HomeMy WebLinkAboutP&Z Minutes 2005-08-18 SpecialMinutes of a Special/Regular Meeting
of the
Friendswood Planning and Zoning Commission
August 18, 2005
A special/regular meeting of the Friendswood Planning and Zoning Commission was held
Thursday, August 18, 2005, at 6:00 p.m. in the city hall located at 910 S. Friendswood Drive,
Friendswood, Texas. The following members were present:
Kevin Holland 7:00 p.m.
David Brakebill 7:00 p.m.
Jim Gibson
Roy Klusendorf
Mark Van Riper
Loren Smith-City Attorney 7:00 p.m.
Diana Steelquist-Staff Planner
Cheri Skelton-Development Coordinator
6:00 PM-SPECIAL MEETING-2nd Floor Conference Room
1.Call to order
2.Discussion regarding the Comprehensive Plan.
Due to lack of quorum, no special meeting was held.
7:00 PM-REGULAR SESSION -City Council Chambers
1.Call to Order
With a quorum present, Commissioners Weesner and Bertrand absent, Chairman
Holland called the regular meeting to order to discuss the following:
2.Conununication from the Public
Harold Benson, 306 West Edgewood, addres_sed the Commission. Mr. Benson asked for
direction from the Commission regarding his zone change request and if he should
proceed with it since office limitations were being discussed at the next City Council
meeting. City Attorney, Loren Smith stated the Commission could vote on the
recommendation to City Council tonight and Mr. Benson can then request City Council
not to place it on the agenda.
3.Consent Agenda:
a.Approval of the 7-21-05 regular meeting minutes.
b.Approval of the 8-1-05 special meeting minutes.
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Voted For:
Gibson-to approve
Unanimous Motion Carried
3.Consideration and possible action regarding the zone change request for 306 West
Edgewood from Community Shopping Center (CSC) to Planned Unit Development
(PUD)/Specific Use Permit (SUP)-Mixed Use Commercial development.
Voted For:
Brakebill-to approve
Unanimous Motion Carried
4.Consideration and possible action regarding the zone change request for First United
Methodist Church property located at FM 518 and FM 2351, from Multi-Family
Residential-Low (MFR-L), Community Shopping Center (CSC) and Specific Use Permit
Church (SUP-Church) to Planned Unit Development (PUD) with Specific Use Permit
(SUP) -Church and Related Activities.
Voted For:
Brakebill-to approve
Unanimous Motion Carried
During discussions, Chairman Holland, asked for clarification on the height issues
associated with this project. Staff stated that a recommendation for PUD/SUP was made
to the Church to allow for a building height of greater than 35 feet. The current
ordinances do not allow structures in CSC districts to exceed that height. However,
buildings in PUD can, so long as additional set backs are in place. Staff noted that the
master site plan indicated proper set backs to allow the structure to be in excess of 35 feet
in height.
Staff also noted that although a preliminaty drainage plan had been submitted and
approved, the Church was working with the Galveston County Consolidated Drainage
District and City Engineering Staff to revise the plan. If the revisions are of significant
external impact to adjacent property owners, the Church will need to amend their site
plan through the public hearing process.
5.Discussion and possible action regarding the EOD boundaries (Blackhawk Boulevard,
Bay Area Boulevard, Brittany Bay Boulevard)
Commissioner Gibson stated he felt that at the workshop, City Council seemed in favor
of the request to add these to the Entiyway Overlay District (EOD). He recalled one City
Councilmember felt the address should dictate where open bays could be placed on
corner lots. Commissioner Gibson then stated he felt the EOD should include the above
listed streets. In addition where two intersections occur in an EOD, the address should
could dictate which direction bay openings could face.
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The consensus was to have language added to the Entryway Overlay Ordinance which
would provide some relief for lots located on a corner where two EOD streets intersect.
This would include the corners of FM 528 and FM 518, FM 2351 and FM 518,
Friendswood Lakes and FM 528, Blackhawk at Bay Area Blvd., and Blackhawk at FM
2351 and FM 528. At these intersections, the Commission reconunends that only orie
side of a corner lot be subject to the EOD restrictions. In particular with regards to the
limitation of garage bays facing the EOD.
The Commission discussed the inclusion of Whispering Pines/Friendswood Link in the
EOD. However, to avoid conflict with the Downtown Overlay District and because it
was felt that opportunities for further development along this roadway were limited, it
was not recommended for inclusion in the EOD.
The Commission believes a proactive approach needs to be taken as major roadways
develop. The EOD requirements provide for a uniform development that enhances and
preserves the physical characteristics of the City as well as enjoyment of travel along the
enttyways of our City. Identifying these areas as being in the EOD also provides some
development expectations for the Community.
Gibson-to modify EOD ordinance to include Blackhawk Boulevard, Bay
Area Boulevard, & Brittany Bay Boulevard with language regarding
corner lots.
Voted For:
Unanimous Motion Carried
6.Discussion and possible action regarding the definitions of Open Space/Green Space.
The Commission noted that the inclusion of golf courses was discussed at the Joint
Workshop with City Council and that they should be included in any definition of Open
Space. Staff noted that Open Space and Green Space were also used within the Park
Dedication ordinance and the proposed definitions were consistent with how they were
used in both the Cluster Home Ordinance and Park Dedication Ordinance. Some
discussion was held regarding the use of detention areas as Open Space. It was noted that
the current and previous Cluster Home ordinances allowed detention areas to count
towards Open Space. Commissioner Brakebill asked that copies of the new Cluster
Home Ordinance be distributed for review.
The proposed definitions read:
Open Space: A restricted reserve located within a development with limited low
impact amenities. Amenities may be passive or active. For example: green space
both natural and landscaped, detention areas, trails, lakes, pavilions, benches,
outdoor cooking facilities, and active recreational facilities such as ball and soccer
fields, golf courses, playgrounds, and the like.
Green Space: Natural undeveloped areas such as prairies, farmland, barren land,
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forests, wetlands, and lakes. Green space may also include landscaped perimeters
and green landscape reserves along thoroughfares.
Voted For:
Gibson-to recommend to Council the adoption of the definitions
Unanimous Motion Carried
7.Discussion and possible action regarding CSC to allow more Office Space.
Voted For:
Holland-to remove limitations in Community Shopping Center to allow
more Office Space.
Van Riper
Unanimous Motion Carried
8.Communications from the Commission.
Commissioner Gibson stated he would be attending the following meetings this month:
Drainage District, City Council, and Community Economic Development Committee.
He also stated the Mayor congratulated Planning and Zoning on the hot issues they have
been working on.
a.Council Liaison
No report given at this time.
Staff reported the FTP site now requires a password and user id to logon. Staff also
requested the Commission think of how to improve workshop attendance. Staff then
announced upcoming meetings. On August 23, at 6:00 p.m. there is a meeting with Main
Street and August 24, a meeting with Community Economics Development Conunittee
(CEDC). September 1, 2005, is a regular Planning and Zoning meeting and on
September 12, a Joint Public Hearing will be held.
With no further action the meeting was adjourned at 8:15 p.m.
De�elopment Coordinator
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