HomeMy WebLinkAboutP&Z Minutes 2005-07-07 RegularMinutes of a Regular Meeting of the Friendswood Planning and Zoning Commission July 7, 2005 A regular meeting of the Friendswood Planning and Zoning Commission was held Thursday, July 7, 2005 at 7:00 p.m. in the city hall council chambers located at 910 S. Friendswood Drive, Friendswood, Texas. The following members were present: Bob Be1irand David Brakebill Jim Gibson Kevin Holland Roy Klusendorf Mark Van Riper Sheny Weesner David Smith-Council Liaison John Olson-City Attorney Dan Johnson-Deputy Director of C.D. Diana Steelquist-Staff Planner Cheri Skelton-Development Coordinator With a quorum present, Chairman Holland called the meeting to order to discuss the following: REGULAR SESSION 1.Call to order 2.Communications from the public. No one spoke from the public at this time. 3.Consent Agenda: a.Approval of the 6-16-05 special meeting minutes. b.Approval of the 6-16-05 regular meeting minutes. c.Approval of the 6-20-05 special meeting minutes. d.Approval of the 6-22-05 special meeting minutes. Motion: Second: Voted For: Weesner-to approve consent agenda Gibson Unanimous Motion Carried 4.Consideration and possible action regarding the Commercial Site Plan for South Friendswood Plaza located on FM 528 behind HEB Grocery. Motion: Second: Voted For: Weesner-approve with Staff comments Brakebill Unanimous Page 1 of 4 7/7/05 P & Z Motion Carried 5.Consideration and possible action regarding the zone change request for property located at 1501 Winding Way from Single Family Residential (SFR) to Office Park District (OPD). Commissioner Gibson recused himself from the agenda item discussion. Motion: Second: Brakebill-to approve Bertrand Each Commissioner explained reasons why the rezoning should be denied. The Commission felt the Single Family Residential use was an acceptable use for the property. Comments for the denial of the rezoning included the aesthetic value should not be touched, the residential property balances out the area and it appears the break between commercial and residential on Winding Way is at the private street entrance into the retirement center. One Commissioner stated he is against the rezoning but believes in the future it may become commercial. For now he felt the neighbors needed time to plan for that eventual change in use. In addition to the comments made, Commissioner Brakebill pointed out his concern with having Council members give direction to citizens on how one should proceed with dealing with zone changes. Council Liaison Smith stated to Commissioner Brakebill he understood his concern; however, the intent was to provide an understanding of the rezoning process. Commissioner Gibson recused Voted For: None Voted Against: Bertrand, Brakebill, Holland, Klusendorf, Van Riper, Weesner Motion Failed 6.Consideration and possible action regarding amending the Zoning Ordinance of the City of Friendswood Appendix C Section 8 regarding Tree Preservation, Tree Surveys and Landscaping requirements. Motion: Second: Bertrand-to approve Weesner Commissioner Bertrand stated that Staff was working through some small items regarding the Tree Preservation Ordinance and he felt this item should be tabled. Amended Motion: Second: Voted For: Bertrand-to table Weesner Unanimous Page 2 of 4 7/7/05 P & Z Motion to Table Carried [ [ 7.Discussion and possible action regarding height restrictions for Community Shopping Center (CSC), Original Business District (OBD) and Neighborhood Commercial (NC). The Commission discussed this item and decided NC should still contain a height restriction. The City Attorney was asked to provide a draft ordinance for the Commission to review before making a recommendation to City Council. The Commission also requested the City Attorney provide in the proposed ordinance language stipulating that over a certain height (undetermined at this time, 50-feet was given as an example) a Specific Use Permit (SUP) would be required. The City Attorney stated he could provide a proposed ordinance at the next meeting. 8.Communications from the Commission. Commissioner Brakebill stated he had attended the Main Street meeting. Commissioner Gibson announced he would be on vacation in July. In addition Commissioner Gibson stated he would like to see the Main Street Committee consider limiting the zone changes to a 2 or 3 block area at this time and leave FM 518 under the overlay districts. Commissioner Van Riper stated he attended the Community Appearance Board meeting and he is pleased to know all the dedication on that committee. Commissioner Bertrand announced the last week of July he would be unavailable to attend any meetings. Commissioner Bertrand commented to Staff, he would like to see financial information added to the rezoning reports, such as value of prope1ty, etc. Chairman Holland stated he attended the Galveston County Consolidated Drainage District meeting and it was very lengthy. 9.Reports. a.Council Liaison Council Liaison Smith expressed City Council and Mayor Brizidine's appreciation for all the Planning and Zoning Commission does. He explained City Council had a retreat earlier in the day and there were six core items that came from the retreat that City Council will be working on, one of which would be the Main Street project. Council Liaison Smith expressed to the Commission that Main Street is a time sensitive issue due to the upcoming budget and it is important to get Main Street into the budget for the next year. b.Staff Staff provided the Commission with last months Development Review Committee (DRC) meeting report. Staff also reviewed the upcoming meeting schedule with the Commission. The August 1, 2005, scheduled joint public hearing was discussed since Commission Brakebill, Commissioner Van Riper, and Chairman Holland will not be able to attend. All other Commissioner Page 3 of 4 7/7/05 P & Z acknowledged they could attend the joint public hearing; therefore quorum would not be an issue on this date. 10.Adjournment. With no further action the meeting was adjourned at 7:45 p.111. C1f�Jklk Che · Skelton Development Coordinator Page 4 of 4 7/7/05 P & Z