HomeMy WebLinkAboutP&Z Minutes 2005-03-17 Regular[
Minutes of a Regular Meeting
of the
Friendswood Planning and Zoning Commission
March 17, 2005
A regular meeting of the Friendswood Planning and Zoning Commission was held
Thursday, March 17, 2005 at 7:00 p.m. in the city hall council chambers located at 910
S.Friendswood Drive, Friendswood, Texas. The following members were present:
Loren Smith-City Attorney Bob Bertrand
David Brakebill
Kevin Holland
Roy Klusendorf
Sherry Weesner
Dan Johnson-Deputy Director of C.D.
Rhonda Baker-C.D. Division Secretary
With a quorum present, Commissioner Gibson and Commissioner Van Riper absent,
Chairman Holland called the meeting to order to discuss the following:
1.Communications from the public.
No one spoke from the public at this time.
2.Consent Agenda:
a.Approval of the 3-3-05 regular meeting minutes.
b.Approval of the 3-7-05 special meeting minutes.
c.Approval of the Final Plat of Friendswood Square located at the corner
of FM 518 and FM 2351.
Voted For:
Bertrand-to approve
Weesner-to remove Item "A" from the consent agenda for
Unanimous Motion Carried
The Commission then voted on the approval of Items "B" and "C" of the consent
Voted For: Unanimous Motion Carried
Item "A" was then discussed. Commissioner Weesner then stated that Item 3 of
the March 3, 2005 meeting the first sentence of the second paragraph should read:
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"Commissioner Weesner expressed a concern that no trees were identified within the landscape buffer along the rod iron fence on the Site Plan." Commissioner Weesner also revised, under the same item the next to last paragraph, listed items of concern, number 3 should read: " 3. There must be a landscape buffer and trees must be provided within it." Commissioner Brakebill stated on the same item it is indicated the Amended Motion was unanimous, when if fact he was in opposition. Amended Motion: Second: Voted For: TABLED ITEMS: Weesner-to approve Item "A" of the consent agenda with changes. Bertrand Unanimous Motion Carried 3.Consideration and possible action regarding the Commercial Site Plan forFriendswood Office Building located at 1623 Friendswood Lakes Boulevard.Motion: Second: Voted For: Be1trand-to remove item from table for discussion Brakebill Unanimous Motion Carried Chairman Holland stated a motion to approve remained from the last meeting. Cary Els, Powers Brown Architecture, represented Altair Development. Mr. Els explained changes to the Site Plan had been made per the request made at the previous meeting. Chairman Holland asked if there was an oversight as the landscape buffer was not contiguous. Cary Els stated it was an oversight and would be corrected. Commissioner Klusendorf stated that since the exit onto Garden Lakes Drive must remain for emergency access purposes, he would like an "Emergency Exit Only" sign be placed at that exit of the property. · Commissioner Be1trand reminded the Commission that signs on private property are not enforceable. Commissioner Bertrand then stated he commended the developer for relocating the dumpster; however, he felt the new location would was not far enough from the residential. He suggested the developer make arrangements with the trash company for pickup between 6 and 7 in the morning, in order not to disturb the residents in the neighboring subdivision. Amended Page 2 of 4 3-17-05 P & Z
Voted For:
Bertrand-approve with Staff comments, making landscaping
conti guous, and adding an exit only sign to the property.
Unanimous Motion Carried
4.Consideration and possible action regarding the zone change request for property
located at 511 N. Friendswood Drive from Single Family
Residential/Community Shopping Center to Planned Unit Development with a
Specific Use Permit for Townhomes/Office Use.
Weesner-to approve
Commissioner Bertrand stated that at the public hearing there were no objections
to this project and he also felt it was a well thought out development. Since that
time he has discovered that this property is part of the acreage considered in the
commercial need for the city. He also explained that some commercial
development is going in with the residential; however, he did not feel in this
instance it was viable to convert the residential to commercial. He wanted to
point out to the Commission that this development takes away from that
percentage the city is hoping to achieve in commercial. Commissioner Weesner
then added with all the commercial land there is, that the developers should be
encouraged ·to figure out the what the market demand is. She also stated that she
feels .what the city is looking for is for commercial space to be rented and
prosperous for the city.
Voted For: Unanimous Motion Carried
5.Consideration and possible action regarding the Commercial Site Plan for
Walgreen's located at the comer of FM 2351 and FM 518.
Bertrand-to approve with Staff comments
Commissioner Bertrand stated that Site Plan looked well don.e and commended
Walgreen's for their outdoor lighting and consideration of the "Dark Skies"
A representative for Walgreen's addressed the Commission, and was available to
answer questions from the Commission.
The Commission expressed concerns that the landscaping buffer did not continue
across the rear of Walgreen's. Staff stated the landscape buffer was not required
between commercial. The City Attorney stated that the ordinance reads the length
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of the prope1ty, which the intent was to mean the frontage of the prope1ty. Staff
then stated the Commission could review the landscape buffer requirements at a
future meeting. Commissioner K.lusendorf then stated that Staff should take action
to get the sidewalks installed along FM 2351.
Voted For: Unanimous
6.Communications from the Commission.
a.Report from the Tree Preservation Sub-Committee.
Motion Carried
Commissioner Bertrand stated next schedule meeting is March 23, 2005.
b.Repmt from the Comprehensive Plan Sub-Committee.
Commissioner Weesner stated the sub-committee meet and came up with 3
different directions to proceed with reviewing/updating the Comprehensive Plan
with the pros and cons for each. She also stated that at the retreat she understood
that City Council would be providing a resolution indicating the direction
Planning and Zoning should take with regards to the amount of various types of
commercial needed within the City.
a.Council Liaison
No report was given at this time.
Staff provided the 2005 goals for Planning and Zoning Commission as discussed
at their retreat.
With no further comment the meeting was adjourned at 8:30 p.m.
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Development Coo'rdinator
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3-17-05 P &Z