HomeMy WebLinkAboutP&Z Minutes 2003-11-20 Regular( 1 l l Minutes of a Regular Meeting of the Friendswood Planning and Zoning Commission November �0, 2003 A regular meeting of the Friendswood Planning and Zoning Commission was held Thursday, November 20, 2003 at 7:00 p.m. in the city hall council chambers located at 910 S. Friendswood Drive, Friendswood, Texas. The following members were present: Bob Bertrand David Brakebill Tom Burke Jim Gibson Kevin Holland Steve Y eretsky Loren Smith-City Attomey-7: 20 p.m. Dan Johnson-Deputy Director of C.D. Diana Steelquist-City Planner Cheri Skelton-Development Coordinator With a quorum present, Commissioner Brekke absent, Chairman Bertrand called the meeting to order to discuss the following: Call to order: Public H_earing: 1.To receive public input, either oral or written regarding the Re-plat of Fairleigh Business Addition located at 804 & 806 S. Friendswood Dr. Chuck Davis, 1600 Winding Way, Friendswood, Texas. Mr. Davis stated that the property is currently one lot and the purpose of the Re-plat is to create two lots. This will allow both lots to be available for development in the future. No one from the public spoke for or against the Re-plat of this property. Regular Meeting: 2.Communications from the Commission Commissioner Y eretsky stated that he attended the Galveston County Consolidated Drainage District (GCCDD) meeting on November 11, 2003. He announced that GCCDD had hired a new general manager, Les Rumburg. Commissioner Yeretsky also announced that GCCDD wanted to thank the City of Friendswood for. allowing one of the City's employees, Kelly Watkins, to assist them with their drainage maps. In addition, Commissioner Y eretsky stated that the next GCCDD meeting would be held December 5, 2003. Commissioner. Burke asked Commissioner Yeretsky if, at the GCCDD meeting, there was any indication that progress had been made regarding sub-regional detention. Commissioner Y eretsky stated that he did not recall anything from the meeting he attended indicating progress had been made. Page 1 of 5 11/20/03 P & Z Commissioner Burke requested that the property abutting the newly annexed land on FM 528 be brought before the Commission in the future as a discussion item. This would allow Planning & Zoning to become more familiar with the property, where the property is exactly located, and any additional details that are involved with the property. At that time, Planning & Zoning Commission can then decide· if they want to join the effort to rezone the property. Commissioner Holland stated that he could attend GCCDD meetings for another Commissioner if needed. He stated that the meetings are very informative. Commissioner Holland also stated the he attended the super-subcommittee tree ordinance meeting with Commissioners Bertrand and Burke. He feels the meetings have been very educational. Chairman Bertrand stated the he also attended the super-subcommittee tree ordinance meeting. 3.Communications from the public No one from the public spoke at this time. 4.Consent Agenda: A.Approval of the 11-06-03 regular meeting minutes. B.Approval of the Re-plat of Fairleigh Business Addition located at 804 & 806 S. Friendswood Dr. C.Approval of the Amended Plat of Friend swood Community Church located at 2821 W. Parkwood. D.Approval of the Final Plat of HIIll Addition located off Whispering Pines. Commissioner Burke asked to have items A, B, & D removed from the consent agenda for discussion. Motion: Second: Voted For: Motion: Second: Holland-to approve item "C" of the consent agenda Brakebill Unanimous Motion Carried Holland-to approve minutes-Item "A" of the consent agenda Yeretsky Commissioner Burke stated that a correction needed to be made to item #4 of the November 6, 2003, minutes the correction should reflect that staff could require a traffic study; this was only on a case-by-case basis. Commissioner Burke stated that a co1Tection was also needed on page four, fomih paragraph, of the minutes. This should read: Page 2 of 5 11/20/03 P & Z [' l . "Commissioner Burke stated that the landscaping across the front of the property should extend the full length of the property so that the landscaping would shield the parking lot, per Entryway Overlay (EOD}requirements." Commissioner Burke stated that on page 5, paragraph 2, Mr. Kagan stated the he did not intend to use eifs material but would use a material that was in compliance. Commissioner Burke also stated that on page 5, paragr aph 5, that the EOD/DOD. is being prop osed to be revised, not currently being revised. Change the verbiage to indicate that. Commissioner Burke also noted that in the Amended Motion made by Commissioner Holland on page 5, of item 4, of the November 6, 2003, minutes, the word efis is misspelled, and should be corrected. Amended Motion: Second: Voted For: Holland-to approve minutes with recommended changes. Yeretsky Unanimous ·Motion Carried Approval of the Re-plat of Fairleigh Business Addi tion-Item "B" of the Consent Agenda. Motion: Second: Brakebill-to approve Holland Commissioner Burke was concerned the signature block for the P & Z Chairman was incorrect. After realizing there were two versions of the Re-plat, it was determined that the correct signature block would be used. Voted For: Unanimous Motion Carried Approval of the Final Plat for HHH Addition-Item "D" of the Consent Agenda. Motion: Second: Gibson-to approve the Final Plat Burke Commissioner Burke asked staff about the drainage easement for the property. Staff explained that there is a detention pond at the back with an outfall along the side of the property draining into an existing manhole. Commissioner Burke then asked if there were existing sidewalks. Staff commented that sidewalks did exist. Staff stated that the sidewalks might be Page 3 of 5 11/20/03 P & Z replaced if the road is widened. Commissioner Burke asked if the subdivision ordinance required that water and sewer to be brought to the' prope1ty and what is the intent with the HHH Addition. Kathy Denton addressed the Commission. Ms. Denton with JKC & Associates, a representative for HHH Addition Final Plat. Ms. Denton stated that a sanitary manhole existed at the property lines of the subdivision; this manhole would require a service lead. The water sen,ice is located on the opposite side of the street than the subdivision. This would require the developer to bore the road to provide water to the subdivision. Commissioner Burke asked if the reason a Prelimi nary Plat was not seen by the Commission was because it was processed under the short-form Plat guidelines. Staff stated that the property was four lots or less and was processed under the short-fmm guidelines. Voted For: Unanimous Motion Carried 5.Consideration and possible action regarding the Commercial Site Plan for Sonic Restaurant located at 806 S. Friendswood Dr. (45 minute time limit) Motion: Second: Voted For: Holland-to table item Yeretsky. Unanimous Motion To Table Carried 6.Consideration and possible action regarding recomm endations from the DPS Committee regarding Commercial Site Plan approval process. (60 minute time limit) Motion: Second: Holland-to approve the recommendation Yeretsky The DPS recommendations regarding Commercial Site plans were to allow Staff level approval of commercial site plans arid to institut'e a separate site plan permit. Several of the Commissioners stated that over the last few years significant streamlining of the Commercial Site plan approval process has already taken place. Currently, Commercial Site plans are no longer approved by City Council and are only reviewed once by the Commission. Both Chairman Be11rand and Vice-chairman Burke believe the Commission adds a valuable element to the review process. Not only does it allow the Commission to identify problems with the current ordinance; it allows for improvements to be made to site plans by allowing alternative parking and landscaping configurations. Page 4 of 5 11/20/03 P & Z r I I l Additionally, the added review by the Commissioners results in identification of erroi·s not previously noted by staff. Also, having Commercial Site plans on the posted agenda allows the public limited input and knowledge about current development in the City. Amended Motion: Holland-to approve covering both item #3 and item #4 of the DPS recommendation list. Second: Yeretsky Voted For: Holland Voted Against: Bertrand, Brakebill, Burke, Gibson, and Y eretsky 7.Staff Repo1t Motion Failed A.Survey results of sidewalk installation on open ditch streets. Staff reported that a survey was conducted to confirm if any sidewalks were installed in open ditch subdivisions. The results of that survey concluded that were. not any open ditch subdivisions with sidewalks in Friendswood. A general note reflecting the installation of sidewalks is required on all plats. However, on open ditch subdivisions it is understood that no sidewalks will be installed, unless in the judgment of the Commission. Staff recommended changes to the required sidewalk note on all future plat submittals. B.Commission retreat schedule for January. Staff reported that the open date for the Commissioners' retreat could be January 5, 2004, from 4:00 p.m. to 8:00 p.m. All Commissioners in attendance stated that they could attend. 8.Adjournment. With no further comments, the regular meeting adjourned at 8:42 p.m. C�_%1ioJJ CherSkelton Development Coordinator Page 5 of 5 11/20/03 P & Z