HomeMy WebLinkAboutP&Z Minutes 1997-05-01 Regular[ 1
Minutes of a Regular Meeting
of the
Friendswood Planning & Zoning Commission
May 1, 1997
A regular meeting of the Friendswood Planning and Zoning Commission was held on Thursday, May 1, 1997 at
7:00 p.m. in the City Hall Council Chambers located at 910 S. Friendswood Drive, Friendswood, Texas. The
following members were present:
Henry -Development Coordinator
Thompson -Consulting Engineer
Cox -City Manager
Brinkman -Secretary
Stewart -City Attorney
Stagner -Chair, Sign Ordinance Review Committee
With a quorum present, none absent, Vice Chair Finger opened the meeting to give consideration to the
Mayor Newman gave the oath of office to newly appointed commissioners McVeigh and Storey.
1.Minutes for approval -March 20, 1997; April 3, 1997; April 17, 1997 -all approved as corrected.
2.Communication from the public.
Old Business:
1.Tabled items:
A An amendment to the Zoning Ordinance 84-15 regarding the permitted use
The Commission reviewed the permitted use table and made some revisions.
Motion: Grace to recommend to City Council the modified Permitted Use Table be approved.
Second: Clark
Vote for: Unanimous Motion Carried
New Business:
1.An amendment to the Subdivision Ordinance regarding street widths in the SFR-E zoning
Councilmember Dickey made a recommendation to City Council that this item be returned to the
Planning and Zoning Commission because of the safety issue raised by the Police Chief and
Fire Marshal. Commissioner Cress explained there would be a 2' of stabilized shoulder on each
side of the roadway for emergency purposes. He also explained the intent of the 75' set back
requirement which will allow for longer driveways and discourage on the street parking. The 2'
stabilized shoulder would satisfy the concerns of the PD and of the Fire Department. Fire
Marshal Terry Byrd agreed with this compromise. Commissioner Grace said he would still
prefer to go with 24'.
Motion: Burke to send back to City Council with further clarification.
Second: Cress
Vote for: Unanimous Motion Carried
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2.Zone classification change request of Single Family Residential (SFR) to Neighborhood
Commercial (NC) for 1.6 acres located on FM 528 and Sunmeadow Blvd.
The people from Sun meadow, who spoke at the public hearing, indicated their concern with the
development of the site regarding traffic and safety. No one spoke in favor of the zone
classification change. The Commission expressed their concerns about how a zone change
might compare with the proposed comprehensive plan or proposed changes to the permitted
use table. Additional concerns were given with respect to the golf course, when the golf course
was subdivided and if the homeowners were made aware that it is not a part of their subdivision.
It was also agreed that the site did not lend itself to a commercial development because of the
location and drop in grade.
Motion: Grace to recommend that City Council deny the request.
Second: Cress
Vote for: Unanimous Motion Carried
3.Final site plan of Golden Chick (Pret's Subdivision).
This item was not ready and was withdrawn by the developer.
Pre-app site plan for Eagle Transmission to be located at FM 2351 adjacent to Brakemasters.
Mr. Ray Hooker addressed the commission with respect to landscaping and linear detention
across the rear of the property. Consulting Engineer Thompson offered further explanation of
the proposed detention. Thompson also explained the movement of the property line 1 O' to
prevent the creation of a non-conforming lot and to allow for access to the property behind this
site. There was concern if the pipeline easement had been legally abandoned. The developer
is to bring back documentation.
5.An amendment to the Zoning Ordinance regarding Building Height.
There have been numerous request for building height variance brought to the BOA since the
passage of ordinance 96-10; therefore, the issue should be revisited. Mark Clark will come
back to the Commission with some recommendations.
6.An amendment to the Zoning Ordinance regarding fences.
Commissioner Burke said the Standard Building Code regulates the building of fences and
building permits are issued through the Building Department. The Construction Board of
Adjustment and Appeals, of which Tom is a member, meets only when there are issues to be
addressed. There are no regulatory requirements of the construction of fences in the
ordinance. The issues of concern are what to do about a masonry fence when it is not in good
shape, cedar fencing that has deteriorated -how can they be made better, and residential
subdivisions that abut a major thoroughfare -what kind of fences are appropriate. Several
agreed that fences on major thoroughfares should be addressed; however, City Attorney
Stewart said that while fencing is addressed in the zoning ordinance, the design standards of
fencing are addressed in the Building Code.
7.An amendment to the Zoning Ordinance regarding Monument Signs on a major thoroughfare.
Burke commented that monument signs on major thoroughfares and main streets were much
more attractive than pole signs and have a longer life. He stated he had not talked with Connie
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Stagner, Chair of the Sign Ordinance Committee, regarding his concerns. Burke asked if there
Is enough interest to refer this concern to the Committee. The answer was affirmative and Ms.
Stagner said she would take it back to the committee for discussion. The Committee was also
asked to review the portable sign issue.
8.Communications from:
A Staff -City Engineer Thompson has met with the developer of The Forest and
with homeowners of Enchanted Woods subdivision. He explained the
compromise between the two groups adding that the homeowners, while not
completely satisfied with the compromise, were happier than they were with
the first proposal.
Thompson updated the commission with the drainage concerns brought to the
commission by Joe Hale. There will be a meeting between TxDOT, the
Drainage District, Joe Hale, and the City. TxDOT is reviewing the plans that
were used when FM 528 was widened.
B.Council Liaison -none
There was discussion about park lands in subdivisions. A previous
Commission had determined that there was too much liability connected with
neighborhood parks. Plats, that dedicate public park lands or public reserves,
will be forwarded to Jon Branson, Community Services, for Park Committee
The Commission asked staff to forward copies of the agendas and the minutes
of the meetings of the BOA in order that they are better informed.
Commissioner Cress asked staff to obtain a copy of the Comprehensive Plan
on electronic disk so that changes will be completed in a timely fashion. ca�·'eeting was adjourned.
Claudia L. Brink'man; Secretary