HomeMy WebLinkAboutP&Z Minutes 2005-03-03 RegularI i l Minutes of a Regular Meeting of the Friendswood Planning and Zoning Commission March 3, 2005 A regular meeting of the Friendswood Planning and Zoning Commission was held Thursday, March 3, 2005 at 7:00 p.m. in the city hall council chambers located at 910 S. Friendswood Drive, Friendswood, Texas. The following members were present: Bob Bertrand David Brakebill Kevin Holland Roy Klusendorf Mark Van Riper Sherry Weesner Loren Smith-City Attorney Diana Steelquist-Staff Planner Cheri Skelton-Development Coordinator With a quorum present, Commissioner Gibson absent, Chairman Holland called the meeting to order to discuss the following: 7:00 PM-REGULAR MEETING 1.Communications from the public. No one spoke from the public at this time. 2.Consent Agenda: a.Approval of the 2-15-05 special meeting minutes. b.Approval of the 2-17-05 regular meeting minutes. Motion: Second: Bertrand-approve consent agenda Brakebill Amended Motion: Bertrand-remove Items "A" and "B" from the consent agenda for discussion Second: Brakebill Voted For: Unanimous Motion Carried Regarding the 2-15-05 minutes, Commissioner Bertrand felt that it was unnecessary to mention the comments by Mayor Pro-Tern Jeny Ericsson about the organizational chart of the city. Rather, he would like the following on record: Page 1 of 4 3/3/05 P & Z Amended Motion: Second: Voted For: "Councilman Ericcson made some significant statements about the city's policy and expectations of how the Planning and Zoning Commission could cany out the policy." Be1trand-approve Item "A" with discussion comments Weesner Unanimous Motion Carried Commissioner Bertrand stated, Item "B" page 4, the third paragraph first sentence should read: "Commissioner Weesner stated she did not think a golf course was a great idea for open space; however, she is not fundamentally opposed to it in the appropriate circumstances." Com missioner Weesner stated on the same paragraph, fifth sentence should read: "She felt that the citizens of the city do not get the value of the concessions given for green space when detention is to be included as part of the open space/green space calculations." Commissioner Weesner stated that the same paragraph, last sentence should read: Amended "Commissioner Weesner stated she did not feel it could be handled that way because the cluster home ordinance had just been fo1warded to City Council and Planning and Zoning had agreed to put the green space/open space definition in the ordinance." Motion: Weesner-approve with changes Second: · Brakebill Voted For: Bertand, Holland, Klusendorf, Van Riper, Weesner Voted Against:Brakebill Motion Carried 3.Consideration and possible action regarding the Commercial Site Plan for Friendswood Office Building located at 1623 Friendswood Lakes Boulevard. Motion: Second: Bertrand-approve with Staff comments. Brakebill Bruce Walck with Powers Bmwn Architects, representative for the developer, presented the Site Plan to the Commission. Commissioner Weesner expressed a concern that no trees were identified within the landscape buffer along the rod iron fence on the Site Plan. Mr. Walck stated Page 2 of 4 3/3/05 P & Z the developer felt the project was more marketable if the trees were not obstructing the view of the lake. Commissioner Klusendorf stated he felt there should not be a drive off of Garden Lakes Drive. Mr. Walck stated the driveway was designed as a second entrance mainly for emergency vehicles access. Commissioner Weesner suggested making the driveway on Friendswood Lakes Boulevard larger than currently proposed. Commissioner Klusendorf stated he would feel better if the drive on Friendswood Lakes Boulevard was expanded. Commissioner Bertrand asked if the developer would consider another location for the dumpster. Chairman Holland stated that landscaping should be provided within the buffer and the dumpster location should be relocation. He stated that he could not support the project if those issues were not addressed. Wayne Fowlkes, 515 Eleanor, addressed the Commission. Mr. Fowl kes, who is employed by the developer, stated that the issues addressed by the Commission could be resolved. Mr. Fowkles verified with the Commission the issues of concern are: 1.Driveway on Friendswood Lakes Boulevard needs to be widened. 2.Dumpster must be relocated. 3.There must be a landscape buffer and trees must be provided within it. After discussion the Commission felt it was necessary to table the item. This would allow the developer to address the concerns of the Commission and resubmit revised drawings. Amended Motion: Second: Voted For: Be1trand-to table item. Weesner Unanimous Motion to Table Carried 4.Discussion regarding Conceptual Plan of a portion of the West Ranch development located on FM 518. Jeff Anderson with Friendswood Development addressed the Commission. Mr. Anderson brought forth a Conceptual Plan for the West Ranch. He is requesting feedback from the Commission regarding this project. Mr. Anderson explained the Conceptual Plan only shows the development of the no1th patt of the West Prope1ty currently. The south po1tion will be developed at a later date. Mr. Anderson stated that the overall development density was approximately 1.62 on the no1th side of FM 518. Commissioner Weesner asked if the Entryway Overlay requirements are being met. Mr. Anderson stated they are being met, but a variance will be requested for the cul-de-sac lengths. Commissioner Weesner asked if sidewalks are being provided on FM 518. Mr. Anderson stated at this time there was no intention to Page 3 of 4 3/3/05 P & Z place sidewalks on FM 518. Commissioner Weesner thought sidewalks were required on FM 518 per the Zoning Ordinance. Staff stated sidewalk requirements for FM 518 were being investigated. Commissioner Klusendorf asked if this development would connect to Rancho Viejo. Mr. Anderson stated there was no reason this development would need to connect to Rancho Viejo. Commissioner Bertrand expressed concerns with emergency outlets in case of flooding. He is concerned the larger proposed homes are isolated. After discussion, the consensus from the Commission indicated the project should move forward through the development process. 5.Communications from the Commission. a.Rep01t from the TPO Sub-committee Commissioner Bertrand stated that action would take place on the Tree Preservation Ordinance if the work by the City Attorney has been completed. b.Rep01t from the Comprehensive Plan Sub-committee Commissioner Weesner stated the sub-committee would be meeting on March 4, 2005, to discuss a plan. 6.Reports. a.Council Liaison No rep01t was given at this time. b.Staff Staff reported working on sh01t-term measmes to allow development in Main Street that would still be in line with the Main Street goals. A Joint Public Hearing will be schedule for sometime in April with Planning and Zoning, City Council, and the Main Street Committee. Some items of discussion to consider are sidewalk requirements, building height requirements for non-residential structmes, set backs, parking lot locations, and revising the Permitted Use Table (PUT) for the Original Business District (OBD). 7.Adjournment. ,�:It�� Development Coordinator Page 4 of 4 3/3/05 P & Z