HomeMy WebLinkAboutP&Z Minutes 1997-02-17 Special! [ J Minutes of a Special Meeting of the Planning and Zoning Commission February 17, 1997 A special meeting of the Friendswood Planning and Zoning Commission was held on Monday, February 17, 1997 at 7:00 p.m. in the City Hall Council Chambers located at 910 S. Friendswood Drive, Friendswood Texas. The following members were present: Baker Finger Grace Burke Henry -Development Coordinator Brinkman -Secretary Olson -City Attorney Lowe -Council Liaison Clark Whittenburg Cox -City Manager With a quorum present, Cress absent, Chair Baker opened the meeting to order, opening the Docketed Joint Public Hearing to receive public input, both oral and written, regarding: A.A zone classification change request from Multi-Family Residential -Garden Home District (MFR­ GHD) to Neighborhood Commercial (NC) for 300 block of E. Parkwood Avenue, 1.8058 acres, Lot H.Part of Lot 16, Voss Subdivision, of Galveston County, Texas. Peter Ghorman addressed the commission regarding the subject property by giving its location. The purpose is to allow an additional professional building similar to the G-5 that was just constructed by O'Farrell Realty. The property to the rear is MFR-GHD and the adjacent property is zoned SFR, belonging to a family trust. The entrance to Parkwood Village is off of FM 528 and there will be a second entrance off of Winding Way. There was no further comment, either for or against. B.To create a new zoning district -Single Family Residential Estate (SFR-E) Dwelling District. Commissioner Finger explained the intent of the proposed Single Family Residential Estate Dwelling District. He stated the zone establishes a large lot subdivision that requires a minimum of 2 acres. This will afford the homeowners the assurance that the property cannot be subdivided into smaller lots. He explained the set back requirements and other particulars adding that this will not effect any existing subdivisions. There was no comment, either for or against and the public hearing was closed. The Commission adjourned and reconvened to the second floor conference room to give consideration and possible recommendation to the SFR-E Dwelling District. Motion: Second: Vote For: Finger -to recommend an amendment to the Zoning Ordinance for the creation of a new zone classification called the SFR-E Dwelling District. Clark Unanimous Motion Carried With no urther bu�inji __ ime meeting was adjourned. L' ;t912� Claudia L. Brinkman, Secretary