HomeMy WebLinkAboutP&Z Minutes 2005-11-17 Regular[ Minutes of a Regular Meeting
of the
Friendswood Planning ancl Zoning Commission
November 17, 2005
A regular meeting of the Friendswood Planning and Zoning Commission was held Thursday,
November 17, 2005, at 7:00 p.m. in the council chambers in city hall located at 910 S.
Friendswood Drive, Friendswood, Texas. The following members were present:
Bob Bertrand
David Brakebill
Jim Gibson
Kevin Holland
Roy Klusendorf
Sherry Weesner
1.Call to order
Diana Steelquist-Staff Planner
Rhonda Baker -CD Secretary
Loren Smith -City Attorney
With a quorum present, Commissioner Van Riper absent, Chairman Holland called the
meeting to order.
2.Communications from the public
Leslie Roque, 1960 Sandy Lakes Drive, with Friendswood Lakes HOA conveyed that
they had approved the addition of Largo Friendswood to their HOA.
3.Consent Agenda:
a.Approval of the 10-06-05 Regular Minutes
b.Approval of the 11-7-05 Special meeting minutes.
Because copies of the minutes had not been included in the electronic agenda packet, no action
was taken on the Consent agenda.
Tabled Items:
4.Consideration and possible action regarding revisions to the Commercial site plan of the 518-528
Retail Center, specifically the deck addition for Piccomolo's Ice Cream.
Voted For:
Bertrand-to remove from the table
Unanimous Motion Carried
Motion: Weesner-to approve with staff comments and to have staff comments
added to the general notes of site plan.
Second: Gibson
Vote For: Gibson, Klusenclorf, Brakebill
Vote Against: Holland, Weesner, and Bertrand opposed
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Motion Failed
Motion: Weesner -add to site plan a note stating no walk up window would be added at a
later date.
Vote For:
Vote against:
Gibson, Holland, Brakebill, Klusendorf, Weesner
Bertrand Motion Carried
Juan Martinez, representing the owner, addressed the Commission. No new plan was presented.
The proposal is for a wooden deck closing the rear access drive. According to Mr. Martinez,
there are other cross access agreements in place which serve this development. Staff noted this is
a one-way access going from the front to the rear of the property. Mr. Martinez stated that
concrete bollards would be placed in front of the closed driveway. Comm issioner Bertrand
commented that the placement of the bollards was even more of a safety issue because there was
less room for a car to maneuver when entering the parking lot. Commissioner Weesner asked if
two parking spaces could be removed for the deck. Staff indicated that that decision was up to
the property owner and his tenants. Parking would still meet the guidelines if two spaces were
removed. Staff clarified that no EOD requirements were being affected by the revised site plan.
Regular Items:
5.Consideration and possible action regarding Zone Classification change for a tract of land
containing 2.0195 acres, Block 1, Reserve A, Schultz Center, located in the Sarah McKissick
Survey, property located at 3500 FM 528, Harris County Texas, from Neighborhood Commercial
(NC) to Planned Unit Development (PUD) with Specific Use Permit (SUP)-Mini-Warehouses
with Caretakers Quarters.
Gibson-to approve
Motion: Weesner-to table
Second: Bertrand
Voted For: Bertrand, Holland, Gibson, Klusendorf, Weesner
Vote Against: Brakebill Motion Carried
Although he had no problem with a caretaker on the property, Commissioner Bertrand
was concerned with the use of PUD/SUP for this development. He believes the PUD
should not be used because the underlying zone of NC does not allow residential use. He
believes the zoning should be PUD-mixed use. He was concerned with the mixing of a
residential use in this area. He felt there might be set back issues in combining the
residential use within the commercial development. Also, it would be a bad precedent.
He suggested that a PUD-mixed use 'light' zone be created. Staff noted that a PUD is a
distinct zoning district. Under the General PUD, each use requires a SUP. In zoning
districts, other than PUD, where an SUP is required, the underlying zoning district
requirements apply and the SUP requirements can only be more restrictive, not less
restrictive. For example, a church being built in a Single Family Residential district
would have the SFR set backs apply. Once the district in rezoned to PUD, the underlying
zone no longer applies. Commissioner Bertrand would like more information regarding
PUDs and their uses.
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Commissioner Klusendorf was concerned about the location of the apartment and if any
hanging laundry would be visible. Staff noted that the site was still under construction
and a final had not been issued.
Commissioner Bertrand was concerned about there being limitations on the number of
residential units and the size of the caretaker's quarter. Staff suggested adding additional
language to limit the number and size of residential uses. Commissioner Weesner asked
that staff draft language with limits for the SUP and present it at the next regular meeting.
6.Consideration and possible action regarding Specific Use Permit(SUP) -Mixed Use Commercial
for property located at 107 Shadwell, Lot l, Block 1, Winding Hollow Subdivision, Galveston
County, Texas, amending Specific Use Permit, Ordinance No. 2000-38.
Voted For:
Voted For:
Voted For:
Weesner-to approve
Unanimous Motion Carried
Be1trand-to approve with a letter sent to City Council recommending that
a written agreement be put into place with regards to the shared parking
and the hours of operation for the Childcare center and that they not
conflict with City Park activities and that the agreement be completed
prior to the approval by Council of the SUP amendment.
Unanimous Motion Carried
Bertrand-to delete the generalized use categories: Arts, ente1tainment, and
recreation as well as Professional, technical services from the SUP
Unanimous Motion Carried
Ms. Nancy Wheeler, who will be purchasing the property, addressed the Commission.
Commissioner Be1trand stated his concerns with the parking issues related using City
parking. He wanted to verify that City parking use would not be limited by the
commercial use. Also that young children would be around when City facilities in the
area would be in heavy use. Ms. Wheeler addressed Commissioner Bertrand's comments
regarding hours of operation and parking. She stated the childcare facility would be for
children under two years of age. The facility will be open between 6:30 am to 6:30 pm.
Monday thru Friday. She did not anticipate their facility hours to conflict with park
activities. She also believes there will not be any parking or traffic issues related to the
business. Most parents drop off and pick up quickly.
Staff clarified that the existing parking agreement will need to be re-negotiated with the
new property owners.
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Commissioner Gibson felt the requests for Art, entertainment, and recreation were too
undefined. Some things like under this category should not be allowed. He
recommended deleting this line item. The use requests need to be more specific under
both the Arts and Entertaimnent and Professional services. · After some discussion with
Ms. Wheeler, it was determined that the existing SUP allowed the type of mixed use
conunercial they may want to have in the future. For now, the existing structure will be
renovated to allow the childcare use. The pool house will be used for the swimming
lessons, water aerobics and pool parties.
7.Consideration and possible action regarding the Commercial Site Plan of Sterling Plaza locatedoff Winding Way.
Voted For:
Weesner-to approve with staff comments
Unanimous Motion Carried
Randy Liska with n<.c and Adam Hill, addressed the Commission. Commissioner Weesner asked about the detention area and berms located around the property. Mr. Liska indicated that a portion of the detention was being provided in the parking lot and that the front of the property will be built up to have the property drain into the parking area and into the detention pond. Commissioner Bertrand asked what areas of common access are being contemplated. Mr. Liska stated that no common access was currently being contemplated although the common access note has been listed on the site plan per Staffs requirements.
8.Consideration and possible action regarding the Prelimina1y Plat of the Boone Subdivisionlocated offNarnia Way.
Voted For:
Voted For:
Weesner -to approve with Staff comments
Unanimous Motion Carried
Weesner -to approve the length of the cul-de-sac which is over 600 feet in
Unanimous Motion Carried
Mr. Paul Boone addressed the commission and stated his just wants to build one house.
Mr. Boone wanted to know if the pavement width issue had been resolved. Staff stated
that the question of whether 24 ft. or 26 ft. of pavement would be required should be
resolved with the Fire Marshal when the construction plans were reviewed.
9.Consideration and possible action regarding the Preliminary Plat of Largo Friendswood locatedoff FM 528 and adjacent to Friendswood Lakes.
Brakebill-to approve
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Voted For:
Bertrand -to table
Mr. Don Barris, developer, asked that the item be tabled.
Motion Carried
10.Discussion and possible action regarding the proposed extension of the Entryway Overlay
District along Blackhawk Blvd. north of FM 2351 within an Industrial Zoning District.
Kirk Lippert, CEDC Chairman, addressed the Commission. CEDC understands that the
recommendation is before Council, but they would like for P&Z to reconsider including this
portion of Blackhawk as it is within an industrial zone.
Commissioner Weesner noted that the Council had already voted once on the recommendation.
Staff stated that the Commission could send a memo requesting an amendment at the second
reading. Staff reported attendance at the last Community Economic Development Committee
(CEDC) meeting in which this issue had been discussed. The issue Staff heard at the CEDC
meeting and from Dan Rucker, a property owner in the area, was that Industrial Zoning was not
consistent with EOD architectural and screening requirements. Another comment heard was that
the EOD was designed for entryways and that this road would not be a major entryway into the
city. Staff Planner, Diana Steelquist, recommended taking a pro-active approach and keeping the
EOD in this area.
Commissioner Bertrand was concerned that the entire length of Blackhawk Bouldevard was not
included in the EOD. He also recalled that the presentation from Dan Rucker for the
development of his property was not for industrial use. Before he could be in support of
extending the EOD along Blackhawk, he wanted more public input. He also has a problem with
the term Entryway used in connection with Blackhawk Boulevard. He does not consider
Blackhawk or the proposed extensions as entryways. He was also concerned about the restriction
of the garage bays within the EOD.
With action scheduled for Monday, November 21st , the consensus was for CEDC address City
Council directly on Monday as this might be the most effective way to amend the ordinance. The
Commission did agree that additional discussion regarding the EOD should be held in the future.
11.Communications from the Commission.
Commissioner Weesner stated she had attended City Council and had forwarded her notes.
Commissioner Brakebill reported attending the Main Street Zoning Committee and the Drainage
District meetings. Commissioner Bertrand reported that the Tree Preservation Super Sub
committee had held their final meeting and was recommending a Heritage Tree Ordinance and a
formula to calculate an amount for tree replacement/mitigation. Chairman Holland reported
attending a Drainage District workshop on the West property.
a.Council Liaison
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Staff Planner relayed thanks from Cheri Skelton for the plant. Ms. Skelton should be
returning to work in a couple of weeks. Staff reported that Mike Hodge was now Assistant
City Manager in Pearland. Additionally, Randy Mason would be leaving his position as
Building Official. For the present time, Kaz Hamidian will be the Acting Director of Public
works and Dan Johnson will be the Acting Director of Community Development. Staff
Planner thanked Commissioners Bertrand and Holland for their work on the TPOSSC.
With no further comment, the meeting was adjourned at 9:30 p.m.
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