HomeMy WebLinkAboutP&Z Minutes 2005-05-05 Speciall
Minutes of a Special/Regular Meeting
Friendswood Planning and Zoning Commission
May 5, 2005
A special/regular meeting of the Friendswood Planning and Zoning Commission was
held Thursday, May 5, 2005, at 7:00 p.m. in the city hall council chambers located at 910
S.Friendswood Drive, Friendswood, Texas. The following members were present:
Bob Bertrand
Jim Gibson
Kevin Holland
Roy Klusendorf
Mark Van Riper
Sherry Weesner
Loren Smith-City Attorney
Dave Smith-Council Liaison
Dan Johnson-Deputy Director of C.D.
Diana Steelquist-Staff Planner
Cheri Skelton-Development Coordinator
With a quomm present, Commissioner Brakebill absent, Chairman Holland called the
meeting to order to consider the following.
1.Call to Order
2.Amendment to the Zoning Ordinance of the City of Friendswood, Appendix C,
Section 5, 7, 7.5, and 8 to implement interim zoning measures for Main Street
Staff and the Main Street Task Force Chairman, Bill Finger, gave a presentation
to City Council and the Planning and Zoning Commission regarding the Main
Street Development. The presentation consisted of the history, the present day,
and the future plans of downtown. The Chaitman then asked the public to speak
regarding the proposed measures.
The following is a synopsis of people who spoke against the interim measures
Carol Shrophire, 415 Morningside. She felt this should be brought before all the
citizens of Friendswood. She also expressed concern that she would be forced to
move due to the changes proposed.
Vince Maleche, 709 Windsor Drive. He stated Friendswood has changed and the
city is zoning people into the ground.
Ed Stuart, 2001 Pine Drive. Mr. Stuait stated that he felt the interim measures
discriminated against property owners and developers who want to build a one
story building. Mr. Stuart referenced commercial properties· such as the new
Sonic, the Shell station, and McDonalds. He also feels that the physical
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characteristics of Friendswood should be preserved. In addition, Mr. Stuart,
stated that false fronts during hunicane season could be dangerous. Mr. Stuart
also mentioned he was concerned about detention availability.
Orland Carelock, 910 Riverside Court. He felt the city's priorities were wrong.
He stated that Friendswood is a quite place Interim measures would allow for
more alcoholic establishments in the City. He also believes there would be no
control over the Downtown Overlay District (DOD), nor does he think there is
now. He stated that Friendswood was founded on religious freedom and religious
values. The interim measures would allow more wet areas in Friendswood, and
he is against it.
Bill Holbert, 507 Windsor Drive. Mr. Holbert stated in the time he has been in
Friend swood he has never outwardly spoken out against anything, but now he is.
He feels this is poorly thought out. He explained that he moved his family to
Friendswood because it had a small town charm and feel. He additionally stated
he is ready to place time and money to fight against this idea.
Don Beeth, 5303 Whittier Oaks, addressed the City Council and Planning and
Zoning Commission. Mr. Beeth expressed his belief that this idea does not have
the suppmt needed to move forward. He stated that pedestrians did not walk in
July and he wanted to know the city's stand regarding imminent domain.
The following is a synopsis of people who spoke in favor on the interim
Bill Finger, 2805 Bun Oak Drive. Mr. Finger stated he is the Chairman of the
Mainstreet Steering Committee, but was speaking as a private citizen. He stated
he thinks interim measures are a good idea; however, there were several items that
he felts needed to be addressed. He recommend that a Joint Workshop between
Mainstreet and the Commission be held, to discuss these and other issues.
Mark McLean, 1212 Verdun Lane, owner of Lary's Florist. Mr. McLean stated
he would like something to be done to mainstreet. He feels mainstreet needs to be
improved and should be pedestrian friendly. In addition he stated, the interim
measures allow businesses the flexibility to improve.
With no futther comments the public hearing was then closed.
3.Communications from the public.
No one from the public spoke at this time.
4.Consent Agenda:
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[ I
a.Approval of the 3-17-05 regular meeting minutes.
b.Approval of the 4-18-05 special meeting minutes.
c.Approval of the 4-21-05 regular meeting minutes.
d.Approval of the Final Plat of Friendswood Oaks, Section Two.
Voted For:
Bertrand-to approve
Unanimous Motion Carried
5.Consideration and possible action regarding the Preliminary Plat of the West
Ranch Estates Section One located on FM 518.
Voted For:
Weesner-to approve with Staff comments.
Unanimous Motion Carried
6.Discussion and possible action regarding the Commercial Site Plan for
Morningside Office Park located at 312 Morningside.
Voted For:
Gibson-to approve
Unanimous Motion Carried
7.Consideration and possible action regarding the amendment· to the Zoning
Ordinance of the City of Friendswood, Appendix C, Section 5, 7, 7.5, and 8 to
implement interim zoning measures for Main Street Development.
Bertrand-to approve
The Commission had a brief discussion on this item, deciding a workshop should
be held between the Main Street Committee and the Commission.
Voted For:
Bertrand-to table
Unanimous Motion to Table Carried
8.Discussion and possible action regard_ing the limitations of office uses in the
Community Shopping Center (CSC) District.
Staff provided information to the Commission regarding the limitations of office
use in the Community Shopping Center (CSC) district. Harold Benson, 305 N.
Shadowbend addressed the Commission with his specific issues· that the
limitations placed on his development. Commissioner Bertrand asked Mr.
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Benson what other types of zoning could work for his development and that
would accomplish the same thing. Commissioner Bertrand then sugge sted Mr.
Benson consider a Planned Unit Development (PUD), listing out the possible uses
he would like to see be allowed in his development. Commissioner Bert rand then
suggested Mr. Benson work with Staff to determine the best needs for his
9.Discussion and possible action regarding a new Tree Preservation Ordinance.
Be1trand-to approve
Van Riper
Commissioner Bertrand stated he was pleased to be able to pass this item on to
Planning and Zoning and City Council. He stated he understands Planning and
Zoning and City Council could change the proposed ordinance; however, he
cautioned that the ordinance had strong support from the Tree Preservation
Committee members and changing the ordinance could cause that suppmt to go
away. Chairman Holland agreed that a lot of negotiating did take place.
Commissioner Be1trand then added there were items of consideration to tie with
the motion.
Voted For:
Bertrand-to remove the qualified tree list from the zoning
ordinance, to remove the current quaiified tree list in the DesignCriteria Manual to be replaced with the qualified tree list
recommended by the TPO Committee. To accept the
recommendation from the TPOC with regards to the inconsistency
of penalties making the penalty $2000.00 a day for non
compliance with the ordinance. Also, to review the zoning
ordinance for consistency of language.
Van Riper
Unanimous Motion Carried
10.Communications from the Commission .
a.Repo1t on the Comprehensive Plan.
Chaiiman Holland gave no repmt at this time.
Chairman Holland asked Staff to add Mr. Benson's issue to the to do list for
Planning and Zoning and refer to fr as the Benson Solution. He then recapped
.items that were asked of Staff or members of the Commission in previous months.
Those were items such as Staff's presentation at the retreat. Chairman Holland
also asked that items be placed on the FTP site for easier access by the
Commission. He would like to have a "to do list" and an "opportunity list".
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Commissioner Klusendorf asked that the items from the public be listed for the
workshop with Mainstreet.
Commissioner Be1trand expressed he was distressed over an article that was
published in the Friendswood Journal regarding development in the City.
Commissioner Be1trand stated that the lengthy response from the editor is the
issue was inappropriate. Commissioner Be1trand stated he tries his best to help
enforce zoning ordinances and to help make them better. He also stated he was
even more distressed with the paper's reference to Mainstreet as a "Disneyland
recreational of a downtown that Friendswood never had and never wanted".
Commissioner Bertrand stated that he thought if the paper was for profit, it should
encourage business development. This would stand to reason, when businesses
come in and compete for customers and when businesses are competing for
customers; those businesses buy newspaper advertisements.
a.Council Liaison
Council Liaison Smith stated that the Commission has certain responsibilities in a
leadership positions that are held; to gather as much information as possible in
order to make the best possible decisions for the city. He has watched the
Planning and Zoning Commission struggle through those decisions that have been
made and he encouraged the Commission to continue to do the great job that has
be being done.
Staff reported a regional American Planning Association (AP A) Conference will
be held in June and asked if any of the Commissioners had an interest in
attending. If so, please contact Staff. Staff also repmted that an "on going task
list" had already been added to the FTP site. Commissioner Bertrand asked if a
domain name could be used instead of the number used to access it. In addition,
Staff Planner, Diana Steelquist stated she was very proud to have worked on the
Tree Preservation Ordinance Committee and thanked the Commission for
supporting the proposed ordinance.
With no further action the meeting was adjourned at 9:36 p.m.
Development Coordinator
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