HomeMy WebLinkAboutP&Z Minutes 2005-01-20 Regularf I l Minutes of a Regular Meeting of the Friendswood Planning and Zoning Commission January 20, 2005 A regular meeting of the Friendswood Planning and Zoning Commission was held Thursday, January 20, 2005 at 7:00 p.m. in the city hall council chambers located at 910 S. Friendswood Drive, Friendswood, Texas. The following members were present: Bob Bertrand David Smith-Council Liaison Loren Smith-City Attorney David Brakebill-7:07 p.m. Jim Gibson Kevin Holland Dan Johnson-Deputy Director CD Diana Steelquist-Staff Planner Roy Klusendorf Cheri Skelton-Development Coordinator Mark Van Riper Sherry Weesner With a quorum present, Chairman Holland called the meeting to order to discuss the following: 7:00 PM-REGULAR MEETING 1.Call to order 2.Communications from the public. No one spoke from the public at this time. 3.Consent Agenda: a.Approval of the 12-16-04 regular meeting minutes. b.Approval of the 1-6-05 regular meeting minutes. c.Approval of the Final Plat of Oak Creek Forest Subdivision located at the end of Crawford Street. Motion: Second: Bertrand-to approve consent agenda Gibson Item "C" remained on the consent agenda for approval. Voted For: Unanimous Motion Carried Commissioner Weesner asked Item "A" be removed from the consent agenda for discussion. Commission Klusendorf asked Item "B" be removed from the consent agenda for discussion. Page 1 of 6 1/20/05 P & Z Commissioner Weesner stated on the 12-16-05 regular meeting minutes, on page 3, item 6, the list ofreasons she stated, number 4 of that list should read: Amended Motion: Second: Voted For: 4.Neighborhood Commercial limits the amount of office use to only 60 percent of the structures. Weesner-to approve with changes Klusendorf Unanimous Motion Carried Commissioner Klusendorf stated on the 1-6-05 regular meeting minutes, on page 2, item 5 the last sentence should read: Amended Motion: Second: Voted For: "He feels that the city is not g1vmg the owner's request enough consideration based on the increase of commercial business that could result, and Staff should do what they can to help the owner with his request." Bertrand-to approve with changes Gibson Unanimous Motion Carried 4.Consideration and possible action regarding Zone Change request for property located at Friendswood Lakes Subdivision. A.Zone Classification change for 9.842 acres, :frontage on FM 528 and Friendswood Lakes Subdivision, Section One, Galveston County, Texas; From: Single Family Residential (SFR) to: Community Shopping Center (CSC). Motion: Second: Gibson-approve zone change request Bertrand Commissioner Weesner read a statement into the record. This state ment would be for all three tracts requested for rezoning. Her statement included the following: That the exis ting zoning provides a framework for decision-making for citizens, developers, city staff, and the Commission and City Council members. This information is used to make property purchases and development decisions. As representatives of citizens, it is the duty of the Commission to only make zoning changes when there are compelling or overwhelming benefits to the citizens and there is no or minimal harm to citizens who own adjacent property. Two, that there are no guarantees for rezoning and no one who represents the City or its citizens should imply property will be rezoned. without first consulting the citizens. The property was zoned SFR when purchased. Development to date had been Page 2 of 6 1/20/05 P & Z residential. The developer's comments implied that City government assured him rezoning would take place. Thirdly, Friendswood Lakes Blvd. is not cunently a major thoroughfare, even though it may be in the future. · Home buyers should have been made aware should have been made aware of the road •·s end status by naming it Brittany Bay Blvd. and notice placed on the dead end of the future connection. This street is also not part of the Entryway Overlay so the minimal architectural protections are not available to the residents. Fourth, the Comprehensive Plan does not support additional land being rezoned from residential to commercial. Even by revising the Plan to support Vision 2020, the necessary commercial acreage is already available. Finally, commercially zoned property is not always a benefit to the citizens. A significant portion of the 1900 acres cunently zoned for commercial use is under utilized or vacant. There is already plenty of commercial property available for development. Therefore she would be voting against the rezoning. Commissioner Klusendorf commented the developer had not brought forth the site plan for the two-story building adjacent to the property. He would like to see the plans for the project going forth. Staff stated the Site Plan is cunently being reviewed by the city. Staff is compiling a list of comments for the developer to address so the development is in line with the Zoning Ordinance and Design Criteria Manual. Once the developer has addressed all Staff comments the Site Plan will then be formally presented to the Commission. Chai rman Holland stated that the property fronts FM 528 and he considers that a major thoroughfare. He feels when a property fronts a major thoroughfare it is best utilized as commercial. Voted For: Bertrand, Brakebill, Gibson, Holland, Klusendorf, Van Riper Voted Against: Weesner Motion Carried B.Zone Classification change for 3.549 acres, frontage on FM 528 and on Friendswood Lakes Boulevard, being Friendswood Lakes Subdivision, Section One, Reserve "A", Galveston County, Texas; From: Single Family Residential (SFR) to: Community Shopping Center (CSC). Motion: Second: Gibson-approve zone change request Bertrand Voted For: Bertrand, Brakebill, Gibson, Holland, Klusendorf, Van Riper Voted Against: Weesner Motion Carried C.Zone Classification change for 2. 784 acres, frontage on FM 528 and on Friendswood Lakes Boulevard, Friendswood Lakes Subdivision, Section One, being a portion of Reserve "B", Galveston County, Texas; From: Single Family Residential (SFR) to Community Shopping Center (CSC). Motion: Second: Gibson-approve zone change request Bertrand Page 3 of 6 1/20/05 P & Z Voted For: Be1irand, Brakebill, Gibson, Holland, K.lusendorf, Van Riper Voted Against: Weesner Motion Carried 5.Consideration and possible action regarding amendment to the Sign Ordinance-Appendix A. Motion: Second: Voted For: Bertrand-to approve Gibson Unanimou s Motion Carried Staff explained to the Commission the second document provided at the public hearing was given for information purposes only. The document was a response to a question by City Council on what it would take to bring the city's changeable copy sign into compliance with the proposed changes to the sign ordinance. Commissioner Weesner feels the sign ordinance recommended on December 16, 2004, should be approved and recommended to City Council. She stated that Staffs recommended changes to bring the city park sign into compliance are not nec essary and even with the proposed ordinance, the city park sign would not meet requirements. She explained her concern about safety had not changed and allowing scrolling or flashing signs does not improve the city in any way. She believes signs that do that are a distraction and danger to drivers. Commissioner K.lusendorf expressed concern about some language in the sign ordinance. He is concern with the language under the changeable copy section of the Sign Ordinance. Staff stated that language was in the original si gn ordinance. Commissioner Bertrand expressed he felt the sign ordinance the way the recommendation is currently with regards to electron ic signage is too restrictive. The other con cern he stated was allowing electronic signage to be placed every 50 feet; however he understands that limiting the signage would leave people out that would want electronic si gnage and would not be fair. Amended Motion: Second: Weesner-to use the December 16, 2004, recommendation not allowing a changeable copy si gn to change more than at 45-second intervals. K.lusendorf Voted For: Brakebill, Holland, K.lusendorf, Weesner Voted Against:Be1irand, Gibson, Van Riper Motion Carried 6.Consideration and possibl e action regarding amendment to the Zoning Ordinance, Planned Unit Development-Cluster Homes. Motion: Second: Brakebill-to approve amendments Bertrand Page 4 of 6 1/20/05 P & Z ! l Discussion amongst the Commission regarding the Planned Unit Development-Cluster Home ordinance centered on detention facilities. Commissioner Weesner stated since detention ponds were a requirement when developing, she did not feel it should allowed to be counted in the total percentage of open space. Chairman Holland stated that some detention facilities were used for recreational purposes such as soccer fields. The Commission asked Mr. Hodge for a rough estimate as a percent of the acreage used for detention in a typical neighborhood. Mr. Hodge responded that it sometimes could run as high as 15-20 percent. The Commission decided that more discussion regarding the definitions of Open Space and Green Space, particularly with the inclusion of detention ponds in these definitions, needed to be held. However, these definitions can be discussed at a later date, because they are not part of the proposed ordinance. Voted For: Unanimous Motion Carried 7.Consideration and possible action regarding the Preliminary Plat of Friendswood Oaks Section Two. Motion: Second: Voted For: Bertand-to approve Preliminary Plat with conditions Gibson Unanimous Motion Carried 8.Consideration and possible action regarding the Commercial Site Plan of Pecan Plaza located at the comer of FM 2351 and Pecan. Motion: Second: Gibson-to approve Commercial Site Plan Bertrand. Commissioner Brakebill expressed concern that the same building had been built around town so many times that next time the developer comes forth with a plan he would like to see a different architectural design. Commissioner Van Riper agreed. He also expressed concern regarding the mature trees and how the city allowed them to be removed from the site. Voted For: Unanimous 9.Communications from the Commission Motion Carried Commissioner Bertrand state he was pleased to report the Tree Preservation Ordinance meeting was held and a draft of the ordinance was reviewed at the meeting. It was determined another meeting will be held to implement the changes. At that time he hopes the committee will be handing out the draft of the ordinance. Commissioner Bertrand also commended the people on the Tree Preservation Ordinance committee because it had been a long process. He also repo1ted due to illness he did not attend the city council meetings in January. Commissioner Gibson stated he attended the Main Street meeting and there are particular zoning issues that need to be addressed. He stated that topic is something that could be added as a retreat item. Commissioner K.lusendorf repo1ted he Page 5 of 6 1/20/05 P & Z attended the Galveston County Drainage District (GCCDD) meeting. At that meeting the Walgreen's at the comer of FM 2351 and FM 518 and Friendswood Lakes Office Building was discussed. The GCCDD also discussed the reduction of detention ponds and looking for possible ways to use more surface runoff. Commissioner Klusendorf also reported that he attended the City Council meetings where 15 goals for the city were adopted. Commissioner Brakebill stated he also attended a GCCDD meeting. At that meeting the discussion took place with regards excavating 250,000 cubic yards of soil from Imperial Estates. Best case this project would have lowered the 100-year flood. Commissioner Brakebill believes this project will not happen, but he found it interesting. There were also adoptions of several ordinances. Chairman Holland requested that the Commission start thinking about goals for the upcoming retreat. 10.Reports a.Council Liaison No report was given at this time. b.Staff Staff reported City Council adopted 15 goals set fo1th from Vision 2020. Staff also !'{!ported a revised Design Criteria Manual has been adopted. Staff also reminded the Commission about the upcoming retreat planned for February 15, 2005. Commissioner Brakebill stated he would not be able to attend the retreat due to prior commitments. Staff announced a workshop with City Council will be held on February 7, 2005, and there will possibly be a Joint Public Hearing on February 21, 2005. In addition, Staff commended all the efforts made on the Tree Preservation Ordinance. Staff feels that the draft of the Tree Preservation Ordinance is a good draft and is proud to be moving forward with it. 11.Adjournment With no further comment the meeting was adjourned at 7:58 p.m. u Development Coordinator Page 6 of 6 1/20/05 P & Z