HomeMy WebLinkAboutP&Z Minutes 2005-11-03 RegularI I . I l Minutes of a Regular Meeting of the Friendswood Planning and Zoning Commission November 3, 2005 A regular meeting of the Friendswood Plam1ing and Zoning Commission was held Thursday, November 3, 2005, at 7:00 p.m. in the council chambers in city hall located at 910 S. Friendswood Drive, Friendswood, Texas. The following members were present: Bob Bertrand Jim Gibson Kevin Holland Sherry Weesner 1.Call to order David Smith-Council Liaison Diana Steelquist-Staff Planner Rhonda Baker -CD Secretary With a quorum present, Commissioners Brakebill, Van Riper and Klusendorf absent, Chairman Holland called the meeting to order to discuss the following:2.Communications from the public None.3.Consent Agenda:a.Approval of the Final Plat of Samson Estates located at 905 Cowards CreekDrive. Motion: Second: Voted For: Weesner-to approve the consent agenda Be11rand Unanimous Motion Carried 4.Consideration and possible action regarding revisions to the Commercial site plan of the 518-528 Retail Center, specifically the deck addition for Piccomolo's Ice Cream. Motion: Second: Weesner-to approve with staff comments and to have staff comments added to the general notes of site plan. Gibson Commissioner Bertrand expressed his concern that the deck would be a safety hazard for this development. His belief is that vehicles need a way to get out of harms way by using the driveway to the rear of the development. He has no problem with a deck in a different location. Commissioner Weesner questioned what purpose the driveway to the rear of the development served. Commissioner Gibson shared Commissioner Bertrand's safety concerns. Chairman Holland was concerned that the bollards would not keep cars from driving onto the deck. There was no one present to represent the site owner. Page 1 of 4 11-03-05 P & Z Amended Motion: Second: Voted For: Holland-to table the item and allow the developer to address the Commission with information or an alternative plan. Bertrand Unanimous Motion Carried 5.Consideration and possible action regarding the approval of the Preliminary Plat of Monte Bello Subdivision located off Shadowbend and Woodlawn. Motion: Second: Voted For: Weesner-to approve with staff comments. Gibson Unanimous Motion Carried Staff clarified that comment #5 had been added in order that the developer address a question regarding platting of additional adjacent acreage. It appears from Appraisal District records that a portion of an adjacent track had been included without including the entire tract. Tom Offenburger of 150 W. Shadowbend, developer, addressed the Commission regarding the Staff comments. Mr. Offenburger will need to have the surveyor research the deeds and will comply with the Staffs request to clarify the platting issue. In response to questions about the detention plan and GCCDD, Mr. Offenburger stated he is working through the issues with the City and Drainage District. This is a curb and gutter street development with sidewalks. Sidewalks will also be built along Woodlawn and Shadowbend. The detention pond will be a dry pond and has adequate volume. Commissioner Bertrand clarified that Lot 17 will only be accessed from Woodlawn. Also, that the water well on Lot 16 could only be used for irrigation use. Commissioner Weesner noted that if the additional property needed to be included in the plat, it would be brought back before the Commission for approval. 6.Consideration and possible action regarding the approval of the Preliminary Plat of Tena Bella located on Bay Area Boulevard. Motion: Second: Voted For: Amended Motion: Second: Voted For: Bertrand-to approve with staff comments. Weesner Unanimous Motion Carried Weesner -to approve the preliminary plat with sidewalks required along Bay Area Blvd. with the condition that the this issue will be looked at again at the time of final plat approval. Bertrand Unanimous Motion Carried Mr. Dick Duffy addressed the Commission. Commissioner Bertrand asked if the updated floodplain maps had been used to prepare the plat and locate the 100-year flood plain. He also wanted to clarify that the streets would be used to drain the subdivision and that homes would be built at least 12 inches above the floodplain elevation. Mr. Duffy Page 2 of 4 11-03-05 P & Z I reported that the development was being designed based upon the updated flood plain elevation information. The 100 year flood plain shown on the plat is based the existing approved map. He confirmed that none of the lots will be located within the floodplain. Commissioner Gibson asked about the density. Mr. Duffy noted that it was less than 2.7 units per acre and that the development was zoned PUD-Cluster Homes. Many of the Commissioners expressed concern about the lack of sidewalks along Bay Area Blvd. Mr. Duffy responded that there was no room to putt sidewalks on this side of Bay Area Blvd. and they would not lead to anywhere. He has left a tree buffer along Bay Area Blvd.; putting a sidewalk in this area would mean removing the existing trees. Commissioner Weesner stated sidewalks are required per the Ordinance. She noted that although no sidewalks exist in City right-of-ways, it may be done in the future. Commissioner Bertrand suggested that the developer's portion be put in contingent upon the City putting the sidewalks in front of the water treatment plant. He believes only having a portion of the sidewalk in place creates more of safety hazard. Staff noted that sidewalks are required along all curb and gutter streets. Commissioner Bertrand also wants to get information from staff regarding any plans to put sidewalks in front of public property off of Bay Area. The Commission discussed tabling the item, however, Mr. Duffy asked that the item be voted upon. Commissioner Weesner stated that the Commission should review the issue further and determine if the lack of sidewalks constitutes a safety hazard and be prepared to readdress the requirement at the time of final plat approval. Staff advised Mr. Duffy to prepare construction plans with the sidewalks in place. 7.Discussion and possible action regarding the Downtown Overlay District (DOD) and conflicts with the Entiyway Overlay District (EOD) at FM 2351 and FM 518. Staff reported that the Council had asked that this issue be reviewed and that Staff was meeting regularly to discuss the conflicts. However, input was needed from the Commission as to what the best approach might be. Some of the issues and possible solutions Staff were reviewing included: 1-Address the situation as it applies to gas stations and allow them to be exempt from ce1tain development requirements; 2-Give special exemption authority to the Zoning Board of Adjustment for gas stations; 3-Redefine the EOD/DOD boundaries; 4-Revise the non-conforming section of the Zoning Ordinance; 5-Change the set back requirements. Commissioner Bertrand suggested that design standards should apply based upon the use proposed in the Overlay Districts. Other suggestions included creating a separate Overlay District for corner lots. Commissioner Gibson recommended that the Zoning Board of Adjustment be given authority to review requests for development in these intersections based on their unique development requirements and that specific guidelines for approval be provided to ZBOA. Commissioner Bertrand suggested soliciting some feedback f rom the Chamber of Commerce or an ad hoc committee. 8.Communications from the Commission. Commissioner Bertrand reported that he had some conflicts with attending upcoming meetings but agreed to swap with Commissioner Weesner. Commissioner Gibson reported he would be out of town for the Joint Public Hearing. Chairman Holland has been attending the Drainage District meetings. Page 3 of 4 11-03-05 P & Z 9.Reports. a.Council Liaison Council Liaison David Smith spoke to the Commission about the need to adhere to parliamentary procedures. He complimented the Commission because he believes for the most pa1t, they do regularly apply parliamentary rnles to their meetings. He also commented on the discussion regarding the EOD/DOD. This is not an easy issue but he was encouraged by the discussion and wants to keep the discussions going. b.Staff Staff reported that one DRC had been held in October. A Joint Public Hearing was scheduled for Monday. Cheri Skelton is out sick and would be out for the next few weeks. Staff reported that Mike Hodge, Director of Community Development and Public Works would be leaving the City. A special luncheon was planned for November 10th . Commissioner Bertrand stated that Mr. Hodge has done an excellent job, had been a good mentor and provided gracious help to the Commission. 10.Adjournment. With no further comment the meeting was adjourned at 9:00 p.111. Diana Steelquist Planner Page 4 of 4 11-03-05 P & Z