HomeMy WebLinkAboutP&Z Minutes 1998-07-16 Regularf 1
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Minutes of a Regular Meeting
of the
Friendswood Planning and Zoning Commission
July 16, 1998
A regular meeting of the Friendswood Planning and Zoning Commission was held Thursday, July 16 ,
1998, at 7:00 P.m. in the City Hall Council Chambers located at 910 S. Friendswood Drive, Friendswood,
Texas. The following members were present:
Finger -Chair
Burke -Vice Chair
Hodge -City Engineer
Henry -Development Coordinator
Lamb -Secretary
With a quorum present, Clark absent, the meeting was opened to give consideration to the following:
1.Minutes for Approval -May 7, 1998; June 15, 1998.
Approved as read
2.Communications from the Public
Edward Brice addressed the commission regarding property on Crawford that he is proposing
to subdivide. Chair Finger informed him to contact staff to be placed on the agenda for
Old Business -Tabled Items:
3.Consideration and possible action regarding the Site Plan for Sno Beach (pad site at
Stonesthrow Shopping Center) -FM 518 & Stonesthrow Street.
This item is not ready and will remain on the table.
New Business:
Pre-App Plat of Bates Estates located on Richmond Lane.
Eric Pryor with C. L. Davis & Co. represented the property owner. The property was sold by
metes and bounds and is being platted in order to receive a building permit. The commission
had no negative comments.
Pre-App Site Plan of McDonald's located on Fm 518.
The owner will close the existing play area to the rear of the building and possibly create an
outdoor eating area in the location. A new play area will be constructed in the front. It is
questionable whether or not the large trench fry container, as a trademark for the McDonald's
Corporation, constitutes a sign or if it could be classified as art work. The existing building is
16 feet in height and the new play area will be 19 feet and 5 inches tall. At final approval, the
developer will have to declare the proposed use of the old play area as well as resolving the
issues of signage and landscaping.
Pre-App Site Plan of Mainland Marketing, Inc. located on Winding Way.
This item was withdrawn by the developer.
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7.Consideration and possible action regarding the Final Plat of Coward's Creek Office Park
located at FM 518 & Shadwell.
The word "County" on the easement dedication must be removed.
Vote for:
Bertrand to approve with the change in verbiage.
Unanimous Motion Carried
8.Consideration and possible action regarding the Preliminary Plat of the Lakes of Falcon
Ridge, Section One located off of FM 518 adjacent to Eagle Lakes Subdivision.
Al Lentz of Lentz Engineering represented the developer. There are 47.6 acres which are to
be subdivided into 7 blocks containing 98 lots. There will also be 4 reserves that will serve as
lakes and as part of the detention system. Detention was discussed. The commission will
require a note on the plat stating that there will be all weather paving in the easement that
leads to the City owned property to be developed as Centennial Park.
Vote for:
Burke to approve with the additional note regarding all
weather paving and compliance to all of staffs comments ln
the Staff Report.
Unanimous Motion Carried
9.Consideration and possible action regarding the Final Plat of The Forest Section 3 located
off of Melody Lane & FM 2351.
Landis Kern represented Coastal Bend properties. Notes 16 & 17 are to appear on both
sheets of the plat. This is a master planned community and there will be walking trails to
connect all of the pocket parks in the subdivision. Parking has not been made available to the
parks as a safety issue and to discourage visitors from outside of the subdivision.
Vote for:
Bertrand to approve with notes 16 & 17 added to both sheets
of the plat.
Unanimous Motion Carried
1 O. Consideration and possible action regarding the Preliminary Plat of Falling Leaf Estates
located on Falling Leaf.
Kathy Denton with Municipal Engineering represented the developer. Tom Offenburger was
also available to answer questions. The cul-de-sac exceed the length allowed in the
Subdivision Ordinance; however, the commission can grant variances. The water line will be
looped, an island will be placed at the entrance to the subdivision, and a divider island will be
added part way to the cul-de-sac.
Vote for:
Grace to approve with the conditions indicated above as well
as compliance with staff comments from the Staff Report .
Unanimous Motion Carried
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11.Consideration and possible action regarding the Preliminary Plat of Friends Knoll located
on Fm 2351 adjacent to Friends Crossing Subdivision.
Kathy with Municipal addressed the commission on behalf of the developer. The length of the
cul-de-sac is approximately 1000 feet in length. This is a Garden Home Community therefore
the density is greater than that of a single family residential development. The water line will
be looped in this subdivision as well, possibly with the Friends Crossing system. The
commission is requiring that there be a driveway running from FM 2351 to the rear of
Commercial Reserve B for use by emergency vehicles be indicated on the plat on Commercial
Reserve "B". This access could serve as an emergency exit should the need arise. The city
needs a level easement of 5-10 feet for detention maintenance. The developer is to add
sidewalks along the commercial reserves from the subdivision to FM 2351.
Vote for:
Bertrand to approve with the developer meeting staff
conditions and the with the addition of driveway, sidewalks,
and items indicated above.
Unanimous Motion Carried
Consideration and possible action regarding the Preliminary Plat of Parkwood Village
Section Three located off of Fm 528.
Concerns were raised regarding the opaque wall preventing the conveyance of the 100 year
runoff through lot 6 (item "d" on staff comments). Several options were discussed and the
developer agreed to work with City staff on this issue.
Vote for:
Grace to approve with the developer meeting staff conditions
from the Staff Report.
Unanimous Motion Carried
13.Consideration and possible recommendation to City Council regarding the Final Site Plan of
First Community Bank to be located on FM 518 and Castlewood.
Kathy with Municipal Engineering addressed the commission along with Mr. Bud Goza. There
is a separate instrument that will be filed with regard to a driveway easement for the property.
Vote for:
Bertrand to approve with the developer meeting staff
conditions and with a photometric layout that complies with
City requirements.
Unanimous Motion Carried
Consideration and possible recommendation to City Council regarding the Final Site Plan of
Schultz Square to be located at Laurel and Heritage.
The property is zone Light Industrial (LI). The developer agreed to the detention area be green
space instead of concrete as was originally indicated. The handicapped parking is to be
rearranged, location of trees is to be verified, and the trash dumpster must be indicated along
with opaque fencing.
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Vote for:
Grace to approve with the developer meeting staff conditions
as established in the Staff Report.
and with the proposed changes mentioned.
Unanimous Motion Carried
15.Consideration and possible recommendation to City Council regarding the Final Site Plan of
Building H-2 of Irish Green Subdivision located on FM 528.
The site plan has received CCDD approval.
Vote for:
Grace to approve with the developer meeting all of staffs
comments from the Staff Report ..
Unanimous Motion Carried
Status Report from committee members appointed by the Planning and Zoning Commission.
A.Building Height -Commissioners Clark & Bertrand -(haven't met)
B.Glare -Commissioners Benthul and Grace -(haven't met)
C.Temporary Buildings -Commissioners Bertrand and McVeigh have met with
City Attorney and are discussing temporary vendors. The City Attorney is
obtaining ordinance from other Cities for committee review.
D.Detention Pond Maintenance -Commissioner Burke, City Engineer Hodge
and members of CCDD -(haven't met) but Hodge said he is developing a
criteria manual. Once it is complete, the two committees (Detention Pond and
Sub-Regional) will meet.
E.Sub-Regional Detention Pond -Commissioner Clark, City Engineer Hodge
and members of CCDD -(haven't met).
F.lnterlocal Agreement -Chair Finger, City Engineer Hodge, and Attorney Kim
Mickelson are developing a proposed alternate to the current agreement.
17.Election of:
A.ChairCommissioner McVeigh nominated Commissioner Finger and the vote was unanimous.
Finger will remain Chair of the Commission.
Commissioner McVeigh nominated Commissioner Burke -the vote was unanimous.
Burke will remain Vice-Chair of the Commission.
18.Communications From:
A.Staff -Hodge reported on the Brittany Bay extension and on idea groups for
the Entry-Overlay District.
B.Council Liaison -none (not present)
C.Commissioners -none
With no further comment, the meeting was adjourned.
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