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HomeMy WebLinkAboutP&Z Minutes 2005-06-16 Special[
Minutes of a Special Meeting
of the
Friendswood Planning and Zoning Commission
June 16, 2005
A special meeting of the Friendswood Planning and Zoning Commission was held
Thursday, June 16, 2005 at 5:30p.m. in the city hall second floor conference room
located at 910 S. Friendswood Drive, Friendswood, Texas. The following members were
Bob Bertrand
Jim Gibson
Kevin Holland
Sherry Weesner
David Smith-Council Liaison
Diana Steelquist-Staff Planner
Cheri Skelton-Development Coordinator
With a quorum present, Commissioner Brakebill, Klusendorf and Van Riper absent,
Chairman Holland called the meeting to order to discuss the following:
1.Call to order
2.Discussion regarding Comprehensive Plan.
The Commission and Staff review the "Introduction" and the "Where Are We
Now" portion of the proposed Comprehensive Plan. The Commission decided
some changes should be made to the "Introduction" and the fact sheet of the
"Where Are We Now". Staff will make the recommended changes and provide
the Final Draft to the Commission at the 7-21-05 Special Meeting. These
proposed portions of the Comprehensive Plan will also be on the agenda for
consideration of the 7-21-05 Regular Planning and Zoning Meeting.
With no further action the meeting was adjourned at 6:45 p.m.
Development Coordinator
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Minutes of a Regular Meeting
of the
Friendswood Planning and Zoning Commission
June 16, 2005
A regular meeting of the Friendswood Planning and Zoning Commission was held Thursday,
June 16, 2005 at 7:00 p.m. in the city hall council chambers located at 910 S. Friendswood
Drive, Friendswood, Texas. The following members were present:
Bob Bertrand
David Brakebill
Kevin Holland
Mark Van Riper
Sherry Weesner
Diana Steelquist-Staff Planner
Cheri Skelton-Development Coordinator
With a quorum present, Commissioner Gibson and Klusendorf absent, Chairman Holland called
the meeting to order to discuss the following:
1.Call to order
2.Communications from the public.
Mr. Trump wanted to speak with regards to the rezoning of 206 E. Shadowbend.
Chairman Holland stated to Mr. Trump that was not possible at this time due to the fact
the item is on the agenda for consideration.
3.Consent Agenda:
a.Approval of the 5-19-05 special meeting minutes.
b.Approval of the 5-19-05 regular meeting minutes.
c.Approval of the 6-2-05 regular meeting minutes.
d.Approval of the 6-6-05 special meeting minutes.
Bertrand-to approve consent agenda
Commissioner Weesner requested Items "A, B, & C" be removed for discussion.
The Commission then voted on Item "D" of the consent agenda.
Voted For: Unanimous Motion Carried
Commissioner Weesner stated item 3 of the 5-19-05 special meeting minutes should be
corrected. The last sentence of the first paragraph should read:
"Commissioner Weesner will add a statement addressing balanced development
within the city in her comments."
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Commissioner Weesner then stated item 8 of the 5-19-05 regular meeting minutes should
be corrected also. The first sentence of the first paragraph should read:
" Commissioner Weesner stated she provided the Commission and Staff with
news articles regarding a golf course/green space issues in Clear Lake, low impact
development /stormwater runoff, and a report from a Commission in Washington
State which she believed was a good example of the type of report she would like
to see used with the Commission."
Commissioner Weesner then added item 5 on the 6-2-05 regular meeting minutes gave
the impression she was in attendance of that meeting when she was not. She had made a
motion at a previous meeting that carried over into the 6-2-05 meeting. She stated she
felt the Motion should be as followed:
"Motion from previous meeting: Weesner-to approve with sidewalks on
Commissioner Brakebill then stated on item 4 of the same meeting minutes he was
recused from the vote yet his name is mentioned in the "Vote For" and should be
Voted For:
Bertrand-to approve items with changes.
Unanimous Motion Carried
4.Consideration and possible action regarding the Preliminary Plat of Uptown Place
located at the corner ofFM2351 and Woodland Trails.
Voted For:
Bertrand-to approve with Staff comments
Van Riper
Unanimous Motion Carried
5.Consideration and possible action regarding the zone change request for property
located at 206 E. Shadowbend from Multi-Family Residential-Medium (MFR-M) to
Multi-Family Residential-Low (MFR-L).
Bertrand-to approve
Commissioner Bertrand stated that the 6-6-05 special meeting minutes captured the
concerns of the public who spoke in opposition of this rezoning. He stated he recognized
those comments made but he also recognized as the current zoning the developer could
build at a higher density than what the zone they are requesting. Commissioner Brakebill
stated he felt it was important to realize this property has been vacant and zoned at MFR
M for 28 years. The Commission recognized that this request would decrease the density
allowed and would result in a development which would be closer in nature to the
surrounding Single Family residences.
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Voted For: Unanimous Motion Carried
6.Consideration and possible action regarding the zone change request for property
located at Reserve B of the Park 518 Subdivision located on FM518 near FM528 from
Neighborhood Commercial (NC) to Community Shopping Center (CSC).
Bertrand-to approve
Commissioner Bertrand stated the 6-6-05 special meeting minutes captured comments
made at the public hearing. He then stated he hopes that Staff has made the applicant
aware of the Entryway Overlay requirements with regards to bay doors even though
zoning is being discussed and not the Site Plan.
Voted For: Unanimous
7.Communications from the Commission.
Motion Carried
Commissioner Bertrand repo_rted the Tree Preservation Ordinance Super-Sub Committee
met. The heritage tree draft document was presented at that meeting. He then stated a
workshop with City Council would be held at 4:30 p.m. on June 20, 2005.
Commissioner Weesner stated she would need to trade liaison meetings with someone for
the last of August.
a.Council Liaison
No report was given at this time.
Staff reported there would be a workshop with City Council at 4:30 on June 20, 2005,
regarding the Tree Preservation Ordinance and a joint public hearing at 7:00 p.m. on the
same. In addition a workshop with the Main Street Steering Committee will be on June
22, 2005, at 6:00 p.m. and when that meeting ends the Comprehensive Plan will be
discussed for a half hour. Staff also announced a joint public hearing would be held on
July 25, 2005.
With no further action the meeting was adjourned at 7:24 p.m.
Development Coordinator
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