HomeMy WebLinkAboutP&Z Minutes 2005-02-17 Regular[. Minutes of a Regular Meeting of the Friendswood Planning and Zoning Commission February 17, 2005 A regular meeting of the Friendswood Planning and Zoning Commission was held Thursday, February 17, 2005 at 7:00 p.m. in the city hall council chambers located at 910 S. Friendswood Drive, Friendswood, Texas. The following members were present: Bob Bertrand David Brakebill Jim Gibson Kevin Holland Roy Klusendorf Mark Van Riper Sherry Weesner Loren Smith-City Attorney Diana Steelquist-Staff Planner Cheri Skelton-Development Coordinator With a quorum present, Chairman Holland called the meeting to order to discuss the following: 7:00 PM-REGULAR MEETING 1.Communications from the public. No one spoke from the public at this time. 2.Consent Agenda: a.Approval of the 1-20-05 regular meeting minutes. b.Approval of the 2-3-05 regular meeting minutes. c.Approval of the Final Plat of South Friendswood Plaza located behind HEB grocery on FM 528. Motion: Second: Brakebill-approve consent agenda Weesner Removing Items "A" and "B" from the consent agenda the Commission voted on Item "C". Voted For: Amended Motion: Second: Unanimous Motion Carried Weesner-remove Items "A" and "B" from the consent agenda and change with amendments. Bertrand Page 1 of 6 2-17-05 P & Z Voted For: Unanimous Motion Carried Commissioner Weesner sta ted on Item "A", page 3, item 4, the second sentence should read: Thirdly, Friendswood Lakes Blvd. is not currently a major thoroughfare, even though it may be in the future. Still on page three same item, the eighth sentence down, Commissioner Weesner stated that sentence should read: A significant portion of the 1900 acres cutTently zoned for commercial use is under utilized or vacant. Commissioner Weesner stated on page 5, item 6, after the sentence from Chairman Holland regarding soccer fields a sentence should be added stating: The Commission asked Mr. Hodge for a rough estimate as a percent of the acreage used for detention in a typical neighborhood. Mr. Hodge responded that it sometimes could run as high as 15-20 percent. Commissioner Bertrand stated that on Item "A", page 6, the fifth sentence should read: Best case, this project would have lowered the 100-year flood. Item "A" with amended changes was then voted upon. Voted For: Unanimous Motion Carried Item "B" the 2-3-05 regular meeting minutes were then discussed. Commissioner Weesner st ated that on page 3, item 7, the third sentence should read: She understands that the streets may not be finished yet; however, we know that they probably will exist. Commissioner Brakebill stated that on the same page and item number the fifth sentence should read: Commissioner Brakebill feels the concept is good and should be discussed. Commissioner Bertrand stated that on the same page and item number the thirteenth sentence should read: Commissioner Bertrand strongly recommends there be a concerted effort by City Council and members of the community to get people involved and create a plan on how the community wants that area to look. Page 2 of 6 2-17-05 P & Z l Item "B" with the amended changes was then voted upon. Voted For: Unanimous Motion Carried Tabled Items: 3.Consideration and possible action regarding the revision of the Parks section of the Comprehensive Plan. (30 minutes) Motion: Second: Voted For: Weesner-remove from the table for discussion. Bertrand Unanimous Motion Carried Commis sioner Weesner stated she felt this item should be removed from further discussion. Motion: Second: Voted For: Bertrand-remove item from further consideration on the agenda. Weesner Unanimous Motion Carried 4.Discussion and possible action regarding the definitions of open space and green space. (15 minutes) Motion: Second: Voted For: Bertrand-to remove from the table Gibson Unanimous Motion Carried Commissioner Bertrand asked that his comments be placed into record. Commissioner Bertrand stated: Golf courses can be considered appropriate recreational uses in open spaces. In the past Planning and Zoning is on record of saying that golf courses can be used as open space .. Commissioner Bertrand also listed a few items he felt were important when discussing open space and green space. They were: 1.The definitions for open space and green space should be part of the City's ordinance and not just in resolution form or in the Design Criteria Manual. 2.Allowing open space to become green space, but green space not b�coming open space. Any changes to that concept would require at least two-thirds vote among Planning and Zoning and City Council. In addition, this should only be con sidered if the land is in excess of 110 percent of allotted park space. Page 3 of 6 2-17-05 P & Z 3.Green space must be permitted to allow man to do such things that are protective of it. So man-made aspect in support of preservation or conservation are to be permitted in Green space. Commissioner Brakebill felt revisiting the golf course issue was needed particularly regarding the Cluster-Home Ordinance and allowing the golf course to be considered as part of the open space requirements. Commissioner Weesner stated she did not think a golf course was a great idea for open space; however, she is not fundamentally opposed to it in the appropriate circumstances. She does feel that the Planning and Zoning's position should be just because it is not listed doesn't mean it is not green space. In the definitions, the explanation should list the types of things that are considered green space or open space. Commissioner Weesner also expressed a concern regarding detention ponds; they should not be considered as prut of the open space calculation because detention ponds are required already. She felt that the citizens of the city do not get the value of the concessions given for green space when detention is to be included as part of the open space/green space calculations. Commissioner Weesner stated she would like it if a detention pond is listed as green space then it must be required to serve another purpose also. Commissioner Brakebill is also concerned with using detention ponds to meet the open space requi rements when considering the Cluster Home Ordinance. Commissioner Gibson stated he felt detention is open space but whether or not is qualifies for Cluster Home open space should be handled in the Cluster Home Ordinance verses the definitions. Commissioner Weesner stated she did not feel it could be handled that way because the cluster home ordinance had just been forwru·ded to City Council and Planning and Zoning had ag reed to put the green space/open space definitions in the ordinance. Motion: Be1trand-to approve the City of Friendswood's definition of open space and green space and make the definitions become part of the zoning ordinance. Second: Gibson Voted For: Bertrand, Gibson, Holland, Klusendorf, Van Riper Voted Against:Brakebill, Weesner Motion Carried Regular Items: 5.Consideration and possible action regru·ding an extension of the approval for the Commercial Site Plan of Shear Pleasure. Motion: Second: Bertrand-to approve extension request Gibson Daniel Gage, 906 West Gayhill Drive addressed the Commission. Mr. Gage is requesting an extension on a previously approved Site Plan. He explained to the Commission personal circumstances had delayed the project to this point. His builder had brought it to Page 4 of 6 2-17-0SP&Z [ I I his attention the one-year constrnction period was about to expire and he should request and extension. Voted For: Unanimous Motion Carried 6.Consideration and possible action regarding the Commercial Site Plan for Friendswood Office Building located at 1623 Friendswood Lakes Boulevard. Chairman Holland announced the applicant had requested this item to be removed from tonight's agenda. 7.Communications from the Commission. Chairman Holland announced the liaison rotation schedule is available on the city's ftp site. He also announced the three goals for 2005 that were established at the retreat. In addition, he thanked the Staff and Council Liaison for the retreat. Commissioner Brakebill was not able to attend the Community Economic Development Committee (CEDC) meetings liaison so Chairman Holland reported on the meeting. Chairman Holland reported that the CEDC would be electing a new Chairman shortly. Commissioner Gibson stated the Main Street Committee is reviewing the city's zoning and what possible changes need to be made in order to develop Main Street. He stated Staff is putting together a proposal for the committees review. Commissioner Bertrand reported the Tree Preservation Committee is making progress. He also stated he felt the retreat was beneficial but feels strongly about City Council supplying Planning and Zoning with a resolution listing the goals of the Comprehensive Plan. He suggested that Planning and Zoning wait for those goals until the Comprehensive Plan is worked on. Commissioner Weesner stated she felt a great deal was accomplished at the retreat. She commented the minutes were excellent and the details capturing the meeting are what she has been looking for. Commissioner Weesner asked Staff to send a copy to the Commission of what City Council has done regarding the 15 goals of Vision 2020. She also stated she would be sending Staff a list of specific questions that have not been answered for her as of yet. 8.Reports. a.Council Liaison No report was given at this time. b.Staff Page 5 of 6 2-17-05 P & Z Staff thanked the Commission for attending the retreat. Staff announced the Joint Public Hearing scheduled for 2-21-05 has been rescheduled for 3-7-05. Also, Chairman Holland is presenting his annual report to City Council on 2-21-05. Staff requested the all the Planning and Zoning Commissioners sign up on group builder in order to receive agendas from other Committees and Boards. 9.Adjournment. With no further comment the meeting was adjourned at 7:53 p.m. \W ,,, Jhjk,, Ch ·i Skelton Development Coordinator Page 6 of 6 2-17-05 P & Z