HomeMy WebLinkAboutP&Z Minutes 2005-12-15 Regularl
Minutes of a Regular Meeting
of the
Friendswood Planning and Zoning Commission
December 15, 2005
A regular meeting of the Friendswood Planning and Zoning Commission was held Thursday,
December 15, 2005, at 7 :00 p.m. in the council chambers in city hall located at 910 S.
Friendswood Drive, Friendswood, Texas. The following members were present:
David Brakebill
Jim Gibson
Kevin Holland
Sherry Weesner
Loren Smith-City Attorney
Diana Steelquist-Staff Planner
Cheri Skelton-Development Coordinator
With a quorum present, Commissioner Bertrand, Commissioner Klusendorf, and Commissioner
Van Riper absent, Chairman Holland called the meeting to order to discuss the following:
1.Call to order
2.Communicat ions from the public
No one from the public spoke at this time.
3.Consent Agenda:
a.Approval of the 11-03-05 Regular meeting minutes.
b.Approval of the 11-17-05 Regular meeting minutes.
c.Approval of the Final Plat of Friendswood United Methodist Church located
on FM 518 and FM 23 51.
Voted For:
Brakebill-to approve consent agenda
Unanimous Motion Carried
4.Consideration and possible action regarding the Final Plat of Northfield Estates
Subdivision located on Melody Lane abutting the Forest of Friendswood Subdivision.
Gibson-approve with Staff comments
Commissioner Weesner stated that Final Plats should not be before Planning and Zoning
with comments. Final Plats should not have comments to address and should be placed
on the consent agenda.
Staff stated that the project missed the agenda deadline at the Galveston County
Consolidated Drainage District and that is why the Final Plat was placed on the agenda
with comments.
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Randy Liska stated that he felt that the outstanding comments were addressed with a re
submitted set of plans at the Galveston County Consolidated Drainage District.
Voted For: Unanimous Motion Carried
5.Consideration and possible action regarding sidewalks along Bay Area Boulevard in the
Friendswood Oaks Subdivision.
Staff gave a brief summary of why this item was placed on the agenda. Stating that Staff
had allowed a modification to the sidewalks in Friendswood Oaks and along Bay Area
Boulevard, but realized the modifications could only be approved by Planning and
Commissioner Weenser, Commissioner Gibson, and Chairman Holland stated that all the
sidewalks should be completed within the subdivision and along Bay Area Boulevard like
normally required.
Dick Duffy addressed the Commission. He stated that he has no problem with finishing
out the sidewalks but he has concerns. Those concerns are:
1.Concerned about skateboarding and the safety issue that the extension of the sidewalk
2.The ditch the sidewalk goes into stays full of water most of the time. It seems that to
place a sidewalk into a ditch that stays full of water is a waste of money if no one can
use it.
3.The distance from where the sidewalk stops currently and the distance to the property
line are approximately 350 feet. He would like to know why Autumn Creek
sidewalks were not completed to the property line when it was developed and how
should he address this to his potential homeowners when they need to go to the
shopping center on FM 528.
Mr. Duffy then stated if he was required to complete the sidewalks he would like to have
a 60-day extension to complete them without holding his project up. He stated he needed
the 60-day extension because:
1.It was the holidays and he could not get concrete until after the holidays were over.
2.Most of the people who do the concrete work go south for Clu·istmas and do not
return until after the holidays.
Commissioner Weesner stated that the extension request could not be granted by
Planning and Zoning because it was not in the Planning and Zoning Conunissions scope
of approvals. The City Attorney agreed with Commissioner Weesner stating that the
approval of the time extension request could not be made by Planning and Zoning, only
by Staff. Chairman Holland then stated that it is not the city's intent to slow down the
project, but to allow Mr. Duffy adequate time finish the sidewalks; however, this would
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only be a recommendation. Commissioner Weesner then stated that Planning and Zoning
had no grounds to make this recommendation and the City Attorney also agreed.
Voted For:
Weenser-to complete the sidewalks on Bay Area and complete the
sidewalks within the subdivision.
Unanimous Motion Carried
6.Discussion and possible action regarding the site plan requirements for gas stations and
auto repair facilities with the Entryway Overlay District (EOD) and Downtown Overlay
District (DOD).
Chairman Holland stated that there are other issues and properties to consider so that the
focus was not creating spot zoning. There are other properties that are affected in much
of the same way and should be considered.
Commissioner Brakebill agreed with Chairman Holland, stating that the entire issue
should be looked at instead of focusing just on one person.
Nick Alvery, 3698 Blackhawk, addressed the Commission. Mr. Alvery owns the Plaza at
the corner of Blackhawk and FM 528. He stated that there has been a hardship created
with his property due to the city's requirements. Mr. Alvery stated he must have a
minimum of three gas pumps on his property to sell gas with a franchise; however, he
cannot meet the requirements of the city code to finish the renovation to his prope1ty, to
include the gas pumps. It then creates a hardship for him to keep the gas station open,
because he cannot get a permit for the remaining improvements. Mr. Alvery stated that
just to get a sign permit, it took four years, and he finally got his permit thanks to Linda
Taylor. Mr. Alvery stated with the city requirements are not allowing him to improve the
property. He is also not able to get tenants for his plaza, therefore creating a hardship on
him. He then stated that if it wasn't for the other two stores he owns that he would need
to file bankruptcy. He does not understand why he is able to get permits in the other
cities where he owns gas stations, but he cannot get a permit in Friendswood, being he
has been here as long as he has. Mr. Alvery said that the property in Friendswood is
older than any others he owns. In addition, he explained that City Staff has been great in
helping him but he sees that Staff has not been given the authority to make any decisions
to help people, and they are scared to tell him what he needs to do to get approval,
because they have no authority to approve it. He asked the Commission for help with the
city code requirements in order to complete his renovations or give City Staff authority to
help him.
Voted For:
Chairman Holland-to table until other Commissioners are present.
Unanimous Motion to Table Carried
7.Discussion regarding purposes and intent of Planned Unit Developments (PUD).
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Conm1issioner Weesner stated that this item should be placed on the next meeting agenda
in order for other Commissioners to attend the meeting.
8.Communications from the Commission
Commissioner Weesner stated she attended the City Council meeting and the CEDC
meeting. She stated that CEDC is not as far along as Planning and Zoning may have
thought to make any decisions on land use for the Comprehensive Plan.
Commissioner Brakebill stated at the Main Street meetings there have been a number of
issues that have been worked tlu·ough. He stated the Staff was working on providing a
summary of the meetings to the Commissioners.
Commissioner Gibson stated the sub-committee was still working on the Vision Plan.
Chairman Holland stated he would like to discuss in January the bridge that is referred to
as "Devils Bridge" that connects Imperial Estates to FM 23 51. He stated he has a report
from TX Dot that the footing of the bridge are not bad as the city states and he feels the
bridge should be opened up for use. Staff stated that the City Engineer had stated that the
bridge should be closed. Chairman Holland then stated, but the city has a new City
Engineer who could look at it again. Commissioner Gibson stated that Chairman Holland
should speak with the Mayor or City Manager first.
a.Council Liaison
Council Liaison was not present at the meeting.
Staff stated a Joint Public Hearing will be held January 9, 2006, for a zone change
regarding property on Old Road. Staff also stated a new Zoning Manual was provided to
the Conunission which includes the Tree Ordinance. Chairman Holland asked if it
included Heritage Trees. Staff stated it did not and that Heritage Trees would not be part
of the Tree Ordinance but would be included in the City Code.
With no further action the meeting adjourned at 7:46 p.m.
a�w:lJll:k Cherj Skelton
Development Coordinator
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