HomeMy WebLinkAboutP&Z Minutes 2005-02-03 SpecialI Minutes of a Special/Regular Meeting of the Friendswood Planning and Zoning Commission February 3, 2005 A special/regular meeting of the Friendswood Planning and Zoning Commission was held Thursday, February 3, 2005 at 6:00 p.m. in the city hall council chambers located at 910 S. Friendswo od Drive, Friendswood, Texas. The following members were present: David Smith-Council Liaison Loren Smith-City Attorney Bob Bertrand David Brakebill Jim Gibson Sherry Weesner Dan Johnson-Deputy Director CD Diana Steelquist-Staff Planner Cheri Skelton-Development Coordinator 6:00 PM-WORKSESSION 1.Call to Order 2.Discussion regarding the definitions of open space and green space. No work session took place due to a lack of quorum. 7:00 PM-REGULAR MEETING With a quorum present, Chairman Holland, Commissioner Klusendorf, and Commissioner Van Riper absent, Vice -Chairman Gibson called the meeting to order to discuss the following: 3.Communications from the public. The Commission was presented with a letter from a citizen regarding development within the Sun Meadow Subdivision. 4.Consent Agenda: a.Approval of the 1-17-05 special meeting minutes. Motion: Second: Voted For: Bertrand-to approve consent agenda. Brakebill Unanimous Motion Carried 5.Consideration and possible action regarding the revision of the Parks section of the Comprehensive Plan. Page 1 of 4 2-3-05 P & Z Motion: Second: Brakebill-to approve Bertrand Staff presented the Parks section of the Comprehensive Plan to the Commission. Staff explained that this portion of the plan had been updated with CUITent statistical data such as population, and income. The plan has also been revised with regards to the number of Neighborhood Parks. The previous plan had indicated 8 to 10 Neighb orhood Parks. The current park plan now calls for the creation of 3 new sub-regional parks. Staff also informed the Commission an inventory of park features still must be updated. Commissioner Weesner stated that she felt there is not enough information provided to discuss this or approve this item at this time. Commissioner Brakebill agreed and stated he had not had a chance to review what he was given. Commissioner Bertrand stated he noticed when parks were counted in Friendswood, the count also included school sites. He feels school sites should not be included in the calculation of area parks. Amended Motion: Second: Voted For: Bertrand-to table item Weesner Unanimous Motion to Table Carried 6.Discussion and possible action regarding the definitions of open space and green space. (30 minutes) Vice-Chairman Gibson stated he felt that since no quorum was present to have a work session over this item it should be tabled. Motion: Second: Voted For: Bertrand-to table item Weesner Unanimous Motion to Table Carried 7.Discussion and possible action regarding amendments to the Entryway Overlay District to include Friendswood Lakes Boulevard (i.e. Brittany Bay Boulevard), Blackhawk, and Whispering Pines (a.k.a. Friendswood Link Road). Motion: Second: Weesner-to discuss item Brakebill Staff explained to the Commission that Friendswood Lakes Boulevard, Blackhawk, and Whispering Pines are currently prut of the Major Thoroughfru·e Plan. Staff would like to gather input from the Commission in order to move forwru·d to City Council requesting these roadways be added to the Entryway Overlay District Ordinance. Commissioner Weesner stated the Commission should be proactive in creating Entryway Overlay Districts (EOD). The reason for the EOD and their restrictions Page 2 of 4 2-3-05 P & Z l is to provide a pleasing entrance into the city. She feels that there is a need to look at the Major Thoroughfare Plan and proceed with identifying the streets that are going to be those entrances. Then place those streets identified as city entrances into the EOD. She understands that the streets may not be finished yet; however, we know that they will probably exist. She also feels by placing these streets into the EOD it creates stability, obvio usness to what is intended to happen, and is a proactive approach by creating the kind of visual entrances desired into the city. Commissioner Brak ebill feels the concept is good and should be discussed. Commissioner Bertrand stated that when EOD was created the purpose at that time was to provide a sense of appeara nce/look for people coming into the city. A sense of arrival is also another purpose. Many meetings took place at that time with significant input from the public. Commissioner Bertrand expressed he fully supports the EOD; however, is very disappointed with how the EOD has turned out. He explained that is not because the businesses coming in have not meet the requirements but because non-conforming lots within the city limits are not being encouraged to come up to conformance. In addition, areas outside the city limits that are not required to follow the rules of the EOD. He expressed he is very interested in the Friendswood Link (Whispering Pines) road. Commissioner Bertrand strongly recommends there be a concerted effort by City Council and members of the community to get people involved and create a plan on how the community wants that area to look. That look can then be used as an example on how to make established areas in the community look better. New people coming in will then follow the rules of the EOD. The areas already established can also try and get help such as grants to bring their non:conforming portion into EOD requirements. Commissioner Bertrand also stated he was concerned with Blackhawk being part of the EOD. Staff stated that Blackhawk to Beamer and Bay Area Boulevard to Blackhawk would be the only area of Blackhawk designated as part of the EOD. Commissioner Bertrand stated he is not going to be very excited about the EOD until the non-conforming lots can be addressed. Staff received a consensus from the Commission to move forward to City Council with a memo requesting amendments to the EOD. 8.Communications from the Commission. Commissioner Bertrand reported that since the last Planning and Zoning meeting, a Tree Preservation meeting has taken place. At that meeting it became apparent there is still work to be done on the draft ordinance before it can be released for review by other committees. He added the Committee is applying themselves and he feels late March or early April a draft ordinance might be available to workshop. Commissioner Brakebill stated the Community Economic Development Committee did not meet on its regular meeting date, but will have a meeting this month. Page 3 of 4 2-3-05 P & Z Commissioner Weesner stated the Community Appearance Board meeting was changed from its normal location, she was not informed of this change, and therefore she did not attend the meeting. Vice-Chairman Gibson reminded everyone of the Planning and Zoning retreat on February 15, 2005. 9.Reports. a.Council Liaison Council Liaison David Smith had nothing to report at this time. b.Staff Staff announced to the Commission a Joint Public Hearing for Mary's Creek Village is set for February 21, 2005. The Planning and Zoning retreat is scheduled for February 15, 2005, from 2:00 p.m. to 6:00 p.m. Staff also reported on the recommendations to City Council. The recommendations dealt with Cluster Homes, Friendswood Lakes zone change request, and the amendments to the Sign Ordinance. Staff advised the Commission an additional recommendation from Staff was made with regards to the Sign Ordinance and chang eable copy signs. The recommendation made by Staff was to place a zero time limit for changeable copy signs. Vice-Chairman Gibson stated there is a strong consensus amongst the Planning and Zoning Commission for a 45 second time delay with regards to the changeable copy signs. Commissioner Be1trand also requested the Staff director of Parks r�view and gives his written approval on the Parks section of the Comprehensive Plan. 10.Adjournment. With no further comment the meeting was adjourned at 7:37 p.m. (!�Vt,' JluLl,'rlA i Skelton Development Coordinator Page 4 of 4 2-3-05 P & Z