible recommendation regarding the final site plan of Golden Chick. (lot 2
Prets Subdivision) -FM 528.
Staff comments have not been addressed, therefore, this items was withdrawn from the agenda.
Consideration and possible recommendation to City Council regarding and amendment to the
Zoning Ordinance 84-15 regarding the Permitted Use Table.
The preamble and the permitted use table were reviewed by the Commission and a few
changes made. Vice Chair Finger will revise and present the revision to the Commission for
consideration at the next regular meeting of the Commission.
Vote for:
Burke -to table this item.
Unanimous Motion Carried
6.Communications from:
A Staff -Secretary Brinkman apprised the Commission of the progress made with
regard to proposed signage for P&Z public hearings. Some recommendations
were made by the Commission which were taken under advisement.
B.Council Liaison -not present.
C.Commissioners -The request was made to review the ordinance regarding
fences, monument signs versus pole signs on major thoroughfares, and height
regulations. These items will appear on the agenda for the next regular
meeting of the Planning and Zoning Commission. A request was also made
that the Commission receive copies of the agenda for the Board of Adjustment.
With no further comment, the meeting was adjourned at 9:20 p.m.