HomeMy WebLinkAboutP&Z Minutes 1999-02-18 Regular[ [ ! l l Minutes of a Regular Me eting of the Friendswood Planning And Zoning Commission February 18, 1999 A Regular Meeting of The Friendswood Planning and Zoning Commission was held Thursday, February 18, 1999 at 7:00 p.m. in the City Hall Council Chambers located at 910 S. Friendswood Drive, Friendswood, Texas. The following members were present: Finger McVeigh Burke Frankovich Clark Benthul Bertrand (8:00 p.m.) Hodge -City Engineer Henry -Development Coordinator Lamb -Secretary Measeles -Council Liaison Mickelson -City Attorney With a quorum present, none absent, Chair Finger opened the meeting calling for communicatioins from the public. Having none, the following items were considered: 1.Minutes for Approval -1/21/99; 2/1/99; 2/4/99 Approved as read 2.Discussion and Possible Action Regarding Emergency Actions During Flooding. Both the Fire Marshal and the Fire Chief are comfortable with 18-inches as is currently followed by Staff. Old Business -Tabled Items: 3.A Request for a Specific Use Permit for Property Located at 1408 S. Friendswood Drive, 7.1854 Acres, Galveston County, Texas for Multi-family High with Specific Use Permit for Townhomes. Motion: Clark-to remove from the table. Second: Burke Vote for Unanimous: Motion carried Motion: Second: Vote for: Burke -to approve with a note regarding drainage outfalls. McVeigh Unanimous: Motion carried 4.Consideration and Possible Action Regarding the Final Plat of Windsor Estates Section 2. Motion: Mcveigh -to remove from the table. Second: Benthul Vote for Unanimous: Motion carried There was discussion about the health and safety issues and possible flooding of the streets. Motion: Second: Vote for: Opposed: Clark -to approve plat Mcveigh McVeigh, Clark and Finger Frankovich ll P&Z 2/18/99 Page2 Abstention: Burke Benthul Chair Finger explained that the Commission had 30 days to make a recommendation after which the plat could be filed. At this time, there is no action. Bertand arrived at 8:00 p.m. and the item was reconsidered. Motion: Second: Vote for: Opposed: Abstention: Clark -to approve plat McVeigh McVeigh, Clark, Bertrand and Finger Frankovich Burke Benthul Motion carried -plat is approved. New Business: 5.Consideration and Possible Recommendation Regarding the Final Site Plan for First Baptist Church. Motion: Second: Vote for: Burke -to approve site plan with staff comments being addressed and the developer supplies a photometric layout. McVeigh Unanimous Motipn carried 6.Pre-app Plat Granere Acres -Meadowlark The commission reviewed the plat. The property is located in Pearland and Friendswood and will be reviewed by each entity and drainage districts. The pipeline easement will have to be more clearly defined, vacated or abandoned. There were no other comments. 7.Consideration and Possible Recommendation to City Council Regarding: A.Subdivision Ordinance -Sidewalks Motion: Benthul -to recommend approval. Second: Burke Vote for: Unanimous Motion carried B.Modification to Parking Requirement -Zoning Ordinance Staff will research how this is handled elsewhere and will report back to the P&Z. C.On-Site Parking Definition -Zoning Ordinance. D. City Engineer handed out a definition of On-Site Parking. Staff will research how this is handled elsewhere and will report back to the P&Z. Park Dedication Ordinance Commission made modifications which the City Attorney will incorporate into the ordinance. 1 /, ( : 1 l P&Z 2/18/99 Page 3 8.Communications From: A Staff -There will be a seminar hosted on April 9th at which Kim Mickelson will be speaking. Also, City Engineer Hodge has been in communication with an Urban Forester with relation to the Exxon Pipeline Specific Use Permit. Also, the Building Official wrote a memo to P&Z asking for a clarification of what is glare. B.Council Liaison -none C.Commissioners -Questions were raised about McDonald's old play area being used as a storage facility. There is a workshop scheduled for Wednesday, February 24, 1999 regarding EOD Residential changes, Vision 2020, Rules of Procedure, Downtown Overlay District and Parking. was adjourned.