HomeMy WebLinkAboutP&Z Minutes 2005-05-19 Special[ I Minutes of a Special Meeting of the Friendswood Planning and Zoning Commission May 19, 2005 A special meeting of the Friendswood Planning and Zoning Commission was held on Thursday, May 19, 2005, at 5 :30 pm at the Friendsw ood City Hall second floor conference room, located at 910 S. Friendswood Drive, Friendswood, Texas. The following Planning & Zoning Commissioners were present: Jim Gibson Kevin Holland Roy Klusendorf Sheny Weesner Special Guests: Bill Finger Alton Todd Tony Banfield Ron Cox-City Manager Dan Johnson-Deputy Director of C.D. Diana Steelquist-Planner Cheri Skelton-Development Coordinator 'With a quorum present, Commissioners Bertrand, Brakebill and Van Riper absent, Chairman Holland called the special meeting to orde r. Worksession 1.Call to order 2.Discussion with Main Street Committee regarding Interim Zoning measures for Downtown redevelopment (45 minutes) , Mr. Bill Finger, Chairman of the Main Street committee, gave some . background information regarding the planning that has taken place over the last 5 plus years to create a Main Street Implementation Plan. He outlined the various aspects of the Conceptual Plan, and the boundaries of the Main Street area. He also discussed the various meetings with City Council, P &Z and stakeholders that had taken place in the past. The Implement ation Plan had two preliminary steps that need to be taken to move forward: the creation of the 'entity' and revising the zoning regulations. The latter is what P&Z needs to address. Mr. Finger wanted to make it clear what the Main Street concept is, so that P&Z can move forward with their deliberations on the proposed zoning ·changes. The concept is one of mixed-use, pedestrian friendly environments with parking in the rear, green space, public buildings and ai·eas where people can congregate. The initial module, which was targeted for redevelopment, is around the post office, library and public safety building. 05/19/05 P&Z Page 1 of 3 Mr. Finger further stated his belief that the interim-zoning proposal does not address all the needs of redevelopment in the downtown area. Besides the Original Business District, changes need to be made to the other zoning districts that are within the Downtown area. Chairman Holland questioned the validity of the Main Street project. He expressed concern with outdated infmmation from market studies and surveys. He was also concerned that other mixed-use projects, such as the Whitcomb property, would draw business away from downtown. Both the Main Street Chairman and the Economic Development Coordinator voiced opinions that the Main Street project was viable and would have a public focus rather than the destination place focus planned for the Whitcomb project. Tony Banfield pointed out that the demographics of Friendswood would cause redevelopment in the downtown area. He advocated having zoning in place, which would guide developers to create a downtown as envisioned by the Main Street Implementation Plan. Mr. Finger stated the major challenge would be the transition from the current zoning requirements to those needed to achieve the goals of the Implementation Plan. Commissioner Weesner pointed out that although the proposal was called interim measures, they were actually pe1manent changes to the Zoning Ordinance. \Vhat ever was put in place would be a permanent change. Staff agreed that the approach was to incorporate small changes that could be built upon over time as other aspects of the Main Street vision were or were not put into place. Without some changes, development will continue to occur as it does now. Further, currently non-conforming sites will have no relief. However, it was also pointed out by the Chairman that the proposed changes would not fix all the non-confirming issues for developments in downtown. Staff acknowledged that was the case but also stated the changes could help in some areas. The Commission, Staff and Mainstreet members agreed that more discussion was needed. The future focus needs to be on zoning. A review of the proposed changes needs to be made on a point-by-point basis. If some changes are too drastic, such as minimum height requirements or eight-foot sidewalks, they should not be included in this staiting place. A meeting was scheduled for June 14 th at 6:00 p.m. till 8:00 p.m. 3.Discussion regarding Comprehensive Plan (45 minutes) The Chairman presented a draft introduction to the Comprehensive Plan. He asked each Commissioner to review the introduction and forward any changes to staff. Staff will integrate all the comments into the document and return it for discussion to the Commission at the next session. Commissioner Weesner will add a statement addressing balanced development within the city in her comments. The Staff also presented a Friendswood Fact sheet, which listed statistical data and infmmation on the city. The Commission requested some additional info1mation be 05/19/05 P&Z Page 2 of 3 included on the fact sheet. They will also forward any comments on the fact sheet to Staff before the next meeting. The Commission will continue to meet on a monthly basis at 5:30 p.m. before the second regular meeting to discuss the Com prehensive plan. 4.Adjournment. With no further comment the special meeting.was adjourned at 6: 55 p.m. LLJlq,,,J� Diana Steelquist Planner 05/19/05 P&Z Page 3 of 3 I Minutes of a Regular Meeting ofthe Friendswood Planning and Zoning Commission May 19, 2005 A regular meeting of the Friends wood Planning and Zoning Commission was held Thursday, May 19, 2005 at 7:00 p.m. in the city hall council chambers located at 910 S. Friendswood Drive, Friendswood, Texas. The following members were present: Jim Gibson Kevin Holland Roy Klusendorf Sherry Weesner David Smith-Council Liaison Dan Johnson-Deputy Director of C.D. Diana Stee lquist-Staff Planner Cheri Skelton-Deve lopment Coordinator With a quorum present, Commissioner Bertrand, Commissioner Brakebill, and Commissioner Van Riper absent, Chairman Holland called the meeting to order to discuss the following: REGULAR SESSION 1.Call to order 2.Communications from the public. No one spoke from t�e public at this time. 3.Consent Agenda: a.Approval of the 5-2-05 special meeting minutes. b.Approval of the 5-5-05 special/regular meeting minutes. c.Approval of the request for an extension of the Final Plat for Colonial Oaks Subdivision approved Juhe 3, 2004. Motion: Second: Weesner-to approve Gibson Commissioner Weesner asked Item "B" of the consent agenda be removed for discussion. Item "A" and "C" of the consent agenda were then voted on: Voted For: Unanimous Motion Carried Commissioner Weesner stated during the public hearing Bill Finger spoke in favor of the interim measures but as a citizen. She felt-the minutes should reflect that. Commissioner Klusendorf also asked since the citizens comments are paraph ra sed he would like for Staff to use different language other than, "The following people spoke in favor. .. ". Staff agreed to use, "The following is a synopsis of people who spoke in favor ... " Page 1 of 4 5-19-05 P & Z Amend Motion: Second: Voted For: TABLED ITEMS: Weesner-approve with changes Gibson Unanimous Motion Carried 4.Consideration and possible action regarding the amendment to the Zoning Ordinance of the City of Friendswood, Appendix C, Section 5, 7, 7.5, and 8 to implement interim zoning measures for Main Street Development. Motion: Second: Voted For: Gibson-to remove from table for discussion Weesner Unanimous Motion Carried Staff stated a workshop prior to the meeting took place. The Commission decided to have Staff continuing working with Planning and Zoning on the interim measures in order to bring it forward for fmther consideration. The Commission felt additional workshops are needed between Planning and Zoning, the Main Street Committee and Staff. The Commission is not making a negative recommendation to City Council but rather a request for more time to study the proposed changes. Amended Motion: Second: Voted For: Gibson-to recommend to City Council additional time to review the proposed ordinance Main Street Interim zone changes with Staff and Main Street Steering Committee. Weesner Unanimous Motion Carried REGULAR MEETING: 5.Discussion and possible action regarding sidewalks in the West Ranch Development. Jeff Anderson with Friendswood Development ad dressed the Commission. Mr. Anderson asked the Commission for a variance f�om placing sidewalks on FM 518. Mr. Anderson stated that there was not enough right-of-way for sidewalks. Chairman Holland stated that based on the Plat there appeared to be enough right-of-way for sidewalks and if there wasn't, the right-of-way could be increased. Discussion then took place 1;egarding the sidewalk system within the proposed subdivision. Mr. Anderson stated that it is Friendswood Development's intention to have some six-foot sidewalks in area, but only on one side of the street; however, in front of homes the standard 4-foot sidewalk will be place. 6.Consideration and possible action regarding the revised Preliminary Plat of Stonecreek at West Ranch (formally knovm as Enclave at West Ranch). Motion: \Veesner-to approve with sidewalks along FM518. Page 2 of 4 5-19-05 P & Z l l l I Second: Klusendorf John Hammond with Friendswood Development addressed the Commission. Mr. Hammond stated he would construct sidewalks along FMS 18, but he felt an alternate sidewalk system should be allowed within the subdivision for a more pedestrian friendly area. The Commission decided to address the sidewalk requirements on FMS 18 and the sidewalks inside the subdivision separately. Amended Motion: Second: Voted For: Motion: Second: Weesner-change plat to include sidewalks on FMS 18. Klusendorf Unanimous Motion Carried Weesner-to approve plat with previous sidewalk note and collector streets will have sidewalks on both sides of the street. Klusendorf Mr. Hammond stated that he would like to provide a better exhibit to show the Commission the benefits of having the sidewalks bigger and being on one side of the street. Amended Motion: Second: Weesner-to table discussion for an exhibit presentation to be provided. Holland Voted For: Unanimous Motion Carried 7.Discussion and possible action regarding the Master Plan Ordinance. Staff gave a history of the proposed Master Plan Ordinance to date. Staff stated Master Plans would be required for phased or sectioned developments. Commissioner Weesner expressed various concerns, such as: 1.Developer not owning prope1ty. 2.Development not going as planned. Chairman Holland stated he was not opposed to the Master Plan Ordinance; however, he feels some issues need to be worked out. Council Liaison Smith stated that if a Master Plan Ordinance was in place homeowners might have made different decisions. Chai1man Holland asked if detention was going to be part of the Master Plan Ordinance. Janis Lowe, 401 Pine Court addressed the Commission on this item. Ms. Lowe explained the history behind the Master Plan Ordinance. Page 3 of 4 5-19-0SP&Z Commis sioner Weesner stated she believes the Master Plan Ordinance is a good idea, but feels there needs to be more rese�·ch on the item. Chai1man Holland stated this item should be on the next meeting agenda for more discussion. 8.Communica tions from the Commission. Commissioner Weesner stated she provided the Commission and Staff with news art icles regarding a golf course/green space issues in Clear Lake, low impact development/stmmwater runoff, and a report from a commission in Washington State which she believed was a good example of the type of repo1i she would like to see used with the Commission. Chairman Holland stated he distributed a letter from Governor Perry to the Commission. This letter referenced zone changes in small cities. Chairman Holland also stated he spoke to the Galveston County Consolidated Drainage District about redoing the City's Comprehensive Plan. a.Report on the Comprehensive Plan. Commissioner Weesner spoke to the Library regarding the Comprehensive Plan. She explained they were excited to be part of the process. She stated a copy of the Land Use Plan should be provided to the Library by July 15th in order for them to discuss at their July 19th meeting. 9.Reports. a.Council Liaison Council Liaison Smith commented on the work the Commission is doing. He stated he was surprised at how much the Commission is doing behind the senses and everything seems to be going well. b.Staff Staff reported attending an Urban Land Institute Lunch Conference for revitalization of downtown. 10.Adjourn ment. 'With no fmiher action the meeting was adjourned at 8:30 p.m. ✓ /jJJA -Je Id, frD\ Cher , Skelton Development Coordinator Page 4 of 4 5-19-05 P & Z